Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1004: : Assigned to the task of Absolute God, arrogant to the extreme, became humble

Ziweixing, within the Luo family.

Jue Wu Shen, Wang Shentian, Chu Hong, Lan Yu, Li Fei and other people who have a close relationship with the madman of Chu gathered together.

They are still talking about the battle on the starry sky arena, and every time they mention it, there will be an extremely longing look in their eyes.

"It's a pity that I didn't witness that battle with my own eyes. It's really a great regret in my life."

Wang Shentian said with emotion.

He just left the customs a few days ago, and missed the opportunity of the starry sky arena, and also missed the wonderful battle between Madman Chu and the enchanting evildoers.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help feeling a little regretful.

"Yeah, I knew I wouldn't heal anymore. It would be nice to go and have a look."

Just as annoyed as Wang Chentian was the ice silkworm Ruxue, but Wang Chentian was in retreat, while she was recovering from her injuries and missed the battle.

"What are you talking about?"

At this moment, Madman Chu and Patriarch Luo walked in.

"The son."



"the host."

"Friend Chu Dao."

Several different titles represent different identities.

The corner of Patriarch Luo's mouth twitched. With so many names, what are you guys doing? !

Madman Chu was also a little embarrassed, this was so called, he didn't know how to respond.

Everyone looked at each other and couldn't help but smile.

The crowd gathered together and chatted about each other's current situation and future plans.

"I plan to go back to the Yaochi Holy Land."

Yuzhi smiled faintly.

Beside her, Qing Feng glanced at Chu Hong and said, "Chu Hong, if you are willing, you can come to the Phoenix Nest. You have the inheritance of the predecessors of the Phoenix Panic. I believe that the Lord Phoenix will accept you and have the help of the Phoenix Nest. It will definitely make your path of cultivation smoother in the future. As for Huang Yuyi, I am here, so you don't have to worry about it."

Qingfeng, as a Qingluan, was almost nurtured by the next Phoenix Prophet on the spot. Even if his cultivation level is not high, he still has a certain right to speak.

If she had pledged for Chu Hong, she would probably not pursue Huang Yuyi's affairs.

"I think about it," Chu Hong said.

"I killed Huang Yuyi, and it doesn't have much to do with Xiao Hong."

Madman Chu smiled faintly.

"Brother, what you said is out of the question, is there any difference between what you killed and what I killed?"

Chu Hong said with some dissatisfaction, feeling that Madman Chu's words seemed to be clearing away from her.


Madman Chu smiled, and didn't say anything anymore.

He could actually tell that Chu Hong had the idea of ​​going to the Phoenix Nest to develop. After all, the Phoenix Nest is where the Phoenix is ​​located, and various resource exercises are beneficial to her.

"By the way, Chief, what are your plans next?"

Wang Shentian asked.

"Go back to the college first."

Madman Chu smiled faintly, he basically looked down on other opportunities in the Star Arena.

He wants to go back to the academy and settle down for a while.

Practice cannot blindly seek quickness.

"Well, we plan to do the same."

Wang Shentian nodded.

Next, Madman Chu found Absolute Wushen, and wanted to speak with him alone.

"Wang, is there anything I need to explain?"

"Godless, what are your plans next?"

"I will go wherever the king goes. As for the others, I don't have any ideas yet."

The line of the acquired gods and demons has returned to the madman of Chu, so it is natural to look forward to him.

Madman Chu nodded slightly when he heard the words, "I have a task I want to give you."

"Despite the order."

Madman Chu took out a purple crown and smiled faintly: "Are you interested in becoming the Lord of Purple Stars?"

Hearing this, Juewu's expression was shocked.

"The purple star is the king's possession. I don't know what the king's words mean?"

"I want you to help me sort out the various forces on Ziweixing, let them completely surrender to me, and use it for me!"

"Wang has the crape myrtle crown in his hand, it shouldn't be difficult to do this."

"The Ziwei star is very big. I am afraid it will take a lot of time to do this, and I don't want to spend time on it."

If Elder Ruyan of the Sky Empire is here, he must know the abacus of Madman Chu.

To put it bluntly, he doesn't want to do these troublesome things, so he needs a helper so that he can be the shopkeeper.

Xuantianzong, the sky empire, he did this.

To put it nicely is called knowing people and making good use of it. To put it awkwardly is just lazy and doesn't want to work.

"Then why did you give me the crape myrtle crown?"

"There are so many forces on Ziwei Star, many of which exist in the realm of Da Luo. With this crown in hand, you can suppress them. Don't worry, I will give you the power in this crown to control the prohibition of Ziwei. From now on, you will be the master of Ziweixing."

Madman Chu said lightly, giving such a large share of rights to other people, he didn't mean to give up or be nostalgic.

It seems to him that this purple star power is like something dispensable.

"Wang, you are so relieved to give this power to me, are you afraid that I will be in trouble?" Jue Wushen smiled faintly.

"Ha, you won't."

Madman Chu said confidently.

He asked himself how much he had the patience to look at people, and there was no **** to him, and he was completely convinced.

Besides, even if the other party really has a heart of reluctance in the future, with his patience, can it not be able to suppress the other party?

The ban on crape myrtle is useful to others, but to him, it is useless.

Ziwei Shaoyu is the best example.

"Since the king is entrusted with the important task, then the godless will do his best to do this for the king!"

Absolutely no expression of a solemn expression, said solemnly.

"I will let the Feng Family, Luo Family, and the Jiuli tribe assist you. In addition, Luo Yan has a good growth potential. It will be a boost in time and can be carefully cultivated."

"I understand."


Soon after, Yuzhi and Qingfeng left Ziweixing and returned to the holy land of Yaochi.

Madman Chu took Lan Yu, Chu Hong and others also returned to the academy.

As for the people of Absolute Godless and the line of gods and demons, let him stay at Ziwei Star and sort out the forces on Ziwei Star. With Absolute Godless ability, he is not worried.

Hundreds of colleges.

Lu Zi noticed that Madman Chu had returned from the starry sky arena, with a smile on his face, he came out to greet him in person.

"I have seen Lu Zi."

Madman Chu saluted slightly.

"Haha, you don't have to be polite, the chief, you are in the Star Arena this time, it can be described as a big show, my academy also followed a lot of light."

"Lu Zi Miuzan."

Madman Chu smiled faintly, neither humble nor overbearing, looking at Lu Zi with ecstasy.

If the ordinary Tianjiao achieves such a great achievement, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com's tail could not point to where it would go, but Madman Chu was still gentle and humble.

To say that it is humility is not always true.

Because he could see that the other party really didn't take these things to heart.

Looking at it from another angle, the other party is not humble, it's that he didn't put those arrogant and enchanting evildoers in his eyes at all, it was truly superficial!

Be arrogant to the extreme and become humble?

Lu Zi shook his head and smiled, my hundreds of academies, how can He De, have such a distinguished person in charge!

He can now be sure that if the Mad Man of Chu can grow up, the Hundred Colleges will be truly prosperous and will become a more indestructible pillar than Zhang Zi!

Then, Lu Zi asked someone to make preparations to catch the wind and dust for the Jiezi who was waiting for the madman Chu to return.

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