Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1001: : Life and death are weak, even prying is offensive, he actually wants...

On the starry sky arena.

The golden crow alien species hellbird appeared, the eerie hellfire, instantly ignited the entire starry sky arena!

And now, on the tabletop, the descendants of Xuanyuan and Prison Xiao are Golden Immortals, and the rest are more or less capable of contending with the Golden Immortals.

Adding up these people, it seems that they can really fight Madman Chu.

It's just that everyone knows that Madman Chu's combat power is by no means simple. Even if the newly arrived prison roar is very powerful, there is still a gap compared to Madman Chu.

It is not easy to fight with it.

"Prison Howler, I can help you!"

Shaozu Golden Crow said with dignified eyes, he saw the Golden Crow fire rising up into the sky, and a golden-red light wheel appeared behind him.

That is a treasure comparable to a Combination Device, and it is called the Rising Sun Wheel!

As the rising sun turns, Shaozu Golden Crow's Golden Crow fire power immediately rises to the level of a Golden Immortal.

Not only that, his flames and the hellfire of the howl are actually merging with each other, forming a fire of yin and yang that is strong to yang, and yin to soft!

"Oh, playing with fire?"

Madman Chu gave a chuckle, before raising his hand, the golden red phoenix fire shone out.

The phoenix fire distort the surrounding void.

"go with!"

The phoenix fire whizzed out, and immediately collided with the yin and yang divine fire jointly displayed by the Golden Crow Shaozu and Prison Xiao.

Two completely different flames entangled in the void, turning the entire arena into a sea of ​​flames.

In the flames, countless patterns are radiant and dazzling.

When Xuanyuan Chuan saw this, there was a cold look in his eyes, "Madman Chu, we must be here to completely pull you off the altar!!"

The movement of the Xian Yuan in his body directly urged a secret method recorded in the Huangdi Nei Jing. The improvement of his cultivation level was an instantaneous promotion to the level of the third rank of the Golden Immortal. With the Xuanyuan sword in his hand, even facing the upper third rank of the Golden Immortal at this moment , He is not without the power of a battle! !

"Help me!!"

The descendant of Xuanyuan said to the descendant of Zhuan Xu.


Zhuan Xu's descendant nodded, Xuanming black water running in his hands, it turned into a rainstorm, pouring out!

This black torrential rain was not aimed at Madman Chu, but surrounded the body of the descendant of Xuanyuan, isolating the surrounding phoenix fire for him.

In an instant, the descendant of Xuanyuan came to the descendant with the help of Xuanming Heishui, and the Xuanyuan sword in his hand was cut out again, reflecting the terrifying scene of the **** and Buddha kneeling down.

It is Xuanyuan Jianqi, gods and Buddhas are ministers! !

"It seems that you have not suffered enough!"

Madman Chu said indifferently, manipulating the Phoenix Fire with one hand to resist the Young Master of the Golden Crow, and Prison Howl joined hands.

Holding the Great Wild Halberd in one hand, it blasted out directly with a halberd. The air of killing and destruction is contained in it. The place where the halberd passes is the place where war is burning!

Not only that, this halberd also contains the qi and blood power of Madman Chu!

The golden nature of the immortal yuan, the golden nature of the flesh, these two forces burst out, directly blasting out the descendants of Xuanyuan again!

"God-killing state!!"

In the distance, Shi Tianxuan was full of devilish energy.

He urged the state of killing the gods to the extreme, and the power of killing the guns broke out, "Buried the gods!!"

With a single shot, even Jin Xian had to retreat.

"Xuanming Black Water Jue, Black Dragon Roll!!"

The descendant of Zhuan Xu urged the black water flow all over his body and turned into a ferocious black dragon to bite out.

The son of He Bo, also urged extreme moves, burned his own life, the immortal flow, turned into a rushing river and rushed away.

All the enchanting evildoers spared everything and shot again.

Madman Chu stood in the air, and then, on him, a black light flew out and turned into a black lotus.

This black lotus wrapped him in it, and on the petals, countless avenue runes flickered, and vaguely, a scene of extinction appeared!

Various forces blasted on it, and each disintegrated, not at all injuring the Mad Man Chu who was enveloped by the black lotus.

"Damn it, that is the treasure of innate origin, the black lotus that destroys the world!"

Shi Tianxuan's pupils shrank slightly.

"Shi Tianxuan, can't your Godkiller spear break the black lotus?!"

"Unbreakable, Madman Chu's cultivation base is higher than mine, and his grasp of the most precious is also higher than mine!"

Shi Tianxuan said unwillingly.

"Got a try!"

All the evildoers joined forces, and all kinds of immortal magical powers continued to explode.

And just when everyone used all kinds of hole cards to fight the Madman of Chu fiercely.

The descendant of Yan Luo secretly stepped aside, and saw a gray light flashing out of him, turning into a huge book in the air!

Above the books, there was a cloud of clouds, and countless runes flickered.

A mysterious Taoist rhyme flowed out, and even those great abilities in the starry sky showed a different color.

"That is, life and death!!"

"Unexpectedly, the descendant of Yama actually has such a treasure in his hands!"

There was a shocked expression of great power.

You know, the book of life and death is a treasure of innate origin.

There are rumors that whoever can completely control the life and death of life and death can control the life and death of all souls, even immortals can not escape, it is extremely terrible!

"No, that is not the complete life and death, but the incomplete life and death force."

There is a great power to notice that the life and death in the hands of the descendant of Yama is not complete, and the Dao pattern on it is incomplete.

But even if it is not a complete life and death, its power is extremely terrifying.

After Yan Luo Chuanren Ji was born and died, he stared at Madman Chu and took a deep breath, "The time should be ripe."

The power of life and death cannot be used at will.

The descendant of Yan Luo wanted to use life and death to deal with the madman Chu, but he was not sure because the opponent's strength was too strong.

If he can resist the weak force of life and death, isn't he busy all his life?

Therefore, he united all the evildoers to deal with the Madman Chu.

As long as the power to deal with is weakened to a certain extent, he can complete the lore with the power of life and death.

However, he didn't expect Madman Chu to be so strong, and if he didn't show his life and death, I was afraid that everyone on the scene was either killed or removed from the star monument, and missed the final chance.

"Chu Madman, try this life-and-death power of causality!"

The descendant of Yan Luo roared, and saw that he forced a drop of blood to fall on top of life and death. This life and death was actually spurred by blood!

In an instant, the blood became ink, and he wrote a name on the book of life and death, Madman Chu!

"Those who remain in the book of life and death will all be directly wiped out by the power of cause and effect. Madman Chu, disappear in this world!!"

The descendant of Yan Luo urged the secret method to wipe out the Madman Chu.

But in the next moment.

He seemed to have seen something incredible, UU reading's eyes widened suddenly, and he was hit by an unprecedented backlash, directly vomiting a large mouthful of blood, and the fairy body was almost torn apart.

"How is it possible, how is it possible?!"

"Life and death are thin, you can't erase your destiny, this, why is this?!"

When the descendant of Yan Luo just wanted to erase the fate of the Madman Chu, he only felt that he was facing some kind of great horror. The immortal body and the immortal soul were directly hit by a huge backlash, and he almost died on the spot! !

Could there be any power to cover up the fate of Madman Chu?

No, even so, there won't be such a terrifying backlash. What is going on? !

"Heir to Yan Luo, huh, really stupid. Fellow Daoist Chu's life style is an offense even to peep, he actually wants to erase it directly?!"

In the distance, Qingfeng shook his head and sneered.

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