Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1008: : 1 shot? One finger blocks the bull demon, is there any more?

Chapter 1558 Block the bull demon with a finger, is there any more?

"Who said that my college is not qualified to take those things?"

An indifferent voice sounded, and I saw Madman Chu stepping into the air, Xianhui spread, and the force of Pei Ran swept out!

The jail scream, Dongjun Shenzi and others' faces changed slightly, and there was a look of jealousy in their eyes.

"Madman Chu, he is here!"

"Unexpectedly, he actually came back from the underworld."

There were some well-informed evildoers who knew that the other party had gone to the underworld.

I originally thought that the opponent would not be able to catch up with this chaotic fragmentation exploration, but he didn't expect that the opponent would eventually come.

And it was so good when it was picked!

It happened to be when the prison screamer bullied the college students.

"Is he Madman Chu?"

Compared with the jealousy of the prison roar and others, the blue-eyed bull demon next to the prison roar seemed a little impatient and eager to try.

Not long after he came out of the alien restricted area, it was the first time he met Madman Chu. Although he had just met, he had heard a lot of rumors about the other party.

One of the words that impressed him the most overwhelm the world's madman! !

He really wanted to know who it is that has the qualifications and ability to overwhelm the world!

"The people who bully my academy can't do it without paying a little price. I want this fairy apricot, and I want the treasures on you."

Madman Chu said naturally.

Hearing this, Prison Xiao's face changed slightly, and then he said indifferently: "Madman Chu, do you think I am still the one who lost to you in the Star Arena?"

"In my opinion, it makes no difference."

"I heard that you declared war on the entire fairy world some time ago, you are still as arrogant as you always have!"

Prison Xiao looked at the gods of Dongjun, Zhuanxu, and other evildoers, and said: "Everyone, help me get this fairy apricot, I can take out some more treasures as a gift."

He knew that he might not be an opponent of Madman Chu just by his own strength, so he wanted to drag Dongjun Shenzi and others into the water.

In his opinion, this is a feasible thing.

Chu Kuang people acted arrogantly and domineeringly, and all the enchanting Tianjiao in the world regarded him as a thorn in his eye, a thorn in his flesh, and a chance to deal with him together, and he would definitely not let it go.

Let alone thank you.

But unfortunately, when he said this, no Tianjiao evildoer dared to respond to him.

Even, some evildoers were so scared that they stepped back several steps.

Let's fight against Madman Chu together?

Don't tease.

They haven't lived to the point where their lives are too long.

When the other party declared war on the world, they were all on the scene. Who could stop the invincible demeanor of the world? !

The prison screamer had been in the restricted area for so many years, and he dared to say such a thing without seeing him.

"Why, are you all scared by the other party?" Prison Xiao's eyebrows frowned, feeling that this scene was not quite the same as he thought.

In his heart, a trace of anxiety emerged.

"Oh, it's a pity, if I can deal with Madman Chu, I also want to make a move."

Divine Child Dongjun sighed helplessly, and silently hid his figure in the void, not daring to leak the slightest breath.

Although he didn't take action to deal with Madman Chu, the enemy's hatred with Xian Ting was there, and he didn't dare to show his face in front of the other party easily.

Zhuan Xu's descendant looked at Prison Xiao with pity, and almost said to the other party to rest in peace.

"Prison Howl, why do you need to say more? From my point of view, these guys are all gangsters. I don't even bother to join forces with them!"

The blue-eyed bull demon let out a long whistle, and then an extremely terrifying breath erupted from his body.

Taking a step forward, he came to the front of Madman Chu, his five fingers clenched tightly, and his incomparable blood burst out!

"Take me a punch!!"

This is physical power!

Not only that, but the physical power that is already close to the physical body of Da Luo Yi!

This punch was very difficult for Jin Xian under Da Luo, but for Madman Chu, it was too weak.


The blue-eyed bull demon suddenly felt that his fist was blocked by something. When he took a closer look, his blue eyes shrank suddenly, revealing a look of horror.

I saw a slender white finger right in front of his fist at this time.

The indomitable violent fist strength, in front of this finger, was directly broken, and it was impossible to move forward at all! !

"How can it be!!"

"He actually blocked my fist with one finger?!"

More importantly, the blue-eyed bull demon could detect that the other party did not use any immortality at all, and simply blocked his fist with the power of his flesh!

Use the power of the flesh to fight against the blue-eyed bull demon? !

This must be the most absurd thing he has ever heard.

Who doesn't know that the physical power of the Blue Eyed Bull Demon is second to none among countless monsters?

Naturally weak human races use their bodies to resist the blue-eyed bull demon, how is this possible?

But now, the scene that happened before his eyes completely shattered his cognition!

"Is this the physical power of the blue-eyed bull demon? I am a little disappointed."

Madman Chu said lightly, and then snapped his fingers.

With a bang, the blue-eyed bull demon only felt that his fist head was hit by a big star, his bones vibrated crazily, and the whole person could not help flying upside down, his entire arm trembling.

"What exactly is this guy's physical body made of? Isn't it the same as the guys in the Tianling Forbidden Zone, it is impossible for the immortal gold and divine stone to gain the Tao?!"

The blue-eyed bull demon looked at Madman Chu with extremely jealous eyes.

"Don't keep your hands, go all out!!"

Prison Xiao said, and then a cold black flame swept away from him!

That flame seemed to burn to the sky, turning the world into purgatory!

This is the dark fire from hell! !

boom! !

The flame burned towards Madman Chu, but Madman Chu stood still, letting the flames sweep in.

Soon, everyone hardly had time to blink, and the flames had already eroded his body.

These flames are very domineering, and they penetrated into Madman Chu's pores, seeming to turn him into ashes from the inside out.

"Stupid, in the face of my hellfire, you don't hide?!"

Prison Xiao snorted, thinking that Madman Chu was too arrogant.

But what the other party did next directly shattered his cognition.

The Madman Chu opened his mouth and inhaled, the endless **** fire was sucked into his body like a whale.


Prison Xiao was stunned.

Everyone was also dumbfounded.

Everyone didn't know how terrifying the flame of the prison whistle was, but they didn't know it personally, but judging from the breath, they knew that it was an extremely terrifying existence.

It is the incarnation of disaster and ignorance!

It is the flame that only exists in purgatory!

But this kind of flame was directly inhaled by Madman Chu.

"Anything else?"

At this moment, Madman Chu asked lightly.

Everyone didn't know what to say, what did he consider this flame? Drink?

"Madman Chu!! Suffer to death!!"

Prison Xiao was angry, he urged his **** fire to the extreme, and madly burned towards Madman Chu!

Wherever he went, even the Qi of Chaos was burned!

But Madman Chu stood still, opened his mouth and inhaled, the same scene appeared again, and the flame was sucked into his body again!

Vaguely, everyone saw the mysterious Dao pattern flashing past each other's flesh.

(End of this chapter)

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