Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1006: : Hibiscus tree, wind and thunder, blue sea tide, reappearance of Fu Xiqin

Chapter 1560 Hibiscus tree, wind and thunder, blue sea and tide, Fu Xiqin reappears


Madman Chu sneezed.

Fuyin, Cao Yun, and Yuzhi all looked at him strangely.

"No, Chief, have you caught a cold?" Cao Yun said with a frown.

"It's not enough to catch a cold. I don't know which guy is thinking about how to mess with me behind my back."

Madman Chu smiled faintly, not caring.

He was in his current situation, he knew that there were so many people who wanted to kill him, and they were thinking about him every day.

Several people continued on.

Suddenly, I saw a golden red light emerging in front.

Everyone went to take a look and found that it was the light blooming from an ancient fairy tree.

The fairy branches are red, the leaves are gold, and they are composed of two large mulberry trees. There are countless patterns on the body that are dazzling.

Seeing this fairy tree, everyone was a little surprised.

"This is a hibiscus tree!"

What appeared in front of everyone was the sacred hibiscus tree that should have been broken during the ancient times.

However, this hibiscus tree is not as strong as a real hibiscus tree. I think it should be just a seedling.

"Unexpectedly, I could meet a hibiscus tree here. Although it is only a seedling, it is also your chance."

Madman Chu looked at Fuyin and said.

At this time, the other party was staring at the hibiscus tree in a daze, only feeling that the hibiscus gave her an extremely cordial feeling.

After hearing Madman Chu's words, Fuyin came back to his senses and nodded slightly, "It seems that this time the Chaos Fragment, I came to the right."

"Go, we are here to protect you."

"Will this delay your journey, Master?" Fuyin was a little worried.

"It's okay, I also have something to refine."

Madman Chu took out the fairy apricot and the treasure pill he got from Prison Xiao with a faint smile.

After hearing this, Fuyin walked towards the hibiscus tree and came under the tree. She sat cross-legged, with the hibiscus breath coming out of her body, and began to resonate with the hibiscus tree.

She is using this method to comprehend the great Luo Yi of Yin and Yang.

"Fellow Daoist Chu has also comprehended the Yin-Yang Da Luo Yi, don't you use this opportunity to go and deepen it?"

Yuzhi said curiously.

Da Luo Yi is divided into shallow and deep, which can be roughly divided into seven steps.

Every step taken is a brand new world, and after seven steps, you can come into contact with Taoism.

"No need."

Madman Chu nodded slightly. He comprehended other great ideas, just to push back his own way of self-improvement and invincibility, and there was no need to deliberately deepen other great ideas.

He looked at Yuzhi and said with a faint smile: "It's you, Queen Mother of the West masters many avenues, among which is the way of yin and yang. Don't you use this to comprehend the yin and yang?"

"The Queen Mother of West is amazing. Although I have the inheritance of Queen Mother of West, it is not her after all. I can't master multiple Taoisms at the same stage like her. What I am walking now is the Tao of Longevity among the many roads of Queen Mother of West." Yuzhi Smiled.

The Way of Eternal Life can be said to be one of the most common avenues among many avenues.

After all, the cultivation of a monk is meant to be longevity, and he has already stood on the road of longevity. What can I ask for this way of longevity?

But Madman Chu knew that Queen Mother West's longevity road was really not easy.

She cultivated a plant of immortality that can make people live for an era, and has the horror ability of living dead, flesh and blood.

Moreover, although the way of longevity has no special advantages in attacking, Yuzhi possesses the Jinyu Jade Pond Immortal Body. The immortal essence derived from this physique cultivation is extremely pure, coupled with the Jinyuxianhui, the same move is in Yuzhi In his hands, he can exert a stronger force, but it can also make up for the shortcomings of the attack.

"The way of longevity seems simple, but the monks who practice cultivation require nothing more than the word longevity. Many people underestimate the way of longevity, but there are very few who can understand the way of longevity since ancient times. Miss Yuzhi, I am here. I wish you success in advance." Madman Chu smiled faintly.

