Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1004: : Familiar breath, reincarnated in the 3 Qing Dynasty, return to Yang

Chapter 1554 Familiar breath, reincarnation of Sanqing, return to Yang Jian

The reincarnation mechanism belonging to the madman of Chu has just been established, and there is an old man riding a green bull entering the underworld from the ghost gate. Its aura is so ancient that even the high priest finds it incredible!

Madman Chu looked at the old man, but he felt a familiar breath.

"The familiar breath, it's him!"

Madman Chu also felt a little weird.

He took a step forward, came to the old man, smiled faintly: "Old man, what are you doing in the underworld?"

"Heh, what you can do when you come to the underworld, of course, is here for reincarnation."

The old man smiled faintly, and then looked at Madman Chu, with a touch of satisfaction in his eyes, "Your one qi is transformed into three clears, and you have a good practice. Compared with that boy Miaohua, you have a lot more understanding."

As soon as this remark came out, Madman Chu immediately confirmed the identity of this person.

Riding a green bull, and knowing that one's spiritual practice has transformed into three cleansings, plus this familiar face...

The coming person, however, is one of the most powerful beings in the ancient rumors, one of the Sanqing...Taiqing moral gods!

Unexpectedly, when his own reincarnation had just been established, such a big man came, and he felt that the other party seemed to be waiting for his own reincarnation to be established.

No, maybe it's not just Taiqing.

Crazy Chu thoughts flashed in his mind, and countless thoughts flashed one by one.

From a long time ago, he felt that the existence of these ancient immortals hadn't really fallen. Now it seems that his conjecture is correct.

Or, half right.

"Young man, don't think too much, I just came to reincarnate."

Too lightly smiled.

"Senior's existence should have been beyond reincarnation, why reincarnate?"

"Oh, naturally it is because of death, so I have to reincarnate." Taiqing smiled.

"Are there anyone else besides you?"

"Naturally, those old guys are all on the road, but I'm a little bit faster, so I'm one step ahead."

"Junior has doubts in his heart, I don't know what senior can solve?" Madman Chu asked.

"Oh, ask."

"Why did senior fall?" Madman Chu asked directly, he could see that Tai Qing was just a remnant soul.

Not only that, the other people in his mouth, that is, the other ancient existences in those immortal ancients, may also be similar to Taiqing's remnant soul existence.

"The catastrophe of the last epoch destroyed everything. We were just lucky enough to keep the remnant soul, the lingering people."

"Then why do you have to wait until now to reincarnate?"

"Because we are all waiting for you." Taiqing looked at Madman Chu straightforwardly, with a hint of expectation in his eyes.

"Wait for me?" Madman Chu was taken aback for a moment, then he changed his mind, already guessing.

"As smart as you, you should know that the three reincarnation mechanisms of the underworld are remnants of the last epoch, and the power of the three reincarnation mechanisms is not enough to support our reincarnation. We have been waiting for someone to be able to reinvent. Reincarnation, only the most complete power of reincarnation can help us reincarnate."

Even if it's just a remnant soul, the life style of the comrades and even Hunyuan is still extremely noble, and it is not easy for them to reincarnate.

The reincarnation before reshaping does not have that power.

"Sure enough." Madman Chu nodded slightly.

"The last two questions, one, is there a lot like the predecessors?"

"Not many. After all, those who were lucky enough to survive that catastrophe are all those who have the means to reach the sky, but there are not too many."

"Yeah." Madman Chu nodded slightly, and continued: "The last question, your fall is caused by the Qi of Dao Ran!"

Dao dyed air.

It was the strange black energy that Madman Chu encountered in Lingshan, and it was also the source of the catastrophe.

"Yes, but that was the catastrophe of the last epoch, and the catastrophe of this era is more than that." Too lightly smiled.

"What do you mean?" Chu Kuangren frowned slightly.

"The catastrophe of the last epoch was the catastrophe of the universe itself, but the catastrophe of this era has more external factors. Specifically, your gods and demons should be clearer than me."

After Taiqing finished speaking, he looked at the six reincarnation gates in the distance and said, "Well, I have said a lot. It's time to go, young man, see you in the next life."

With that said, Taiqing walked onto the Naihe Bridge.

At this time, two more figures swept into the Guimen Pass.

"Brother, you are waiting for us."

One of them was dressed in a black robe, and the middle-aged man with a sword eyebrow stared at Taiqing in front of him and shouted.

"Hmph, you are slow, who is to blame?"

A cold snort sounded.

It is an old man in a white robe.

"Hey, you old boy, don't you think I am upset? Come if you want to fight."

"I don't want to be rough with barbarians like you."

The two bickered as they walked.

The high priest had long been stunned, because the two people who came here were not much less ancient than too clean.

Madman Chu also recognized these two people, "Yuqing Yuanshi, Shangqing Lingbao..."

The other two people in Sanqing also came.

"Yo, isn't this our inheritor? Ha, you did a good job."

Shangqing Lingbao Tianzun, or the Lord Tongtian glanced at Chu Madman, his eyes revealed a touch of satisfaction.

"Well, it's a fate that the law of one gasification and three cleansing can be continued in you." Yuanshi Tianzun nodded slightly, and also expressed a touch of comfort to the madman Chu.

"Okay, brothers have gone far, hurry up and chase."

"Young man, if you are destined in the next life, goodbye."

Yuanshi Tianzun glanced at Chu Madman, and then went to reincarnate.

"Senior respectfully."

Madman Chu arched his hands slightly.

As for the high priest, he met three big bosses in a row, and he would still be in shock.

He glanced at Guimenguan, who else is coming?

In addition to Sanqing, what other immortal beings are going to reincarnate here?

Madman Chu was also a little curious.

I just waited for a few days and didn't see anyone coming.

Madman Chu didn't want to wait any longer, he still needed to take care of the matter of Yang Jian.

"High Priest, if there are other ancient beings who come to reincarnate, please come forward and ask about their origins, remember them one by one, and then transfer them to me when that time comes."

Madman Chu said lightly.

Once these ancient beings are reincarnated in the Yangjian, they may not have any impact in a short period of time.

However, based on the accumulation of their previous lives, it won't be long before they will be another round of battle. If you have information about them in advance, you can prevent problems before they happen.

"Yes, Ghost Emperor."

The high priest also knew that this matter was not trivial, and he dared not neglect it.

After confessing everything, Madman Chu did not stay in the underworld, and left the underworld directly.

Sun room. UU reading

In an unnamed mountain range, dozens of monks are vying for some chance, and the fight is impossible.

At this time, a whirlpool appeared above them.

A figure stepped out slowly from it.

The white clothes are like snow, immortal and brilliant.

When everyone saw this figure, they stopped the fight and looked at the person with shock in their eyes.

"Yes, it's him!"

"Madman Chu, that whirlpool is full of Yin Qi, is it a passage in the underworld?!"

"He came back from the underworld, is it because of the chaotic shards?"


Everyone talked a lot, and they didn't dare to do any more, but Madman Chu didn't pay attention to them. After returning to Yangjian, he went straight to the place where the Chaos Shard was.

(End of this chapter)

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