Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1008: : I haven't done anything yet, my supernatural powers are blended, life and deat

On the starry sky arena, the stumps of limbs were broken and bloody, like hell.

And in this purgatory scene, there is a white dress standing proudly, white like snow, slender and dust-free, like a white lotus blooming awe-inspiringly in the dirt, beautiful and beautiful!

Many people saw this scene, but their hearts were chilled and their scalp numb.

After killing so many Tianjiao, he actually didn't take the slightest bit of blood, and he still looks like this sludge but not stained!

Still otherworldly!

Sometimes, everyone really feels that they are in two worlds with Madman Chu.

No matter how they catch up, they can't reach half a point.

"He still hasn't taken a step away."

In the arena, the one who survived the previous round of the monster's deity attack was either the superb arrogant or the evildoer.

The descendant of Yan Luo looked at Madman Chu with a chill in his heart.

Because the Kuangren Chu never left the place from beginning to end, their attack, like a breeze, couldn't shake the opponent at all.

On the contrary, the attack of the madman Chu was like a storm of extinction, causing them to have suffered heavy casualties.

"Okay, now the miscellaneous soldiers have almost gone, and then it will be your elites' turn."

Madman Chu said indifferently as he looked at Yan Luo's successor and others.

These people, there are people who have left their real hole cards unused, they are all waiting for an opportunity!

Waiting for other people to create a chance that they can use their hole cards to kill the Mad Chu in one blow, but unfortunately, this opportunity has not yet appeared.

As a last resort, they couldn't wait any longer.

"Everyone, go all out!"

Shaozu Jinwu said indifferently.

Then, he rose into the sky, with endless golden light blooming on his body, and his whole person was like a big day!

boom! !

A golden giant claw covering the sky and sun was suddenly grabbed out, and the Dao patterns on it were intertwined and densely covered. It was so mysterious and powerful that Madman Chu was completely locked in by an incomparably powerful force!

It is the vision, the third leg of the Golden Crow!

This is an extremely powerful vision. The stronger the Golden Crow's bloodline, the more terrifying it will be on display.

And the Golden Crow bloodline of Young Master Golden Crow has reached the level of the eighth awakening. The third leg of the Golden Crow he used is naturally unmatched.

"Hyakki Yexing!!"

The descendant of Yan Luo once again urged the practice method while raising his hand, and a hideous evil spirit rushed out of him, biting towards the Madman Chu.

"Xuanming Heishui!"

I saw Zhuan Xu's successor also shot, and the black water on his body hovered out, gradually gathering together, turning into a fist-sized water ball.

This water mass looked ordinary, but it was filled with an aura of incomparable horror, as if it contained infinite weight, and even the surrounding space was directly crushed.

"He Bojue, all rivers return to the sea!!"

There was a rush of water roaring around the **** son He Bo, and large rivers suddenly levitated out of the void.

Every river is enough to smash a continent.

"Xiang Shui Jue, over 30,000 miles!"

The goddess of Mrs. Xiang held the mysterious magic in her hand, and the graceful and luxurious fairy posture bloomed with radiant fairy brilliance. On top of her head, a drop of dew gathered and formed, and this water flow became larger and larger, and finally turned into a large area covering the sky. Lake, and in that lake, countless aquatic plants and creatures are reflected, like a world in a lake!

Xuanming Heishui, all rivers return to the sea, the power of Xiangshui!

These three water attribute powers are different, but no surprise, they are all very powerful!

And with these evildoers taking action, the goddess of Dongjun, the goddess of Dasi Ming and others no longer hide their clumsiness, and all the cards are out!

"Dugu Sword Art, a sword breaks life!!"

"Amitabha, Thousand Buddha Great Compassion Mantra!"

Chang Zhijing used the skill of the sword and demon, and emptiness urged the Buddha's image.

Behind Dongjun Shenzi, there are nine rounds of big sun steaming out, and each one is like a real star!

The Goddess of the Great Si Ming is the method of urging rebirth and death, breaking into the bodies of several extremely arrogant talents, so that their strength soars, and each urges the trump cards to play!

This woman is very capable.

She actually deceived a few extremely arrogant talents to work for her, willing to accept the method of reincarnation and death to improve her strength.

"Kill the spear, bury the gods and Buddha!!"

Shi Tianxuan let out a long whistle, and the aura on his body rose steadily, first urging the secret method, enhancing his strength, and approaching the Golden Immortal cultivation base infinitely.

Then urge the ultimate ultimate move in the Killing Spear Art.

A slaying intention that seemed to bury the gods and Buddhas of the heavens spread out, rolling demonic energy, much more powerful than Chang Zhijing!

A variety of immortal magical powers were displayed from these enchanting evildoers, the supreme Tianjiao, and the entire starry sky arena was shaken.

Devilish energy, Buddha light, demonic energy, water flow...

All kinds of energies and all kinds of gorgeous Dao patterns make every spectator hold their breath and dare not miss any moment.

"I'm afraid this will be a decisive blow."

"It's possible, these evildoers, Tianjiao has already used all the power."

"In front of Madman Chu, who would dare to have reservations."

Every evildoer is extremely rare, and their hole cards are naturally amazing.

"go with!!"

Shaozu Jinwu roared, all kinds of energy burst out instantly!

In the face of this blast of terrifying energy, Madman Chu looked calmly, "You have exhausted all your strength, but I haven't done anything yet!!"

The words fall!

An extremely terrifying fairy power spread out with him as the center!

This celestial element contains golden jade celestial splendor!

But this is not the most terrifying. The most frightening thing is that this immortal element contains a strong golden nature. This is a golden immortal level immortal element! !

The golden nature and the golden jade celestial glory complement each other, which is contained in this celestial power, incomparably terrifying!

As soon as the power of Xianyuan spread, all kinds of energies collided with it, and there was a rumbling sound, and there was a trace of cracks in the starry sky arena!

All kinds of immortal magical powers, hundreds of meters away from Madman Chu, were blocked by his unceasing, flood-like immortal yuan!

"Jinxian!! His cultivation has broken through the realm of Jinxian!!"

"Not an ordinary Golden Fairy Realm!"

"Golden Yuxianhui and the golden immortal, this power is far more terrifying than the golden immortal of the same realm!!"

A look of horror appeared in the eyes of the enchanting Tianjiao.

Before, they wanted to spy on the cultivation base of Madman Chu, but there was no result, but they knew that the other party was unfathomable!

And now, Madman Chu finally revealed his cultivation skills!

It is the golden fairy realm far above everyone present!

"One trick, UU reading is your ability to survive."

Madman Chu said indifferently.

I saw him raise his hand to urge Xian Yuan, and his body suddenly burst into the sky, shaking the stars!

"The Six Paths of Reincarnation World, the wheel of life and death in all realms!"

"Supernatural powers, fusion!"

When Madman Chu raised his hands, he was actually urging the reincarnation celestial body at the same time, the two major physical and supernatural powers of the chaos **** and demons!

Not only that, these two magical powers seem to have a wonderful resonance, and the power of life and death is matched with reincarnation, and their power suddenly increases! !

The wheel of life and death, the endless power of life and death, shatters all worlds, and spreads out with the six worlds of reincarnation, forming a terrifying torrent of power that destroys the world, seems to crush this world, and make all things and all souls. Fall into endless reincarnation! !

In a crash, the starry sky ring was exploded!

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