Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1002: : Overwhelming the world's 1 madman, billions of stars as foil

The descendant of Yan Luo tried to directly erase the fate of the madman of Chu, but unexpectedly, he suffered an unprecedented backlash and almost died on the spot!

In this regard, some great people can't help being surprised.

They were not surprised that Yan Luo's succession failed.

Because as an evil evildoer at the level of Madman Chu, his fate is often covered up by means to prevent others from trying to figure it out.

But how can the cover-up and cover-up be so strongly backlashed?

With great curiosity, some people attempted to deduct the fate of the Madman Chu, but found that the fate of the other party had no traces of being concealed.

Could there be such a mistake in the line of gods and demons?

The crowds are a little surprised.

Immediately after their eyes lighted up, they thought that the power of the gods and demons would cover the indifferent fate of the Mad Chu Chu, so they did not deduct the fate of the other party.

But now it seems that the other party has not taken any measures. If they can deduce the other party's destiny, they may be able to take some targeted measures.

Thinking of this, some great abilities who are good at deduction suddenly moved.

But what happened immediately left them stunned!


A piece of nothingness! !

The fate of the Madman Chu that they have deduced is a piece of nothingness that has never been seen before! !

There is no past, no future, not even in the present!

"How can such a fate be possible?!"

There was a great power who couldn't believe it, and wanted to carry out some in-depth deductions, but immediately after that, an unspeakable terrorist force suddenly spread out of that nothingness!

Some of the mighty powers that were forcibly deduced were directly backlashed, and his face was pale.

"Then, what power is that?!"

"In that piece of nothingness, what horrible taboo exists!!!"

Everyone was confused.

They have lived for so long, and this is the first time they have encountered such an existence.

It doesn't matter if you have the power of detachment hidden in your body, your destiny is still nothing, and there is even a forbidden existence! !

Madman Chu, what is his origin? !

Some powers were silent.

Fairy world, somewhere.

As Bei Ming who is close to the great power of Hedao, he naturally noticed the change in the long river of fate just now, and knew that someone was trying to deduct the fate of Madman Chu.

The corners of his mouth curled slightly, "The fate of that kid can't even be figured out by my gods and demons, let alone you."

It's not that they don't want to take any measures against the destiny of the Mad Man Chu, but that they can't take any measures at all!

Moreover, there is no need to take any measures.

"What chaotic **** and devil body, supreme immortal body, these are not the reasons why our gods and devils value Chu boy in the same line. The most important thing is that the destiny of the other party is already detached!"

Bei Ming murmured, for this, the line of gods and demons can be described as puzzling.

On the starry sky arena.

The descendant of Yan Luo didn't know what actions the mighty people took. He looked at Madman Chu at this time as if he were looking at a monster.

For the first time he met a man of emptiness.

What secret is hidden in this guy's body? !

"Heir of Yama, what the **** are you doing!!"

Jinwu Shaozu looked at the descendant of Yan Luo and couldn't help but roar.

They only saw that the other side brought out an extremely remarkable treasure, and thought that the other side was going to kill Madman Chu.

But I didn't expect that I didn't see the lore, but saw that the descendant of Yan Luo withered first.

As the Madman of Chu, who was targeted by life and death, he noticed something and glanced at the descendant of Yan Luo, "Life and death are poor, but it is an interesting ability."

As the ghost emperor of Fengdu, he naturally knew the life and death of Yin Cao Jifu.

This is a powerful treasure of innate origin!

"It looks like you have done your best."

Madman Chu was enveloped by the exterminating black lotus, and none of the magical powers around him could hurt him.

When he raised his hand, another nine Kyushu tripods emerged, and an extremely terrifying coercion spread out. Everyone felt that the Kyushu tripod seemed to have turned into nine ancient continents.

In each piece, there is a galaxy so terrifying.

The Kyushu Ding hovered around the madman of Chu. After being gathered, it was displayed in front of the world for the first time, and endless fairy radiance permeated out of it!

Nine heavens and ten earths are all turbulent!

In the next instant, there were nine golden dragons rising from Madman Chu to the sky, then the emperor's true dragon!

The dragon roar echoed across the world, shocking people's hearts!

"Then, it's all over!"

Madman Chu focused his eyes on the **** son He Bo, and Jiuzhou Ding crushed out.

In front of this power, he didn't have any power to resist at all, and even the whole body was imprisoned.

"I think……"

Just when the **** son He Bo thought of admitting defeat and saving his life, an indifferent voice sounded, "Time and Space Sealing Technique!!"

Countless silver-white Dao patterns spread out centered on Madman Chu, and instantly sealed the entire starry sky arena!

Under the influence of this space-time force, everyone's actions have become extremely slow, and even speaking has become a bit difficult.

Madman Chu, don't give them a chance to surrender at all!

boom! !

The body of the **** son He Bo was shattered on the spot and fell directly!

And this is not over yet!

The next goal of Jiuzhou Ding is Jinwu Shaozu!

The Kyushu Ding crushed, and the Golden Crow Shaoyu gave his all, but still couldn't change the same fate as the **** son He Bo, and fell on the spot.

Immediately afterwards, the descendant of the underworld Yama!

"Do not!!!"

This descendant of Yan Luo wanted to erase the fate of the Madman Chu, but he was hit hard, and now he was unable to do anything against the Madman Chu's attack, and he fell straight away.

In a short period of time, three great evildoers fell!

It was too late to admit defeat.

This made countless spectators' scalps numb, and the Xuanyuan heirs, Shi Tianxuan, and Prison Xiao, who were in the time and space seal technique, turned pale with fright, and trembled all over.

"Give up!!"

Several evildoers took advantage of Chu Madman to kill the rest of the evildoers, barely breaking through the blockade of time and space sealing technique, and began to speak.

Several evildoers were teleported out of the ring in an instant. For the rest of his life, outside the starry sky ring, he looked at Madman Chu with unprecedented horror in his eyes.

On the starry sky arena at this time, a dead body.

And in the sea of ​​blood, there is only one white dress standing proudly, with an immortal posture!

"All lost, all lost."

"It's a complete failure, it's all a complete failure!!"

All Tianjiao, and even the mighty men in the starry sky, had extremely complicated eyes, looking at Madman Chu with fear and awe in their eyes.

All the Tianjiao in the entire starry sky arena added up, and they weren't the opponent of Chu Kuangren alone!

"A madman overwhelming the world!!"

Someone couldn't help but said with emotion, looking at Madman Chu, he seemed to have witnessed the birth of an eternal legend!

Overwhelming the world madman! !

When You Tianjiao heard this sentence, he was very uncomfortable, but he couldn't refute it.

Because this is true!

The world is so big, but no one can compete with it, even if the people of the world unite, they are not that person's opponent.

Isn't this just overwhelming the world? !

"The scenery under the sky is monopolized by this person for 90%!"

"I'm afraid I can't find a few outstanding people who can compare with him when I search the ancient and modern times.

Regardless of hatred, love, or fear towards the Madman Chu, no one can deny that the Madman Chu is now unrivaled in the past and present! !

At this moment, even the billions of stars have become a foil for the other side.

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