Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1007: : Yun Lan Buddha, the family flower is not bright, he is not the same as you

"Who is this person and why does this Dao Ran fear this person?!"

"This breath is a breath of detachment, a detachment?! No, it's just a golden immortal."

Most of these glazed earth monks sitting on the golden lotus petals of merit are masters of the golden immortal level, and there are many of them in the realm of Da Luo.

If it is divided according to the five levels of Buddhism, there are many bodhisattvas among these high monks.

But now, these people looked at Madman Chu with surprise and astonishment on their faces.

You know, they suppressed Lingshan Daoran for countless years, and have never seen these Daoran fear anything, even in the face of Hedao, they will rush into it.

But in front of the Golden Immortal of Kuangren Chu, he shunned it, just like encountering natural enemies!

This makes them very puzzled.

On the golden lotus of merit, an old monk with the most radiant Buddha in his body looked at Madman Chu with deep eyes, and there seemed to be countless Sanskrit scripts flowing in his eyes.

It seems to be deducing the other party's fate, but it has achieved nothing.

He knew that if he continued to deduce further, he would most likely touch the existence of taboos that are absolutely intangible, so he closed his eyes and dared not go further.

Opening his eyes again, he looked at Madman Chu, kind and kind, "Dare to ask his little friend's name."

"Chu Madman."

"Friend Chu, where do you learn from?"

"Hundred Colleges."

"It turned out to be from the academy, and Lao Na is very polite and respectful."

Seeing his hands clasped together and smiled.

Madman Chu was also analyzing the other party, and as a result, he was surprised that the other party was actually in the realm of harmony! !


There are no several Hedao realms on the bright surface of the entire universe.

The He Dao realm he had seen were all immortal consciousness incarnations left over from the He Dao great power of the Immortal Ancient period.

But the visibility in front of him is a real and alive realm of harmony.

Facing such power, Madman Chu didn't dare to neglect at all, he also slightly nodded and bowed his hands in salute, "I have seen the master."

at this time.

A crack appeared in the void, and a burst of light from the Buddha turned.

I saw a figure walking out of it.

This person holds a string of rosary beads, his face is delicate, and his eyebrows have a touch of compassion.

This is a **** nun.

"It's Yunlan Buddha!"

Jinghui couldn't help exclaiming when she saw the incoming person, with some surprises.

Yunlan Buddha is a great power hidden in the Pure Land of Bliss, and his cultivation has reached the fifth level of Buddhism, Buddha!

It is also a great power in harmony! !

If it is said that the ancient existences of Buddha such as Tathagata, Burning Lamp, Medicine Master Buddha, etc., are the Buddhas of the last era, that is, the ancient times of immortality.

Then, Yunlan Buddha is the Buddha of this era.

"Seeing Xing Buddha, Dao dyes Lingshan, why does it change?"

Yun Lanfo looked at the Xingxing Buddha and said lightly, her voice with a calm and soothing meaning.

After she arrived, the frantic Buddhism evildoer was also suppressed on the ground, unable to move, but his frantic expression remained unchanged.

Only when I saw Madman Chu, was there such a trace of fear.

Seeing this, Yun Lanfo showed a strange color in his eyes.

"The Desire Realm is changing, and the Desire Realm of Heaven is invading the glazed soil. I have no choice but to temporarily divide the power to disperse the Heavens.

Seeing the Buddha said helplessly.

"I understand. I will solve the rest. As for you, wait and continue to suppress Lingshan."

"I will find out later."

Seeing the Xing Buddha, he nodded slightly, and then said: "The Buddhist disciple who has been eroded by Taoism, maybe you can ask this little friend of Chu to help."

Then, I saw the huge merit golden lotus slowly turning.

The monstrous Buddha light converged, and the ground crack closed immediately, and the golden lotus and Lingshan disappeared without a trace in an instant.

If it weren't for the Buddhist evildoer on the ground who was eroded by the aura of Daoran still screaming frantically, they would have thought that what they had seen and heard just now was nothing but a nightmare.

How could Lingshan look that way?

"Little friend Chu, do you have a way to deal with this dye?"

Yun Lanfo sat cross-legged in the cloud, watching Madman Chu ask curiously.

"If not, I don't know what the gods and nuns will do?"

"A person who has been eroded by the Qi of Taoism, even if they are in harmony, is difficult to save. Only by suppressing, or directly killing, can the Qi of Taoism be purified!"

Yun Lanfo said, with a touch of helplessness in his eyes.

If it is possible, she does not want to kill easily, let alone the evil spirits of Buddhism.

"I'm willing to give it a try, but in exchange, I want to know everything about the Qi of Daoran."

"You are the king of gods and demons. Fellow Daoists Beiming should know about these things. Why don't you ask them? Or..."

Yun Lanfo looked at Madman Chu's arm, "The flower of desire in your hand."

"Do you know this dyed air?"

Madman Chu looked at the flower of desire and asked curiously.

"It seems to be something from the last era. It's too long to remember."

Desire flower yawned and said.

She existed in the last era, but in the last era, she died out once for some reason, and it took countless years to regenerate.

Her memory will be slightly affected when she is reborn. She can't remember things as far away as the last epoch.

Madman Chu heard the words and looked at Yun Lan Buddha, "Senior heard it, my family has a little bit of inspiration. As for the seniors of Beiming, Shenlong will never see the end. I don’t know when we meet next time. Curiosity has been aroused, and it is really uncontrollable."

"You are the family flower, and your brain is not bright." Desire flower was a little annoyed, but was patted on the back of his hand by Madman Chu, and suddenly turned off.

In front of Madman Chu, her grand desire flower seemed to be as delicate as an ordinary family flower.

"Little friendly means."

Yun Lan Buddha was surprised at the sight, and then said: "If you can save my Buddhist disciples, I will tell you the source of the Taoist energy."


Madman Chu nodded, and then came to the front of the Buddhist disciple, the power of the small universe in his body was running.

And the Daoran Qi in the Buddhist disciple began to agitate uneasy, and he escaped from the Buddhist disciple’s body, but was finally caught by the madman Chu with quick eyes and hands, and then sucked into his body, using the small universe. Suppressed hard.

A touch of shock passed in Yun Lanfo's eyes, "It's incredible that you can really restrain this irritation."

"Now I ask the master to fulfill his promise."


Yun Lanfo nodded slightly, and then a bit of Buddha light appeared at her fingertips, and it entered the mind of the madman of Chu, and the information about the Qi of Daoran appeared one by one.

"That's it."

"This is the so-called robbery..."

Madman Chu's eyes showed a faint As for Jinghui, Shizi and others looked at each other with puzzled expressions.

what does it mean?

You are telling us!

Jinghui looked at Yun Lan Buddha, as if she wanted to hear the other's explanation.

But Yun Lanfo just said indifferently: "You are still too young now. When you reach a certain level, you will be clear."

"What about Fellow Daoist Chu?"

"He is different from you, different from all of us. You can let him know about these things earlier."

Hearing this, the faces of the Buddhist monks changed a little.

Everyone is a young generation, why is there such a big difference in treatment?

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