Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1005: : Preparation of the fairy court, 9-tier prohibition, 7-story pagoda

Chapter 1555 The preparation of the fairy court, nine-tier prohibition, seven-story pagoda

The news of Madman Chu's return to Yangjian naturally couldn't be concealed from the great power of the Yangjian.

Suddenly, all of them became a little anxious.

The madman Chu's strength, they all understood through the battle of the underworld, although they also knew that the power of the underworld could not be brought to the sun.

But the cultivation base of the opponent's Daluo Jinxian is really real!

This kind of cultivation is definitely the best among the younger generation. If he is allowed to enter the Chaos Shards and compete with the major evildoers for opportunities, where else will there be opportunities for others? !

"The Madman Chu has returned, and he cannot be allowed to enter the Chaos Fragment."

"Yes, once you let him in, no one can argue with him."

"Fortunately, we have taken precautions beforehand."

Said a great fairy garden.

They had long been guarding against Madman Chu returning from the underworld, what effect would it have on their enchanting.

Therefore, before that, they had secretly used various methods outside the Chaos Shards. Although they dare not say that they completely blocked the Madman Chu, they could stop it for as long as possible.

Outside the Chaos Shard, many people gathered together.

And outside this fragment, there are countless runes forbidden.

"This Xianting person is too overbearing, right? They are restricted from the Chaos Fragment, so they don't let people go in and explore?"

"Yeah, it's just unreasonable to make trouble."

Many people complained a little bit.

But due to the supreme authority of Xian Ting in the fairy world, no one dared to really resist.


At this time, a white figure came out of the Chaos Shard.

And when this person came, the countless rune prohibitions were shocked, and they were turned on directly!

"It's Madman Chu!"

Someone recognized the visitor.

"These rune bans have been activated, so it turns out that it is to guard against the madman Chu."

"Tsk, interesting."

Everyone was amazed. At this time, they figured out why Xian Ting would not hesitate to offend so many cultivators in the fairy world, but also under the rune prohibition outside the Chaos Fragment.

"Oh, it's interesting."

Madman Chu smiled faintly, but there was a cold look in his eyes, "I am really curious, to what extent you can do it!"

After the words fell, he stepped forward and moved towards the prohibition.

boom! !

I saw the prohibition exploded fiercely, and endless sky fire spewed out from it.

The madman of Chu condensed his sword fingers, his figure was still like a mountain, he cut out with one sword, the sword of Zhou, Tyrannical! !

The sword of tyrant, push everything horizontally! !

In a crash, the endless sky fire was abruptly split in half by this sword.

The violent sword energy is like a violent wind, falling on top of that rune prohibition!

One piece is forbidden to break.

But this was not over yet, only to see that behind those broken prohibitions, there were new prohibitions emerging, transforming into celestial soldiers and generals, lying in front of the madman Chu.

"Madman Chu, today, I must not let you in!"

A rune heavenly soldier at the head, said in a cold tone, that is a piece of fairy knowledge that Xian Ting Da Neng has stored in the prohibition.

Madman Chu smiled faintly, "Can you stop me?"


One by one, the heavenly soldiers rushed towards Madman Chu.

All kinds of immortal magical powers burst out loudly, or violent thunder, or swallowing all the sky fire, or torrential flood...

All kinds of energies are intertwined in the air, turning into a torrent of boundless and brilliant colored energy, rushing to the madman of Chu.

In the face of such an attack, it is estimated that even a big Luo is enough.

But the Madman Chu stood in place, his eyes condensed fiercely, Kun Wu suddenly unsheathed from his waist, Xian Yuan mixed with Jin Yu Xian Hui, blasted out loudly, "Zhou Zhi Sword, no way!!"

The sword of innocence splits the torrent of energy in the sky.

The violent sword aura smashed the headed heavenly soldiers with an unstoppable force.

Without any accident, the soldiers dissipated on the spot!

Madman Chu raised his fist again, and the big Luo Yi burst out, turning into a boundless blood thunder, exploding one after another, and the heavenly soldiers continued to dissipate and fall in front of the kuang thunder.

But this did not end.

The sky fire prohibition was broken, and the sky soldier prohibition was broken, but the brilliance of the void flowed, and it seemed that a new prohibition was being generated.

"Report, there are nine levels of prohibition here..." Xiao Ai's voice sounded.

Madman Chu nodded slightly, "Nine restrictions, then, break them all!!"

As he raised his hand, a thick yin and yang big Luo Yi circulated in his palm.

When everyone saw this, their pupils shrank.

"This is a big Luo Yi!!"

"He has been promoted to become Da Luo Jinxian!!"

Some Tianjiao evildoers took a breath.

You know, it has only been more than a year since the madman of Chu declared war on the Five Elements Mountain last time.

In just over a year, the opponent has actually been promoted to Da Luo Jinxian!

This kind of promotion speed is too scary.

"Is there any chance for the other party?!"

"Hey, this time, if the evildoers didn't find any shocking opportunities in this chaotic fragment, I am afraid they would never be able to beat Madman Chu."


Everyone couldn't help but shook their heads, feeling a little helpless about this scene.

Madman Chu's speed of progress made many Tianjiao evildoers feel desperate.

However, before everyone recovered from the shock, I saw another powerful Da Luo Yi burst out of Chu Madman!

That is, Reincarnation Da Luo Yi! !

Reincarnation great Luo Yi emerged, and there was another gray divine light in the left hand of Madman Chu, which was the reincarnation light!

Reincarnation tribulation light, yin and yang good fortune **** light!

Under the manipulation of Madman Chu, these two supernatural powers merged into a earth-shaking tri-color beam and burst out!

boom! ! !

A blast sounded, and the restraint that was blooming with light and about to show off was shattered under the light of this divine light!

Not only that, God's light is like a broken bamboo!

After breaking the ban on one level, I took a straight shot to the next level!

Bang, bang, bang! !

There were several bursts of sound, nine prohibitions, and all of them were broken! !

But the mighties who were observing this scene secretly were speechless.

"Is this guy's strength already so strong?!"

"Nine levels of prohibition, even the Da Luo Jinxian in the late Three Flower Realm, I'm afraid he can't break it so quickly!"

"Two kinds of big Luo Yi, this person actually realized two kinds of big Luo Yi, really terrible!"

"Within one year, even if he broke through Da Luo Jinxian, he actually realized two types of Da Luo Yi. How did he do it?!"

Many great abilities are puzzled.

The many enchanting Tianjiao were already dumbfounded.

"Damn, two kinds of Luo Yi?! How did he understand?!"

"Then you have to ask him."

Comprehend two kinds of big Luo Yi in one year...

They can only say madman, always drop God!

After breaking through the nine levels of prohibition, Madman Chu stepped out and swept into the chaotic fragments!

However, he did not wait for him to go deeper.

Above him, there was a sudden burst of golden light, and a seven-story golden pagoda suddenly came down, trapping Madman Chu.

Outside, Tianjiao was taken aback when he saw the tower.

"That's a seven-story exquisite pagoda!!"

"It's the treasure of Kunlun Fairy Court, isn't it? The nine-layer prohibition is not enough. There is actually a seven-storey exquisite pagoda. How much is Xianting afraid of Madman Chu entering the Chaos Fragment."

"This and this handwriting is too big."

So many methods were used just to prevent Madman Chu from entering the Chaos Fragment.

It can be seen that the great powers of Xian Ting are so afraid of the Mad Man Chu.

(End of this chapter)

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