Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1009: : 1 punch to the Flying Cow Demon, 1 foot to kill the prison scream, Shi Tianxuan bre

Chapter 1559 One Punch The Flying Bull Demon, One Foot Stomp On The Prison Howler, Shi Tianxuan Breaks Through Daluo

"The real body of Drought Yan?!"

Suddenly, the blue-eyed bull demon seemed to have thought of something, and there was a solemn look in his eyes.

"Oh, a little bit knowledgeable."

Madman Chu glanced at the blue-eyed bull demon slightly unexpectedly.

"What do you have to do with the group of guys in the zombie penalty zone?" The green-eyed bull demon frowned slightly.

"It doesn't matter."

Madman Chu said lightly.

"Huh, try this again!"

The blue-eyed bull demon gave a low cry, and besides the physical qi and blood on his body, the power of endless wind and thunder also exploded.

Endless gusts, overbearing thunder power!

Plus the surging flesh and blood!

The blue-eyed bull demon used almost all his power, rushed towards Madman Chu, punched out, the wind and thunder roared, and the blood roared for nine days!

But Madman Chu just raised his hand gently, then he squeezed his five fingers, and then punched out!

This punch was unremarkable, without any moves, let alone the vision of Xianhui, but at the moment when the punch was punched, the chaotic airflow around it exploded directly! !

With a thunderous thunder in the sky, it shattered directly!

The violent fist fell on the body of the blue-eyed bull demon, hitting the opponent's chest.

The sound of bone cracks sounded one after another, blood vessels burst and blood spurted wildly.

The eyeballs of the blue-eyed bull demon almost protruded, opened his mouth and vomited, a large amount of blood mixed with internal organ fragments spewed out.

This punch directly blasted him out of unknown distance.

Everyone only saw a meteor passing by, and then the blue-eyed bull demon disappeared.

"Good fellow, this is probably not going to be alive."

"At least half of my life must be removed."

Everyone shuddered as they looked at Madman Chu.

They could see that the other party hadn't made every effort from beginning to end, and was dealing with these two alien species with a playful mentality.


Prison Xiao's face changed, and he was about to leave the scene in a blink of an eye.

But the next moment.

He found that countless silver and white Dao patterns appeared around him at some unknown time.

Time and Space Sealing Technique!

"Madman Chu, all these treasures are for you..."

"I will take it myself."

Madman Chu's voice sounded above his head.

Then, step on it!

Black and white circulated, the yin and yang big Luo Yi burst out, a Tai Chi picture emerged, that is the magical yin and yang diagram of the two yi immortal body!

boom! !

Prison Howard hardly had any chance to resist, and he was trampled into flesh in the blink of an eye!

When everyone saw this, the pupils shook and the scalp numb!

Stomping to death a peerless evildoer, this kind of thing, besides Madman Chu, among the young generation, who else can do it? !


"The breath just now, if I didn't read it wrong, it was... Da Luo Yi, right?!"

"Yes, it's Da Luo Yi!"


Someone couldn't help swallowing saliva, shocked.

"Mad Chu, broke through Da Luo?!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was in an uproar!

All the Tianjiao evildoers present took a breath.

"Friend Chu Daoist, it's still a step ahead."

Yuzhi shook his head and smiled.

She is still half a step away from Da Luo Jinxian.

"He has already broken through Da Luo, the Eastern Prince, can you handle it?!"

Dongjun Shenzi thought to himself, with a faint worry in his heart.

"His strength has already topped the younger generation, and now he has reached the realm of Da Luo, Xuanyuan Chuan, is it going well with you?"

Zhuan Xu's hand frowned slightly and looked in a certain direction.

And after the madman Chu killed Prison Howler, he suddenly saw a purple treasure pill on the other's corpse!

Na Bao Dan was filled with hellfire, burning the flesh and blood around it to ashes.

Kuangren Chu's eyes lit up, regardless of the hellfire above, he grabbed the Baodan directly in his hand, and smiled with satisfaction, "Unexpectedly, there will be unexpected gains."

This treasure pill is the essence of Prison Howler.

This thing has a miraculous effect on his real body.


"the host."

At this time, Fuyin and Cao Yun came up.

Madman Chu nodded slightly, and gave Fuyin the yin-yang wood he got from Prison Xiao, "This thing is useful to you, take it."

"Thank you, Master."

Fuyin smiled faintly. She was the spirit of Yin Fusang. Later, under the guidance of Madman Chu, she realized the full power of Fusang.

Fusang masters yin and yang, she walks the way of yin and yang, this yin and yang tree can help her comprehend the great meaning of yin and yang.

"Cao Yun, this is for you."

The madman Chu threw the Universe Ring of Prison Howl to Cao Yun. There were many good things in it, which were of little use to him, but not necessarily to Cao Yun.

"Friend Chu Dao."

At this time, Yuzhi also walked up to say hello.

"Heh, girl Yuzhi, it's been gone for a while."

Madman Chu smiled faintly, after coming out of the gossip stove, he went to the Wuxing Mountain, and then ran to the underworld again.

For some old friends, there is indeed no time to visit.

"Yeah, it's been gone for a while. If I don't come here, I guess fellow Daoists will forget about me."

Yuzhi's gaze was a bit resentful.

Madman Chu touched his nose, "I am negligent. Since everyone has come to this chaotic fragment, it is better to explore together."

"That's what I meant." Yuzhi nodded.

Then Madman Chu put the two fairy apricots into his sleeves together with the tree and fruit.

This fairy apricot can help people understand the wind, thunder and dare.

And he is planning to push back his own way of self-improvement and invincibility through comprehension of other big Luo Yi, this fairy apricot is also useful to him.

far away.

The blue-eyed bull demon who was blown away by the madman of Chu lay on the ground and kept vomiting blood. He reluctantly took out a pill and took it, and the injury was slowly healed.

"Good fellow, this punch almost killed me!"

"The physical body is big Luo Yi, this guy's physical body has actually reached this level, the aura of the prison whistle has disappeared, and he should have died in the hands of this person."

There was a touch of sadness in the eyes of the blue-eyed bull demon, and then his eyes were cold, "I must love to tell the blood kunpeng about this matter, my alien restricted area can't suffer such a loss in vain!"


Somewhere in the chaotic shards.

A young man with a spear in his hand opened his eyes suddenly, and an extremely surging aura of destruction spread out around him.

Among them, there is a tyrannical big Luo Yi!

A magnificent refining flower is slowly unfolding on the young man's head, and the third-grade flower blooms, enchanting and colorful.

"As expected of the Chaos Fruit, it not only allowed me to directly break into the realm of Da Luo Jinxian, UU reading, and the flower of the fairy yuan also blossomed to the third-rank level all of a sudden!"

After the flower of Xianyuan bloomed, then came the flower of Shouyuan, the flower of soul!

This is the Da Luo Sanhua Realm!

As for the three flowers, each flower has the twelfth rank, but after all three flowers have reached the twelfth rank, you can try to attack the five-qi realm.

"Now, I have broken through Da Luo, I don't know how to compare to Chu Madman, so what?"

The young man, Shi Tianxuan murmured while holding the Gunslinger.

Every time there was a breakthrough, he couldn't help but compare himself with the Madman Chu, and this time was no exception.

"The other party was only the Ninth-Rank Golden Immortal a year ago. It is not that simple to break through Da Luo. Maybe he hasn't broken through yet!"

Thinking of this, Shi Tianxuan couldn't help but feel a little bit happy.

In my heart, I was faintly looking forward to seeing Madman Chu again.

(End of this chapter)

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