Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1001: : You kneel and rest, the new Lord of the Underworld, bow your heads together

Chapter 1551 You guys kneel down, the new Lord of the Underworld, bow your head in harmony

The three reincarnation mechanisms have been reintegrated in the magical reincarnation world of the madman Chu!

These three reincarnation mechanisms were originally one, but later because the emperor of the underworld was divided into three parts, and now, because of the same magical power, they merge together again!

I have to say, this is reincarnation!

And Madman Chu, who integrated the three reincarnation mechanisms, felt that his control of the underworld seemed to have reached a state of omnipotence.

"Did you make it?!"

"Why, it doesn't seem to have changed at all?"


Many great abilities looked around, and the power of the sky has dissipated.

But nothing has changed around.

"It has changed, everything has changed."

Only high in the sky, the three great powers of the same Dao can feel that ubiquitous change.

In the past, the yin qi in the underworld was like the spiritual qi in the yang, scattered around and flowing back and forth, but now, these yin qi seems to have a certain connection with Madman Chu.

Not only that, but what is more obvious is the way of reincarnation in the underworld.

All the three He Dao masters are the way of reincarnation, but now, they feel that they are in a terrifying world of reincarnation.

Their way of reincarnation feels dominated in this world.

The way of supporting the Taoist? !

This is simply unbelievable, unimaginable! !

They couldn't imagine what kind of things Madman Chu could do in this world.

"Madman Chu, die for me!!"

Unlike Hedao Power, Yama King and others did not feel the changes in the underworld.

They looked at the Madman Chu who was standing in the sky, thinking that the other party had failed to reshape the cycle of reincarnation, and King Chu Jiang couldn't bear it and acted directly.

boom! !

The turbulent big Luo Yi burst out in an instant, whistling towards the Madman Chu.

But Madman Chu just stood there and didn't move.


When Jue Wu Shen and others saw this, they couldn't help exclaiming.

But what happened next was completely beyond their imagination.

I saw that the majestic Da Luo Yi rushed to the madman Chu and turned into a cloud of wind, and all collapsed.

"what happened!"

King Chu Jiang's face changed drastically, his eyes horrified.

If Madman Chu shot his big Luo Yi to break up, he wouldn't be surprised.

But Madman Chu hadn't done anything, so his big Luo Yi directly turned into a cloud of wind, and he didn't even know what was going on.

This made him feel terrified.

Unstoppable fear from the depths of the soul!

"Take a shot against the king, you have no forgiveness!"

Madman Chu glanced at King Chu Jiang and said indifferently.

In the next instant, one by one Dao was born out of thin air, enshrouding King Chu Jiang. As the Golden Immortal of Da Luo, King Chu Jiang had no resistance at all, and it turned into smoke and disappeared in an instant.

He even screamed too late.

In an instant, everyone felt their scalp numb, and an unspeakable fear crawled all over their bodies, almost suffocating them! !

"what happened?"

"Kuangren Chu, what did he do to make a big Luo Jinxian disappear in an instant."

"too frightening!!"

Just when all parties can be terrified.

Behind the madman Chu, the roads were intertwined, turning into a black throne.

And he, sitting on the throne, propped his head with his right hand, as if an ancient emperor looked down on sentient beings, indifferently said: "You guys, kneel down."

boom! ! !

An indescribable terror pressure spread out like a tide, and gradually enveloped the entire underworld!

In front of this coercion, down to the ordinary dead souls, up to the Lord of the Hades, without exception, all their knees were soft, kneeling on the ground uncontrollably, and bowing down to the master of the underworld!

"He, he has become the emperor of the underworld!!"

King Yama looked at the Madman Chu with horror.

The rest of the underworld powers also knelt on the ground, shivering, and exhausted their heads to look up at the young man sitting on the throne, with an incredible face!

He succeeded!

He actually succeeded in becoming the emperor of the underworld! !

The powers of the sun, the confluence of immortal knowledge, were also extremely shocked for the Madman Chu to become the first emperor of the underworld.

"Unexpectedly, it will develop to this point!"

"My God, the new underworld emperor, is born!!"

"The three major reincarnation mechanisms are actually one, and the madman of Chu can actually reintegrate them, reshape reincarnation, and master the most powerful force left by the emperor of the underworld!"

Mighty people talked a lot.

Especially the power of the two immortals, it is extremely annoying.

"This person has already become the emperor of the underworld, what about the next one? Isn't the next step to unify the Yangjian and become the master of the two realms of Yin and Yang!!"

"Damn it, can no one really stop him?"

Xian Ting Da Neng's gaze fell on Madman Chu, with resentment in his eyes.

But at this moment, he saw Madman Chu raised his eyes and glanced at the sky in the underworld, as if suddenly collided with the eyes of the powers of the sun.

"This is something from my underworld, who allowed you to peek at it at will?"

Madman Chu said indifferently.

In an instant, the entire underworld seemed to be responding to his will. In the whistling of the Yin Qi, all the powerful fairy consciousnesses in the underworld were all cut off by a terrifying force!

Especially the great abilities of Xian Ting, others are just isolated, but they are directly defeated!

Madman Chu treated them with no mercy at all!

"Damn Madman Chu!!"

Xian Ting was able to grit his teeth, but never dared to peer into the underworld at will.

Now there is a master in the underworld.

In the underworld.

Madman Chu sat on the throne, and under the throne, a group of underworld powers, billions of Yin soldiers, all knelt to the ground.

"And you two, also kneel down."

Madman Chu looked at the ancestor Yan Luo and Lu You in the sky, and said lightly.

One sentence.

He Dao Da Neng's face changed drastically.

Let Hedao kneel down?

It's simply ridiculous! !

They are in harmony, standing at the pinnacle of the entire immortal world and even the universe! !

"Fengdu Ghost Emperor, don't be too arrogant!!"

Old Ancestor Yan Luo said coldly.

"Wrong, not the ghost emperor of Fengdu, but the ghost emperor of the underworld!!"

Madman Chu said lightly, he raised his hand in the direction of Old Ancestor Yan Luo and Lu You, and pressed lightly!

In an instant, the two people's ways seemed to be suppressed by some more powerful way, and they couldn't be used at all, and even their bodies fell from the air involuntarily.

With a bang, he knelt directly in front of Madman Chu.

Hedao, bow your head!


The two go together, UU reading www. uukanshu. Com looked at Madman Chu in disbelief.

"Are you surprised? Although you are in harmony, your way of reincarnation is too far behind this whole underworld."

Madman Chu said indifferently.

At this moment, he knew that the realm of He Dao was also divided into different levels.

The former underworld emperor was the most apex of harmony, the ancestor of Yan Luo, Lu You could only bow his head in front of the opponent!

Now that he has mastered the power left by the emperor of the underworld, he can naturally suppress the two of them.

"I was wrong. I shouldn't show up. If I were still in Mount Tai, you would never be able to integrate the reincarnation mechanism of the three major lands!"

Lu You looked at the madman Chu, and at this moment, he realized that attacking Yin Cao, leading the ancestor Yan Luo, the high priest, and then leading him to this Taishan harmony, all of this is just to make the two big underworlds lose the mechanism of the reincarnation of the underworld. Power, so that Madman Chu can smoothly reshape reincarnation!

(End of this chapter)

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