Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1009: : 3 out of 0, the world of desire changes

In the consciousness space.

The descendant of Guanyin confronts Quartz, you come and I go with each other, and each will not give way.

Originally, with the strength of the descendant of Guanyin, dealing with a sub-personality quartz was basically a matter of grasping.

However, under the interference of the madman of Chu, the strength that the descendant of Guanyin can display is non-existent!

For a time, the two played against each other, and it turned out to be a stalemate.

However, Madman Chu was unable to intervene because he wanted to suppress the conscious power of Guanyin's descendants. He sat on the sidelines and watched. In fact, he did not need to intervene.

This is the matter of Guanyin's successor.

He, just out of interest, came to put his hand in.

"Quartz, you are my subsidiary personality. If I fall, your subsidiary personality will also die."

"But if you don't die, then I will die. Anyway, I will die. It's better to take a fight!"

Quartz said in a cold voice, without mercy.

The immortal sword in his hand was swung one after another, and various mysterious immortal magic powers were displayed one after another, blasting toward the descendant of Guanyin.


The descendant of Guanyin raised his hand to urge the Buddha's light to resist the attack of quartz.

While the two were fighting, Madman Chu noticed that the consciousness of the two people was constantly blending and colliding with each other.

This battle is not only a contest on the magical powers, but also a contest on the level of consciousness!

"Quartz, don't let me down."

Madman Chu whispered.

He naturally hoped that Quartz would win more than Guanyin Chuanren.

After all, how the other party said he had stayed with him for a few years, and she was still her own little fan.

"Xiao Ai, analyze the result of this battle."

"In the analysis, the passer of Avalokitesvara is completely awakened, the probability of quartz disappearing is 60%, and the chance of quartz swallowing the passer of Guanyin and replacing the opponent is 37%..."

"There is still a 3% chance?"

"There is also a 3% chance that it is an unknown result, such as the disappearance of two people at the same time, or the birth of a new personality."


Madman Chu watched this battle with great interest.

And in the outside world.

In the Guanyin Hall, many Buddhist monks looked at the quartz that released a large amount of Buddha light in front of them, and they were a little surprised.

"This breath is the descendant of Guanyin?!"

"Wait, there has been no news from Avalokitesvara's descendant for several years. Why does this person have the Buddha's light of Avalokitesvara?!"

"No wonder, no wonder she was able to enter the Buddhist enchantment."

The Buddhist monks and other Buddhist evildoers were very surprised.

Only Jinghui was not surprised.

When she first saw Quartz, she had already sensed the true identity of the other party, but she had not penetrated the other party.

After all, she has also heard of the incarnation of the descendant of Guanyin, and the other person's so painstakingly and lonely incarnation must have extremely important things to do.

"What is he doing?"

It was Madman Chu that surprised Jinghui.

She knew the identity of Quartz, but Madman Chu didn't seem to be surprised at all. Standing in place, his expression was extremely calm, even motionless.

Could it be that the other party had already seen the true identity of Quartz?

at this time.

The Buddha's light on the quartz began to flicker and became uncertain.

"What's going on, the descendant of Guanyin awakened and encountered an inexplicable obstacle?!"

Jinghui's face changed slightly.

She looked at Madman Chu and instinctively felt that this matter had something to do with the other party.

At this time, the Buddha's light on Quartz gradually converged, and the other party opened his eyes, glanced at the white jade Guanyin statue in front of him, and couldn't help but sigh slightly.

Madman Chu's consciousness also returned to his own body, looking at Quartz, "Unexpectedly, this will be the result."

"Guanyin descendant, welcome back."

Jinghui looked at Quartz and noticed the Buddha's light within the other party, and then heaved a sigh of relief. It seemed that the other party had already awakened.

And the quartz nodded slightly.

Then she looked at Madman Chu with complicated eyes.

Kuangren Chu also looked at her and said lightly: "Now, what should I call you, Shizi, or the descendant of Guanshiyin?!"

In the consciousness space, Quartz fought against the descendant of Guanyin, and no one had the upper hand. In the end, the two consciousnesses merged, and there was a fusion situation.

It is 3% of accidents.

The current quartz is not only the descendant of Guanyin, but also quartz.

Or is it neither, just a brand-new personality with the memories of the two? No one can say this.

"You can still call me Quartz. This is the real name of the descendant of Guanyin."

"never mind."

Madman Chu looked at Quartz, feeling a little regretful, "I am afraid I won't see my cute junior girl in the future."

"I am her, and she is me."

"But you are also a descendant of Guanyin, after all, it is not pure enough."

Madman Chu stopped paying attention.

At this time, outside the Guanyin Hall, there was a sudden rumbling noise.

Vaguely, there was a burst of lewdness in the void, shocking everyone's minds.

The entire glazed soil fell into violent turbulence.

"what happened?!"

"This force is that the world of desire has changed."

Jinghui's face changed slightly, and everyone rushed outside.

I saw the sky above the glazed soil, and there was a dark crack in the sky of the world of desire!

In that rift, an incomparably astonishing evil was revealed, and the Buddha nature of the entire glazed soil was severely affected, and it was contending with it.

The collision of Buddha's nature and evil spirits caused the entire glazed soil to fall into turmoil.

"What's the matter, how can Yujietian suddenly split?"

"In the end what happened."

"It's the Desire Realm Demon, the Desire Realm Demon has awakened, who is it that shocked the Desire Realm Demon?!"

Suddenly making such a big noise in the world of desire, there is no doubt that it is what happened to the demon in the world of desire.

The greatest possibility is the revival of the demons of the world of desire!

But the Desire World Demon has been asleep for many years, and under the enchantment of the Buddhist language, it is almost impossible to recover on its own. At most, it is only a little conscious force causing chaos.

But the situation in front of him is definitely not something that can be caused by some consciousness power.

Madman Chu saw this, but he was not very surprised, "Why don't you ask, who is missing among us?"

"Hui Zang?!"

"Impossible, Madman Chu, why do you innocently slander Hui Zang?!"

Everyone glared at Chu Madman.

Hey Jinghui, UU reading Quartz is thoughtful, after all, they have a lot of contact with Madman Chu, knowing that the other party will not aimlessly.

"Although the supernatural power of the dragon descending and the demon is profound, with the talent of the wisdom store, he should be able to cultivate to completion long ago, why would he still stay in the Arhat Hall?"

"He, do you want to act separately from us?"

Jinghui, Quartz thought to herself.

At this time, I saw pink brilliance falling in the cracks in the world of desire.

That Guanghua turned into a group of beautiful and charming women, smiling and swaying in front of the madman Chu and the enchanting Buddhist monks.

"Little monk, the ancient Buddha, how lonely, how about staying with me and having a good time?"

"Greed, anger, physical pleasure, these are the nature of human beings, so why bother to defy? It is better to obey and to be happy and at ease."

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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