Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1006: : Merit Golden Lotus, the polluted Lingshan, the natural enemy of black energy

In the glazed soil, the world of desire was forcibly opened by Hui Zang, and all the demons of the world of desire were awakened. They appeared in the glazed soil, raging everywhere.

However, due to the enchantment of Buddha's words, these **** world demons cannot leave the glazed soil, they can only lure the creatures in the glazed soil, and let them fall into the vortex of desire.

In the glazed soil, there is only quartz, Jinghui and others.

They hide in the Avalokitesvara Hall, reciting Buddhist scriptures orally, and use the Buddha nature in the Avalokitesvara Hall to prop up a small enchantment of Buddhist words to isolate the demon of desire.

But at this moment.

The depths of the glazed soil suddenly collapsed, and an extremely huge crack appeared on the ground, and in the crack, the endless Buddha light soared into the sky, and the air of pure sacredness filled the world.

After feeling this breath, countless Desire Realm Demon screamed back to Desire Realm.

"what happened?!"

"It is the Buddha's light, an extremely powerful Buddha's light."

Quartz and Jinghui looked at each other, then walked out of the Guanyin Hall and looked at the source of the Buddha's light.

It was a huge seam in the depths of the glazed soil. In the seam, there was a lot of light from the Buddha. Vaguely, there seemed to be a huge golden lotus hovering.

The golden lotus has nine petals with intertwined Taoist patterns, and the light of the Qing sage and Buddha lingers.

And above the golden lotus petals, there are seated golden bodies, and everyone's face is solemn and solemn.

"This, this is the Golden Lotus of Buddhism Ninth Grade Merit!!"

"Buddha sacred objects, how can they appear here, besides, each of those golden bodies has an extremely powerful Buddha light on their bodies, and they are all Buddhist monks!!"

"What the **** is going on?!"

Quartz, Jinghui and others watched this scene in shock.

Golden lotus of merit, this is one of the four congenital lotus, it is not weaker than the black lotus of exterminating the world, the source of the pure white lotus, but it is rumored that this golden lotus of merit was sucked by a fierce beast in the ancient times. Part of the power has been reduced from the twelfth rank to the ninth rank, but even so, it is still a great Buddhist sacred object.

"It is rumored that the golden lotus of merit is stored in the Lingshan merit pool, how can it appear in the glazed soil?"

A Buddhism evildoer looked at the golden lotus with a fiery color in his eyes.

This is a great Buddhist sacred object, it is the dream of countless Buddhists.

"Don't approach randomly, it's weird."

Quartz eyebrows frowned slightly.

I saw a peculiar place below the golden lotus of merit.

It was an ancient and sacred golden mountain, but this mountain is now surrounded by countless black mists, and the holiness is full of treacherous meanings.

Not only that, these black auras seem to have their own consciousness, they are constantly drilling outwards, but they are isolated by the merit golden lotus, unable to escape. Seeing this scene, the quartz suddenly realized what, "This merit golden lotus And what these Buddhist monks are suppressing!"

"It's that big mountain, this big mountain, seems to be the legendary...Lingshan!!"

Jinghui suddenly thought of something, her pupils shrank slightly.

Lingshan, an ancient Buddhist sacred place, its status is even higher than the five pure land, it is the place where the Buddhas live.

In the eyes of many Buddhist disciples, Lingshan is sacred and holy.

But now, the Lingshan mountain that appeared in front of everyone, was surrounded by smoky black air, where was the slightest sense of sanctification?

It's like a weird place!

"What the **** is going on, why did the rumored Spirit Mountain Holy Land become like this?!"

The hearts of the Buddhist monks were extremely shocked, and they felt like their faith had collapsed.

That's Lingshan.

Is it the place that Buddhist disciples yearn for, how does it look like this?

"It seems that these are the reasons for the decline of the glazed soil."

At this time, an indifferent voice sounded.

I saw Madman Chu walking from behind everyone. After seeing him, everyone was extremely surprised.

"He can actually come out of the world of desire alive?!"

"In places like Yujietian, even if Daluo Jinxian entered, he couldn't escape. How did he come out? This is really incredible."

The gazes of several Buddhism evildoers watching Madman Chu became more and more apprehensive.

But Madman Chu ignored them. He looked at Lingshan and the black energy suppressed by the golden lotus of merit, a strange color appeared in his eyes.

He was familiar with this black air.

Because in his body, there is a black energy that he extracted from the Qingqiu Fox King, and it contains the power to restrain all the origins of the universe in this direction.

He also experienced similar power in the Void Egg.

Now, in this Lingshan, he saw this power again, and all the signs showed that this black energy contained some kind of great horror!

Perhaps it was related to the catastrophe that Jiutian Xuannv said.

"These eminent monks should be the eminent monks in the glazed soil. They noticed the polluted spirit mountain. In order to prevent these black qi from escaping, they turned into golden bodies and used the golden lotus to suppress the black qi here. Madman Chu looked at Lingshan and said slowly.

Hum! !

At this moment, the black energy in Lingshan actually sensed something, and it madly impacted the golden lotus of merit.

"It's the world of desire!"

"The abnormal movement of the Desire Realm has caused these high monks in the glazed soil to split up some power to suppress the Desire Realm, allowing these black qi to take the opportunity to cause chaos.

Madman Chu guessed.

But under the impact of the black energy, the merit of Jinlian was turbulent.

The Buddha's glory on the Buddhist monks was flourishing, with the intention of suppressing the black energy again.

However, the momentum of the black energy was too violent, and some black energy escaped under the suppression of the Golden Lotus of Merit, and swept toward Chu Kuangren and others.

The power of that black energy is too terrifying.

A Buddhist evildoer had no time to dodge, trying to resist with Buddha's light, but it was of no use.

The black energy fell on his Buddha's light, which turned the Buddha's light into pitch black in an instant, and even the Dao patterns contained in it gradually became weird and tyrannical.

"What the **** is this?!"

The Buddhist monk's complexion changed drastically, urging Xian Yuan to the extreme.

But after a while, his expression gradually became mad, and he shot at the Buddhist monks around him, and his mind was actually plunged into a frenzy.

This black energy actually contains the power to erode the mind, which is different from the desire of the world of desire to cause the mind to degenerate.

This black energy is even more violent!

It is actually a way to directly target the origin of the monks' practice, first erode the origin of the monks, and then follow the origin, depriving the mind!

"Xiao Ai, analyze it."

Madman Chu analyzed the evildoer who was eroded by the black found that the situation of the other party was exactly the same as the former Qingqiu Fox King, except that he did not have the cultivation base of the Qingqiu Fox King, and his mind was eroded. Go more thoroughly, almost irretrievably.

"What is the source of this weird black air?"

Madman Chu frowned.

But right now I can't think of that much anymore, more and more black energy escaping from the golden lotus of merit.

Madman Chu guarded Yin Honghua behind him and took a step forward.

The breath of the small universe spread.

Suddenly, these black qi seemed to have encountered some natural enemy, and they actually retracted into the Lingshan in the blink of an eye, using the seal of the meritorious golden lotus to avoid the madman of Chu.

In this scene, many Buddhist monks on the Golden Lotus of Merit were shocked, and they looked at the Madman of Chu with great surprise.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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