Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1003: : The greatest opportunity in the Starry Sky Arena, the Origin God Orb of Good Fortun

"Does anyone else want to challenge me?"

Madman Chu glanced at the monks around the starry sky and said lightly.

As far as they could see, many cultivators couldn't help but retreat, and their expressions were horrified. For fear they would be stared at by Madman Chu and challenged by name.

It just turns out that they think too much.

There has always been someone else's role in challenging the madman of Chu. Where can he challenge others?

Looking at the younger generation, no one is worth his challenge.

He is like a man standing on the top, only waiting for others to chase and challenge him, looking forward to the appearance of an opponent who can match him.

He is too lonely.

It's just that, so far, such a person has not appeared, and may not be found anymore.

at this time.

There was a shock on the star monument.

I saw the names on the monument scattered one by one.

In the end, there was only one name left by Madman Chu, and then the huge star monument was exploded in a blast! ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

This scene stunned everyone.

How is this going? !

I saw countless brilliance flowing out of the broken stone stele, and those brilliance and mysticism seemed to contain countless Dao patterns.

Just a thread gives people a mysterious feeling.

"This is the God of Good Fortune!!"

The knowledgeable Tianjiao recognized the origin of these divine lights, and couldn't help exclaiming, with an incredible color in his eyes.

The divine light of the origin of good fortune is a treasure bred by the origin of heaven and earth!

A piece of divine light can help monks to understand the origin and improve cultivation, which is very rare.

However, the divine light of the origin of good fortune that appeared in front of everyone now was hundreds of thousands, and such an arm shocked everyone.

"Oh my god, a divine light from the origin of good fortune is a rare treasure for the Golden Immortal, but there are so many here!!"

"Oh my god, this, if this is all absorbed and refined, then the realm can't directly prove Dao Da Luo?!"

"Is this the final opportunity for the Star Arena? This opportunity is too big!"

For a time, countless Tianjiao looked at the divine light of the origin of good fortune, their eyes were red, and they wished to replace the Madman Chu and take this opportunity for themselves.

However, this is impossible.

"Damn, his strength is already above everyone else. If he were to get the divine light of the origin of good fortune again, wouldn't it be enough to leave us far behind?"

"My God is too partial to him."

"It can't be compared, it can't be compared."

The Tianjiao evildoers looked at Madman Chu with extremely complicated eyes.

They couldn't wait to **** the divine light from the source of good fortune, but when they thought of the strength of Madman Chu, they were immediately persuaded.

At this time, a large number of the origin divine light of good fortune actually shrank like lightning, and then turned into a brilliant orb...the origin divine orb of good fortune!

This divine orb has the same effect as the divine light of the origin of good fortune, but it is not known how powerful it is.

This orb came to Madman Chu and blended into his forehead.

In an instant, Madman Chu felt that his insight into the origin was greatly improved. As long as he had enough opportunities, he could immediately break through to the next realm.

Even, with the **** orb of the origin of good fortune, if he can rise to the realm of Da Luo without any barriers.

The prerequisite is that there are enough resources to help him break through.

"It's a good treasure."

Madman Chu murmured, he was quite satisfied with the original divine bead of good fortune.

After finishing the starry sky arena, Madman Chu cleaned the battlefield, put away some useful things, and then took Lan Yu, Chu Hong and others and left first.

And the place to go back is naturally Ziweixing.

The current Ziweixing is quite his back garden. Wherever he is, he is the absolute master. Even if Daluo is here, he can only kneel down and sing to conquer.

Looking at his leaving back, the eyes of many enchanting evildoers were extremely complicated.

These three words, Madman Chu, will probably become a shadow of their Dao Heart, and even in front of the other party, they may not have any room to stand up!

"I don't accept it!! How could my dignified hellbird, the only Golden Crow alien for countless years, lose so badly?! This is impossible!!"

Prison Xiao was very unconvinced, looking at Madman Chu's back, forcibly pressed his fear of the opponent.

"Chu madman, wait, as a alien in the restricted area, I would never give up like this."

Prison Xiao gave a cold snort, then turned and left.

The descendants of Xuanyuan and Zhuan Xu looked at each other.

"Next, what are you going to do?"

"Hui Ren Huangzong, I have to do everything possible to continue to improve myself!"

The Legend of Xuanyuan said in a condensed voice.

The evildoers who survived this battle left each, and the huge starry sky ring quickly became deserted.

Immediately afterwards, accompanied by a blast that shook the starry sky...

Starry sky arena, broken!

So far, the biggest opportunity in the starry sky arena was taken away by Madman Chu, and everyone's nostalgia for this place was greatly reduced.

Violet Microstar.

Madman Chu returned to Luo's house.

He began to count the gains this time.

I have to say that there are indeed a lot of gains this time, and some of the treasures of the great evildoers have also surprised the madman Chu.

For example, life and death are thin!

"Xiao Ai, analyze this life and death..."


Under Xiao Ai's analysis, he knew almost the life and death information.

This life and death is thin, not a complete life and death, but incomplete.

According to legend, the complete life and death book records the information of all spirits in the immortal world and their lifespan, but this incomplete life and death book only leaves a means of attack.

That method calls for the killing of causality and destiny!

By leaving the name of the other party on the book of life and death, and then directly attacking the other's fate through the power of causality that comes with the book of life and death, and obliterating the other party.

This method is extremely tricky and difficult to defend against.


"With this thing in hand, if I see who is upset, can I write down his name and kill the other person?"

But thinking about it carefully, Madman Chu knew that this was unrealistic.

First, life and death are incomplete, not as terrible as he imagined.

Second The people who have enemies with him are mostly the arrogant evildoers of the major forces. The fate of those guys is covered by the powerful means of all parties, and it is difficult to kill by attacking fate.

Third, the more noble people are, the harder they are to kill, and the greater the power they will consume.

However, although there are many restrictions, the power of life and death is very impressive, providing him with a new attack method, and even with his understanding, he can grasp the origin of cause and effect and even the origin of destiny by understanding this life and death. It is not impossible.

If this life and death can be perfected in the future, this is also a very powerful treasure of origin.

After reading the book of life and death, the Madman Chu looked at the **** orb of the origin of good fortune.

After some research, it was discovered that this thing was condensed from 999 sources of good fortune, which is very mysterious. Not only that, this good fortune orb is also a treasure of defense. The top of the orb can not be invaded by all means. , Wan Xie is not disturbing, very powerful, it is the biggest gain of Chu Kuangren's trip.


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