Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1007: : The lure of the Desire Realm Demon, head straight to the Desire Realm Heaven

The Desire Realm suddenly changes, and the Desire Realm Demon arrives!

And this Desire Realm Demon is not in such an abominable form, on the contrary, it is actually a group of enchanting women.

These women were surrounded by Kuangren Chu and the others, and they did not attack, the fragrance was lingering, their words were soft, and they were constantly teasing everyone.

Everyone only felt that there was a kind of palpitations in their hearts.

That is not the fear of power, but the heart palpitations that are about to gush out from the desire that cannot be controlled by oneself.

"The Demon of Desire, don't want to mess up and wait for me to practice!!"

A Buddhist evildoer gave a cold cry, and then there was Buddha's light on his body, and he hit one of the enchanting women.

But the woman was actually not retreating, letting the Buddha light hit her body, and with a bang, it turned into a cloud of blue smoke and exploded, but the blue smoke did not disperse, gathered again, and turned into that woman again.

"Little monk, you have such a vicious heart."

The woman looked at the Buddhist evildoer, her eyes flowed, with a sense of pity, and she couldn't help feeling pity.

Several Buddhist monks took a deep breath, sat cross-legged on the ground, forcibly calmed their minds, and recited the Buddhist scriptures.

"Color is emptiness, and emptiness is color."

Upon seeing this, the Demon of Desire smiled happily, and laughed even more unscrupulously.

"If you really are all four empty, why don't you dare to open your eyes and look at me."

"If you look at me, I don't believe you will still have empty eyes."

"Yes, as the saying goes, it is human nature to look good and to pursue beauty. You dare not face your nature, so what else do you practice?"

Several Desire Realm demon wandered around Buddhism Enchantress and others, verbally teasing.

Some people even fell into the quagmire of the struggle between Buddha nature and desire, their eyes were red and murderous!

I saw the ring knife monk holding the ring knife in his hand, roaring out a ray of knife light, and slashing on the demon of desire world in front of him.

"Devils in the world of desire, all die to me!!"

The light of Buddha shines all over, the light of sword is sensational!

The compassionate Buddha's light is full of killing intent, tearing apart the heavenly demons in the world of desire!

But this is of no use at all. Desires are born from desires. As long as the desires of the human heart are endless, they can be said to be immortal and unaffected at all.

The light of a sword can cut the devil's form, but it can't obliterate one's own desires!

The demon was broken, but it turned out again.

"The little monk has such a big killing intent. He holds a butcher knife in his hand and has his own murderous heart. Can you also cultivate Buddha? Why not join my desire world? I have no scruples in my desire world, there is no clear rules and precepts, and there is nothing to kill People, if you join the world of desire, you don’t need to work hard to suppress your own killing nature."

The Demon of Desire Realm said in the ear of the monk, and for the monk, the other party's words were full of temptation.

Before joining Buddhism, the monk himself was an executioner with blood on his hands. One day, he couldn't help killing his wife and children.

Only then did he join Buddhism, and after years of practice, he has become the monk of today's swordsmanship.

He thought that he had already reformed.

But now I realized that everything is just my own illusion, he is still the executioner who longs for killing and longing for blood!

"Wake me up!!"

At this time, Quartz gave a cold cry, and the light of the Buddha spread out, forcing the Destiny World Demon to retreat.

And Jinghui also recites the meditation mantra orally to help everyone suppress their own desires.

"Little girl, who you are now, is it really you?"

"Guanyin Chuanren, or quartz, which one is the real you?"

When the Desire World Demon came to Quartz, he saw through the spiritual flaws of Quartz at a glance, and said with a smile: "Come on, join my Desire World, follow your own heart, and find the real you. Even if you are willing, we can even help. Get everything you want, including the little brother by your side."

The Demon of Destiny glanced at Madman Chu and continued to seduce Quartz.

They are not simply relying on verbal temptation, they are filled with a peculiar Dao, that Dao, at all times arouses people's inner desires.

That is the way of desire!

"Amitabha, I am me, I think so I am!"

Quartz said lightly, the Buddha's light on his body was shining, and he resisted the intrusion of the Demon of Desire.

On the other side, Yin Honghua's situation is a bit ugly.

She chanted the meditation mantra, but there was still a trace of evil coming out of her body.

That is the evil nature of the Shura Blood Dragon.

Originally, this evil spirit Yin Honghua used the meditation curse to suppress it to the death, but now, under the lure of the demon of the desire world, there is actually another sign of breaking the ground.

"Little girl, why resist that force?"

"Accept it and control it, you can become stronger than you are now, so that you are qualified to chase your king, otherwise, you will be left behind by your king forever."

Everyone faces the Desire Realm Demon and is caught in the soul demon test.

These celestial demons are extremely difficult to deal with, and they can't kill them.

Madman Chu is also facing the Desire Realm Demon Test. Not only that, he faces a huge number of Desire Devils compared to other people. Almost half of the Desire Devil that emerges from the Desire Realm’s rift is surrounded by them. All around him, all kinds of verbal provocations, intimidation and temptation, others pry away his defenses.

"One person and the enemy of the world, don't you think it is beautiful, but not lonely? The peak is lonely and cold, can you bear it?"

"Join the world of desire, we are willing to exhaust the power of the world of desire to help you become the master of the immortal world."

"As long as you come to my desire world, glory and wealth, monstrous power, supreme cultivation base, all these are at your fingertips."

Facing the temptation, Madman Chu stood still, motionless.

His gaze was very calm, staring at these Desire Realm Demon, and said indifferently: "Do you know, who is it that you are tempting?"

The demon of the world of desires couldn't help being taken aback.

What do you mean?

This is the first time they have encountered this situation.

Just when the heavenly demons were wondering, from the Madman Chu, an extremely terrifying aura suddenly exploded!

It was a burst of **** Buddha light!

The blood-colored Buddha light appeared in the void and turned into a four-management form, which is exactly the form of Bo Xun!

Seeing this, many Desire World Demon were shocked.

"It's the devil!!"

"This is the power of the Demon Lord!!"

The demons were extremely surprised.


Madman Chu gave a cold cry, and Bo Xun Faxiang shot a demon purple light in his eyes behind him, pushing it horizontally with all his hands, the scarlet Buddha shining on the ground, and the heavenly demons dissipated! !

This indestructible demon, in Bo Xun, in front of their demon master, is as fragile as an ant!

"Bo Xun, UU reading, he really has the power of Bo Xun!"

"This person is really my buddhist enemy!"

The buddhist evildoers looked at the Madman Chu with jealousy in their eyes.

The gaze of quartz is also quite complicated.

After several years of getting along with each other, she determined that Madman Chu did not have the mark left by Bo Xun, and that it was not the seed of the extinction of Buddha.

However, it is not the seed that destroys the Buddha, but uses the power of Bo Xun to such a proficient level that even the immortal demon can be easily destroyed, it is incredible.

Madman Chu didn't have time to pay attention to everyone's thoughts.

He looked at the crack in the world of desire, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he stepped out, actually heading towards the world of desire.

This scene stunned everyone.

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