Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1005: : In 2 years, the anomaly of quartz, the cause of the past, today is...

Hundreds of colleges.

Madman Chu is playing chess with Lu Zi.

It has been two years since he returned to the academy. During the past two years, his cultivation level did not seem to have grown much, but his aura became more and more unfathomable.

"Chief, I heard that at Renhuangzong's side recently, the descendant of Xuanyuan defeated a golden immortal with three swords. Do you know about this?"

Lu Zi smiled faintly.

"Listen to Wang Shentian and they mentioned it."

Kuangren Chu said lightly, looking at the chessboard, he seemed to be thinking about where to play next, and he didn't care about Xuanyuan Chuan's affairs.

He is now playing chess with Lu Zi, not entirely by letting Xiao Ai play for him, and occasionally he still uses his own brain.

Of course, it is normal to call Xiao Ai for help.

"The Legend of Xuanyuan is not simple, but what is even less simple is the family behind him, the Ji family. It is said that this family has a certain connection with the decline of the Emperor."

"The King Wu defeated Zhou, aren't they the surname Ji?"

Madman Chu said casually.

"Yes, you, as the emperor, will inevitably interact with them in the future."

"It's a pity that I am not King Zhou. If they want to make the emperor's downfall happen again, they will be disappointed."

"I believe you on this point. In addition, there have been actions on the magic road over the past two years. The magic road has established a nation."

Lu Zi continued.

"Oh, the kingdom established by the magic way is a bit interesting, who is the lord of the kingdom?"

Madman Chu raised his eyes, showing a little interest.

"Shi Tianxuan, the master of the Killing Spear, he established a demon kingdom to enlist the monks from all over the world. In the past two years, I heard that his cultivation has also improved a lot."

"Growth is good, otherwise it's more boring."

Like the descendants of Xuanyuan, he didn't take Shi Tianxuan too seriously.

What is the establishment of a magic country?

There is still a universe in him. Did he say anything?

"and also……"

Lu Zi played chess with Madman Chu while telling various things that were happening in the immortal world.

For example, in Xianting, which goddess and goddess was born, and where the evildoers broke into famous halls, talking about these, let the madman Chu also have a bottom.

"By the way, there is one more thing, what are you going to do about the woman who calls quartz next to you?"

Lu Zi asked suddenly.

At the first glance when he saw Quartz, Lu Zi realized that something was wrong with the other party.

After all, it's Da Luo, and his eyesight is good.

And how could Lu Zi not pay attention to such a person who had no intentions to stay by Madman Chu's side?

"'s time to solve her problem. Recently, her performance seems a little abnormal."

In the past two years when he returned to the academy, he did not give up observing the quartz, and occasionally paid attention to it.

It's just that there was nothing unusual in the beginning, but something is wrong in the last few days.


Hundreds of colleges.

Quartz walked in the academy, and the past students in the academy were all greeting her.

"Sister Shi is good."

"I have seen Senior Sister Shi."

In the face of everyone's greetings, Quartz also responded one by one.

"In other words, who is this Senior Sister Shi, everyone seems to be very enthusiastic about her."

The college students who didn't know the truth asked curiously.

"I don't know. I haven't heard of this person before in the academy, but this person is not simple. She seems to be very close to the chief."

"With the chief? That must be an amazing senior sister."

In the eyes of many academy students, those who can get close to the Madman of Chu are all remarkable people.

After all, people are divided into groups, and the chief is so good, so naturally the people who can get close to him will not be much worse.

In fact, the current strength of Quartz is indeed not weak, and it can also be regarded as one of the best in the academy.

Quartz listened to the people's words and looked at the various buildings in the college, her eyes showed a dazed look.

Are you really from the academy?

This is what Quartz is thinking about recently.

In the past, she always thought that she was a humble little transparent in the academy, because she looked forward to the Madman Chu and wanted to improve herself, so she ran to the Star Arena.

But now, things seem to be a little bit different from what I expected.

First of all, no matter how transparent I am in the academy, I should always be familiar with the academy.

However, after returning to the academy, everything she saw gave her a strange feeling. Everything in this academy was very different from what she remembered.

But she couldn't remember what the college in her memory was like.

Moreover, she didn't know a few of the people in the academy except Chu Madman.

Others seem to have no impression of her.

This is weird.

Did you go back to the academy?

Or, in other words, does your memory actually happen?

Quartz was at a loss.

She even had a deep self-doubt about her own existence. Does Quartz exist?

"Also, what is the picture that occasionally flashes in my mind?"

Quartz whispered.

During this period of time, some weird pictures always flashed in her mind inexplicably. In those pictures, there were statues of Buddha and monks.

There is also a woman in white.

The woman seemed familiar, but she didn't know who she was.


Just when Quartz was at a loss, pictures flashed in her mind again.

This time, it was the woman in white who appeared in front of her.

This woman, holding a white jade bottle of mutton fat in her hand, has a beautiful appearance and a kind of compassion, as if she is a bodhisattva who rescues suffering.

"Who are you?!"

Quartz looked at the woman in white in front of him, and asked loudly.

"Chier, I am you, and you are me."

"Nonsense, I am Quartz, a student from a hundred academies, and I don't even know you."

"Oh, the causes of the past, the fruits of today, all of this is my own responsibility, nothing more, go to the western colored glaze soil, there will be the answer you want."

The woman in white sighed softly, and then her figure gradually became illusory.

"Don't go, tell me, what is going on?!"

Quartz rushed towards the woman in white, trying to keep her.


Suddenly, she seemed to hit something.

In the next instant, her consciousness returned to the physical body, and in front of her, a handsome young man in white clothes who had stood before her, was Madman Chu.

And what he just hit was the other person.

"Chief, I'm sorry, sorry, I just lost my mind."

Quartz apologized again and again. UU reading

"It's okay."

Madman Chu smiled faintly and didn't care. He came back from Lu Zi just now and saw that Quartz looked lost in his soul, so he came to have a look.

"I also collided into the chief's arms."

"Who isn't, I don't know how it feels, it must be great."

"I really envy Senior Sister Shi."

"Oh, the chief is so gentle."

The students from the academy around saw Madman Chu, and they all stopped to watch, especially some female students, who had peach blossoms in their eyes and wished to give their arms to Madman Chu.

It's just that Madman Chu turned a blind eye to these, he was letting Xiao Ai analyze the situation of quartz.

"That Buddha-nature has grown stronger again."

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