Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1002: : Meet the ghost emperor of the underworld, chaotic fragments, the sun is surging

Chapter 1552 Meeting the ghost emperor of the underworld, chaotic fragments, the sun is surging

"You are right, there is only a Yin Cao, I still don't put it in my eyes, my real purpose is to join the two of you in the realm of Dao!"

Madman Chu glanced at Old Ancestor Yan Luo and Lu You and said lightly.

Since he came back from Sanshenghe, he has been doing a game against Yin Cao, which is only a part of this game.

The army of the capital city, the forces of the crape myrtle star, the Yin Cao, Mount Tai and even the high priest, these are his bait, the bait to lure the ancestor Yan Luo and Lu You out.

His real purpose is to reshape reincarnation!

Of course, he didn't know the existence of Lu You, but it didn't prevent him from making the game.

If there is no Lu You, he can destroy Yin Cao first, and then take Mount Tai. Anyway, the result will be the same at that time. The three reincarnation mechanisms must be reintegrated!

Madman Chu sat on the throne, looked at everyone in front of him, and said lightly: "From now on, there will be no emperor in the underworld, and no three big underworlds, only the ghost emperor!!!"

He slowly stood up, a majestic pressure, centered on him, spread out and enveloped the entire underworld.

The endless fairy radiance shines on the ancient and modern, as if even the ancient road of reincarnation cannot be covered.

"I, the ghost emperor Chu madman of the underworld!"

"From now on, sing my true name on the way to life, and protect your true spirit in the cycle of rebirth!"

The voice of Madman Chu is mighty, like a mighty heaven, resounding through the underworld, resounding through reincarnation!

At this moment, no one doubted what he said.

Lianhe Dao Da Neng could only kneel down in front of him, he had already proved himself with absolute strength.

"I'll wait, see the ghost emperor!"

Millions of Qin Emperor Yin figurines took the lead to kneel, and then, the Skeleton Generals, the people in Fengdu, and even the Jue Wushen and others who came from Ziwei Star, all shouted loudly.

"I'll wait to see the ghost emperor!"

"Farewell to the ghost emperor!"

Yin Cao Yan Luo, Taishan Fujun, and even Hedao felt helpless, but they could not resist.

They deeply understand that at this moment, if they don't obey, their fate may only be lost.

"Farewell to the ghost emperor!"

The ancestor Yan Luo took a deep breath and kneeled to surrender.

"Farewell to the ghost emperor!"

Lu You was also helpless.

But the high priest smiled comfortedly, without half-hearted disobedience, kneeling down in front of the Madman Chu, "Well, see the ghost emperor!"

The three major concords took the lead to surrender, and the others surrendered one by one.

At this moment, the underworld is as high as Hedao, down to ordinary dead souls, all surrendered at the feet of the Madman Chu.

In the entire underworld, only the word "Guidi" reverberated.

After countless first years, the long-lasting underworld, once again unified, ushered in a new ruler, the ghost emperor Chu Madman!

He has won one of the two realms of yin and yang!


"High Priest, you will arrange the next step. I will soon see a brand new dungeon! The only dungeon!"

Madman Chu said lightly.

"Yes, Ghost Emperor!"

The next thing, don't care about Madman Chu.

With the concerted efforts of the high priest and the other two Hedao, the three major underworlds gradually integrated, and the major underworld races and families also returned to their hearts.

In the face of absolute power, any person, any force, and any calculations are false.

And this time.

Within the sun.

In an ancient mountain range, a spatial crack suddenly opened.

In that rift, a gray mist spread out, gradually covering the entire mountain range and even hundreds of millions of miles.

The changes here have also attracted a lot of great attention.

"This is... the air of chaos!!"

You Da Neng couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Chaos gas, how can chaos gas suddenly appear in the fairy world?!"

"It's a chaotic shard, good fellow. After so many years, there is actually a chaotic shard. How many good things are there!"

Chaos, the universe was a chaos before it was opened up.

And in the chaos, the avenue has not come out, the way of heaven has not been born, there are many treasures of heaven and earth, peerless chance and even ancient demon gods.

Later, the avenue was derived, the layout was calculated, the world was opened up, the chaos dissipated, and the chaos demon fell, and this is how the universe is today.

It's just that the chaos is so big, there are some broken chaotic fragments, but they are left behind by luck, drifting in the void, waiting to be discovered.

What appeared in front of all the powers now was a piece of chaos!

The news of the emergence of Chaos Shards immediately attracted the attention of many people, especially those who are extremely enchanting evildoers, all gearing up to fight for opportunities.

Within the Devildom.

Shi Tianxuan held the Gunslinger in his hand, looking at the ancient chaotic fragments, a divine light flashed in his eyes.

"Chaotic Fragment, there must be a great opportunity for a peerless inside, and it can even help me break through Da Luo!!"

He was a little excited.

Madman Chu had disappeared in Yangjian for some time. According to the news he received, the other party seemed to have ran to the underworld.

In other words, it is very likely that the other party will not participate in the exploration of Chaos Shards. This is a good opportunity. If you grasp it well, why not surpass the other party in one fell swoop!

"Before Madman Chu returns, try to collect the opportunities in the chaotic fragments."

It's not just Shi Tianxuan's thinking.

The rest of the extremely enchanting evildoers are mostly thoughts like this.

Jinwu Tianshan.

Shaozu Jinwu looked at the direction of the chaotic shards, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly, "Chaotic shards are interesting. You can not only find opportunities, but also test your current strength."

Since the integration of the Golden Crow Tire, his practice has been rapid.

Over the years, he kept a low profile, hidden his strength, and did not compete for the immortal rankings, but he asked himself that he was not much worse than Long Xuan, who was the number one on the immortal rankings.

This time, exploring the Chaos Shards will be a good opportunity for him to become famous all over the world!

People in the emperor's clan.

The Legend of Xuanyuan held the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand, and the golden sword aura surrounded his body, and the whole person was filled with an incomparably terrifying coercion.

"Chaotic Shards, the opportunity for me to break through Da Luo, is here."


A stream of light came to him, it was a beautiful woman in a colorful dress.

The skin is jade, three thousand green silks are scattered on the shoulders, the figure is concave and convex, and the expression is indifferent, revealing an extravagance that is even more outstanding than that of Xuanyuan's inheritors.

This person is a demon hidden in the human emperor sect.

"Hua Xi, the descendant of Emperor Wa, are you going to the Chaos Fragment too?"

The descendant of Xuanyuan looked at each other, his eyes condensed.

Huaxi nodded slightly, and UU read indifferently and said: "The opportunity in the chaotic fragments is not small. I should wait for it to appear."

"Oh, shall I wait?"

Xuanyuan Chuan raised his eyebrows slightly, "Is he coming out too?"

"No, he doesn't want to come out yet. I mean the rest of the world-famous evildoers. They shouldn't be able to restrain them anymore." Hua Xi said indifferently.

The depths of the fairy garden.

A man in a golden robe suddenly opened his eyes, and a brilliant golden light flashed in his eyes.

A breath of high above, as if above all beings, flowed out.

"The chaos fragments have appeared. It seems that I am going to live in advance." This person is the strongest evildoer in the Eastern Emperor's Fairy Court, the Eastern Emperor God's Son!

Suddenly, with the great opportunity of chaotic fragments, it appeared.

All the great evil evildoers on all sides, and even the hidden evil evildoers of the world, all acted, and the sun can be described as surging.

(End of this chapter)

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