Then, he took Bao Dan and Xian Xing to the tree, and began to refine these two things.

With his ability, he quickly refined these two things thoroughly.

The Baodan who absorbed the prison whistle took another step in his real body of Drought Yan, refining the fairy apricot, and after the reincarnation of the big Luo Yi, the Yin Yang big Luo Yi, he has mastered the wind and thunder big Luo Yi!

"The harvest is not bad."

Madman Chu opened his eyes, and a brilliant light flashed by.

He glanced at Fuyin not far away, the other party was still comprehending Fusang, faintly, there was already a tendency to condense Da Luo Yi.

He called the fantasy roulette and started the draw.

"Congratulations to the host for drawing a god-level reward for Bihai Chaosheng Song!"


Bihai Chaosheng Song?

Madman Chu's heart moved and extracted this reward. This is a piece of music.

And it is a very powerful piano music.

Thinking of Qin, Madman Chu suddenly thought of something. He looked at Yuzhi, got up and walked towards the other side, and said, "Girl Yuzhi, can you take that ancient legacy with you?"

"Yes." Yuzhi nodded slightly, and then took out the ancient notes.

Looking at the Guqin in front of him, the Madman Chu smiled faintly, and between his sleeves, three Guqin circulating Xianhui appeared one by one.

The four pianos were in the sky, and the fairy radiance was intertwined, and they were buzzing and trembling.

The strings are automatic, and the sound of the piano reverberates across the world.

Watching this scene of Ao, Yu Zhi was shocked, "Dao Fellow Chu, you have gathered all Fuxi's four pianos!"

"Yes, it's still not easy."

Madman Chu smiled faintly.

The Nine Heavens Ring Pei was obtained from the former Realm of Remains, Ben Lei Breaking Dawn was obtained in the Heavenly Dao Pagoda, and the Great Sage Lei Yin was obtained in the hands of Ji Feiyu, the enchantress of the Ji family.

Coupled with the archaic legacy in Yuzhi's hands, this Fuxi four qin is alive and well.

"Friend Chu Dao."

Yuzhi looked at the madman Chu.

The Madman Chu also understood, and as he raised his hands, Xian Yuan urged him to hit Siqin.

Under the urging of the majestic Xianyuan, the four pianos began to move closer, and the closer they were, the more vigorous the sound of the piano.

The sound of the piano spreads, stirring up chaos around.

Under this force, ordinary golden immortals will be blown out.

Madman Chu glanced at the Fuyin who was comprehending Fusang not far away, and threw out the God of Good Fortune Orb between his hands, protecting him first.

Zheng Zheng Zheng...

The sound of the piano is shaking, earth-shaking.

"I'll help you!"

Yuzhi also urged the immortal yuan and injected it into the four pianos.

Upon seeing this, Cao Yun also offered to help. Although his strength was insignificant compared to Madman Chu, he also wanted to help a little at this time.

Under the urging of Xianyuan the four pianos finally collided together, and a large number of Xianhui spewed out of them, completely covering the four pianos and turning them into a huge light ball.

Immediately afterwards, the light group exploded!

The powerful Xianyuan banged and rolled out.

The Madman Chu's sword fingers condensed, and the sword gas turned into a layer of barriers, blocking all the impact one by one.

Then a few people looked at the center of Xianyuan, and saw the original four-qin, which has now been transformed into a quaint long-qin, which is like jade, glowing with a faint white fairy radiance, and the strings are crystal clear like silk. But in the perception of several people, the strings are even better than the dragon tendons.

"Is this Fuxi Qin?"

Yuzhi whispered.

Fuxi Qin is the treasure of origin.

The rumors were held by the Emperor Fuxi. Since the immortal ancient times, they have disappeared and turned into four fragments to circulate in the world. Today, it finally reappears in the world.

(End of this chapter)

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