Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1005: : Da Luo Qi blew itself, remodeling completed, omnipotent

Chapter 1550 the big Luo weapon exploded, the reshaping was completed, and it was omnipotent

Above Yin Cao, the Madman Chu stood in the air, completely enveloped him by the endless Xianhui.

And within this Xianhui, he has the reincarnation big Luo Yi spreading out, attracting the three major descents, and the whole underworld resonates!

"The third magical power of the reincarnation celestial body, the reincarnation world!!"

Madman Chu gave a soft sigh.

Reincarnation Da Luo Yi climbed to the extreme in a moment, and the endless Yin Qi surrounded him, like a huge vortex, turning the surrounding world into a world that belonged to him alone!

And in this world, he is the absolute lord of reincarnation!

Of course, this world is condensed by the big Luo Yi of reincarnation, if it encounters the existence of the realm of harmony, it can be said to be broken at the touch of it!

Even a slightly stronger Ronaldo can break it!

But this is his hole card!

The reincarnation world is in harmony, which is nothing in the eyes of King Yama and others, but in this underworld, it has an extremely terrifying effect!

That is, it resonates with the reincarnation mechanism of the three major underworlds! !

Because in the past, the emperor of Yinsi created the mechanism of reincarnation in the underworld based on this magical power, and then divided this mechanism into three parts: Fengdu, Taishan, and Yincao!

This is the foundation of the three major underworlds!

And now, Madman Chu uses this magical power of the reincarnation world to re-integrate these three reincarnation mechanisms to reshape the reincarnation of the underworld! !

With this power to reshape reincarnation, he is equivalent to the reappearance of the emperor of the underworld, and he has absolute dominance over the underworld!

In the old days, he mastered the reincarnation emperor seal, possessed the power of ghost emperor, and had absolute control in Fengdu.

It is because he has mastered the reincarnation mechanism of Fengdu!

And now, he wants to master the mechanism of the reincarnation of the three major underworlds, and then master the entire underworld!

It's just that this time he is not relying on the reincarnation seal, but the third magical power of the reincarnation celestial body, the reincarnation world! !

The vast Dao Ze rushed to the Chu Madman from the three major underworlds.

King Yama, Lord Taishan and others were palpitating, showing panic.

"Never let him succeed, otherwise we will really be over!"

"Quickly stop him!!"

King Yama and others tried their best to prevent the power of Dao Ze from flowing into the reincarnation world of the Madman Chu.

However, they are just big Luo Jinxian, how can they resist the Taoist rule? !

All kinds of immortal magical powers fell on Dao Ze, and they all collapsed!

They wanted to try to attack Madman Chu himself, but they were stopped by Patriarch Bian, Meng Yi and others.

"Yes, use the power of Hades!!!"

King Yama and the others seemed to think of something, with a look of hope on their faces.

They took out a book of jade, that is the book of Hades!

It is something similar to the seal of the reincarnation emperor.

I saw the power of the Yama emanating from the Annals of the Yama, breaking into the Taoism that symbolized the mechanism of Yin Cao's reincarnation, but it was of no use.

That Dao Ze is still constantly pouring toward the reincarnation world of Madman Chu!

"Why is this? Why can't the power of Hades control Yin Cao's reincarnation mechanism?!"

"The power of my Taishan Mansion is the same!"

The faces of Hades and Fujun were extremely ugly.

This situation is as if Chu Kuangren as the ghost emperor of Fengdu cannot use the power of the ghost emperor in Feng, it can be said to be incredible.

"There is only one reason, and that is, the madman Chu's attraction to the reincarnation mechanism is far above the power of the king of **** and the power of the monarch!!"

Dafujun said coldly, with an incredible color in his eyes.

He wanted to break his head and didn't understand how Madman Chu did it, because he was not a reincarnation celestial body, let alone the emperor of the underworld, so he didn't understand the mystery of this.

In the world of reincarnation, the madman Chu gave a chuckle, "The three reincarnation mechanisms are originally one, but they were separated because of the emperor of the underworld and turned into three major underworlds. Now they have the opportunity to merge. Power, can the power of the Hades stop it?!"

These secrets were told by Hua Wuai.

And after comprehending the third magical power of Samsara Heaven and Earth, he also faintly guessed.

"If you can't master the mechanism of reincarnation, then kill those who master the mechanism of reincarnation!!"

The eyes of King Yama showed a cruel look.

I saw a few Hells rushing out of the Madman Chu, with full firepower. In order to break through the interception of the Patriarch and others, even two Hells burned their own life!

"Madman Chu, die for me!!"

King Chu Jiang took the lead, breaking through the blockade of everyone, and rushing towards Madman Chu frantically.

And just now.

A brilliant orb appeared in the sky, and hundreds of millions of celestial splendor sprinkled and turned into a huge defensive mask. It was the original orb of good fortune!

With this divine bead, King Chu Jiang couldn't break through for a while.

"Damn it, Samsara means!!!"

At this moment, a dash of power blasted out, and it was the Yama King who made the shot!

Fingers banged on the barrier of the **** pearl, and it was actually tore a crack abruptly.

When King Chu Jiang saw this, he took out a top-notch big compass and threw it into the barrier. King Yama did a good job and threw out a big compass too!

Two large compasses bloom brilliantly!

Immediately afterwards, it exploded! !

They actually wanted to use the big Luo weapon to explode to kill Madman Chu!

In this way, it can be said to be a waste of money.

After all, Da Luo Qi is not a Chinese cabbage, one piece is less.

Boom, boom! !

The terrifying energy exploded from the barrier of the **** pearl, shattering the entire barrier, and Madman Chu, right in that barrier, was swallowed by the blast of energy.

This scene caused the pupils of Feng Du's army to shrink suddenly.

"The Da Luo weapon exploded. With such a power, even a Da Luo in the five-qi realm, I am afraid it will be inevitable to die!"

"It's terrible, Madman Chu, even if he doesn't die, he will be hit hard!"

Everyone stared at the world of reincarnation intently.

After the smoke and dust dissipated, he stood proudly in a white dress, and the fairy radiance on his body was still glorious for nine days!

"Is this what you guys came up with to stop me? Disappointing!"

Madman Chu said lightly.

His white clothes are as old as old, unscathed! !

"This, how is this possible?!"

"Even if he is a cultivator, how can he not be damaged at all if he is only in front of two big compasses exploding?!"

Everyone couldn't believe it.

In fact, Madman Chu was not unscathed.

However, these people didn't know that Madman Chu had an immortal body. At the moment of injury, the immortal body effect was activated and he was directly healed.

"I don't believe it, I can't kill you!!"

King Yama said with a gloomy expression.

"You have no chance."

Madman Chu said lightly.


King Yama suddenly reacted, his pupils shrank suddenly.

I saw that the Dao gathered from the three major underworlds had all entered the reincarnation world of Madman Chu.

The three-strand paths were converging, causing the entire world of reincarnation to skyrocket, expanding to a radius of one million li in the blink of an eye.

Not only that, this power is still spreading, and it seems to cover the entire underworld! !

"The three reincarnation mechanisms have been reshaped."

Madman Chu said lightly, carefully sensing the power in his body.

how to say……

He has a feeling that he is now in the underworld... omnipotent! !

(End of this chapter)

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