Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1009: : The descendants of Xuanyuan break through the Golden Immortal, Xuanyuan Jianqi conf

The wheel of life and death of all worlds, the six worlds of reincarnation, the two major physiques and supernatural powers merge, and the meaning of endless reincarnation of life and death spreads out, seeming to shatter the world and let all things fall into reincarnation!

The cycle of life and death swept out like a torrent!

In an instant, the sword energy shattered, and the Buddha's light melted. The fire of the sun shattered, and all kinds of immortal magical powers shattered like chickens and dogs in front of this force! !

Chang Zhijing bears the brunt of the emptiness and is overwhelmed by this energy.

Before they even had time to admit defeat, their bodies turned into a cloud of blood and exploded on the spot!

The ultimate arrogant, fallen!

Not only that, this mighty torrent of energy continued to roll out, and the faces of the enchanting parties changed drastically!

Mrs. Xiang, the goddess Huarong paled, and urged to resist with all her strength, but she was wiped out by the force of life and death, and immediately after Chang Zhijing and others, she also fell.

The **** son He Bo, the **** son of Dongjun, the young master of the golden crow and others urged their power to the extreme and tried their best to resist this force.

"I surrender!!"

The **** son of Dongjun and the goddess of Dasi Ming said loudly with a little horror, and they were teleported out on the spot.

"Xuanming Heishui, stop me!!"

Zhuanxu's heir roared and condensed the black water around him into a water ball, wrapped himself in it, and resisted the impact of energy.

But even so, he still felt that the immortal body fell into a big grinding disc, being continuously crushed, and might fall on the spot at any time.

Boom, boom, boom! !

The terrifying torrent of energy shook the entire starry sky arena frantically.

After the energy dissipated, the enchantments of all parties were already scattered all over the place, their auras languishing.

Mrs. Xiang, the goddess, Chang Zhijing, Xujing, etc., these slightly arrogant and enchanting evildoers, fell on the spot, with no corpses.

Those who can survive are not the super evil evildoers like Jinwu Shaozu and Shi Tianxuan, but those who have heavy defenses on their bodies, or those who surrender in time.

In short, Madman Chu's move completely defeated the evildoers! !

At this moment, the entire starry sky was deadly silent.

Everyone looked at this scene, already shocked to the scalp numb, the whole body couldn't help shaking.

At this time, they almost lost their ability to speak.

Do you want to admit defeat? !

The eyes of Zhuanxu's descendants, He Bo Shenzi and others were struggling.

The Madness of Chu was so powerful that they could not see the slightest hope of victory.

boom! !

Just when there was a mess on the starry sky arena.

From a distance, suddenly a very powerful energy burst out!

This energy soared into the sky, turning into a golden sword light in the void, and the overwhelming kendo coercion enveloped the starry sky!

Everyone looked at the sword light and was extremely surprised.

And some people are surprised.

"This sword light is so strong!!"

"That is, golden nature!!"

Some people have noticed that there is a strong golden nature in the sword light. In other words, it is a golden immortal who emits this kind of sword light!

"It's him, he succeeded!!"

Zhuan Xu's descendant seemed to have thought of something, and his face was suddenly happy.

I saw the sword light converging, and a figure rushed in the distance. As this person approached, the surging sword pressure became stronger and stronger, which made my heart palpitating!

The swords in the hands of many swordsmen were buzzing and trembling, which actually meant to surrender.

On the arena, Madman Chu narrowed his eyes slightly, "This breath is interesting. It seems that this battle still has to be played."

"Madman Chu!!"

A cold shout resounded throughout the world.

In the endless golden sword light, a man in a golden robe stepped forward with his head raised, holding a golden long sword, with sun, moon, mountains, rivers and avenue runes on the sword!

This person is the descendant of Xuanyuan, and this sword is the supreme among the swords!

boom! !

The descendant of Xuanyuan fell on the ring, his eyes were like electricity, and the overwhelming swordsmanship swept towards Madman Chu!

Madman Chu stood still, in white clothes like snow, motionless.

The body trembled, and a more terrifying immortal coercion swept out, directly suppressing the overwhelming sword.

"It's just a breakthrough in the Golden Immortal, do you dare to be so arrogant in front of me?"

Madman Chu said lightly.

"Today, you and I fight, the winner is the emperor! If I win, you have to hand over the emperor's stunning art!"

The Xuanyuan Chuan said coldly, with a fiery color in his eyes.

"I said, if you win me, I will kill myself on the spot! The Emperor's Stunning Secret Art will naturally be given to you."

"A word is settled!"

The descendant of Xuanyuan didn't say much any more, and the golden long sword in his hand suddenly cut out, a majestic sword aura that shook the stars and covered the sun and the moon!

This is Xuanyuan Jianqi! !

It was the Xuanyuan Jianqi that was cut out by Xuanyuan Sword, and it was so powerful that even the Golden Immortal would not dare to face it head-on!

"Very well, today I will use the sword of Zhou to know your Xuanyuan sword aura for a while!!"

The madman Kunwu of Chu was out of the sheath, countless runes were lit, and a sword aura was cut out abruptly!

It is the sword of Zhou, tyrannical!

The two sword auras collided, and only heard the surrounding void explode. The sky and the earth shook. The sword aura mixed with gold spread to all directions, and the starry sky was one thousand miles away! !

"In the twenty-four methods of kendo, Xuanyuan Jianqi ranks above Zhou Zhijian. How are you my opponent?"

The Xuanyuan sword in the hands of the inheritor of Xuanyuan was filled with a surge of sword pressure, and it was cut out again, and the Xuanyuan Jianqi, which was far more domineering than before, suddenly cut out from it!

"The ranking is in order, the monks have high and low, and the ranking is high. It doesn't mean that you are better than me, idiot."

The madman Kunwu sword of Chu slashed again, and a sword shadow was formed out of thin air, with a sense of boundless dominance, which immediately shocked the audience.

The sword shadow slashed down, and the sword aura and the sword aura fought, amazed the spectators around.

Especially those swordsmen were shocked again and again.

"This is the collision of the supreme kendo method, it is amazing, this is simply a kendo feast!"

"Chang Zhijing holds the Dugu Sword Art in his body, which is also a kendo combined method, but what he has learned is only the incomplete part. How can it be compared with this complete kendo method?!"

"Yes, this is the mystery that kendo and dharma confrontation should have."

"Xuanyuan and King Zhou are all Human Sovereigns, and they have created kendo-combined Taoism. Now, their descendants are fighting against each other. Is this a certain level of Human Sovereign confrontation?!"

Everyone watched the battle attentively, and didn't want to miss any details.

The swordsmen are even more so.

If they can get a little bit of insight from this kendo method, it will be of great benefit to their future practice.

"Xuanyuan Jianqi, gods and Buddhas are all ministers!!"

The legend of Xuanyuan held the Xuanyuan sword, UU reading urged Xianyuan to the extreme, with infinite sword light, imagining scenes of God and Buddha surrendering scenes.

This sword can be said to be earth-shattering, the gods and Buddhas are jealous!

And the madman of Chu held Kunwu in his hand, and between raising his hands, the sword of Zhou was used for the last time, "No way!!"

The sword shadow condensed by countless Dao patterns, obliterated countless avenues, leaving only the way of tyrants!

Sword and sword, great strokes collide!

The dazzling sword light concealed the light of billions of stars.

Countless spectators only felt an unspeakable sharp air rushing toward their faces, making them feel like they were about to be cut off.

Terrible! !

After the sword light dissipated, the two figures stood proudly, the infinite coercion, not only did not decrease, but continued to rise.

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