Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1004: : Bihai Chaosheng Song, the power of Fuxi Qin, extraordinary breath

Seeing Ziyueming squeezing the mysterious magic decision, the strange soul fluctuated out.

I saw a bunch of weird flowers blooming in the surrounding chaotic air currents, and the strong floral fragrance completely enveloped Madman Chu.

Even though Madman Chu had reached the realm of emptiness, he still fell into an illusion.

"The law of the soul is interesting."

Madman Chu looked at the illusion in front of him and smiled faintly.

This is a beautifully landscaped garden that is so beautiful and fascinating.

It seems that here, there is no harm, no fight, only time is quiet and good, and one can't help but want to stay here for a lifetime.

Can be the next moment.

In the garden, there was grey mist coming out, each black green arm stretched out from the soil, one by one zombies crawled out from the bottom of the garden.

The original years were quietly shrouded in an atmosphere of horror. Wanshi Shuangjiao's latest chapters

This illusion is too real, so real that one can't believe it.

But Madman Chu knew that when he was in the illusion, the descendant of Long Xuan and Xuanyuan outside was probably already preparing a big move and was about to kill him.

Although he was in the realm of the emptiness, after all, he had not deliberately practiced the soul method. On the soul method, it is indeed not as diverse as the soul forbidden area.

It takes a few breaths to break through this illusion.

Several breaths...

It was enough for Xuanyuan Chuan Ren and others to release the magical powers of the Immortal Fa several times.

"But unfortunately, you can confuse one soul of me, but you cannot confuse three at the same time!"

Madman Chu smiled faintly.

No one knows that he practiced the eighteenth-turn three-element soul refining tactic, and his soul is not one, but three! The latest chapter of the system at the beginning

The three souls are all in the realm of Taixu!

This illusion can cover one soul, but it cannot cover three at the same time!

outside world.

The strange flowers bloomed, and the weird fragrance covered the Madman Chu. Several people in the descendants of Xuanyuan only saw each other's eyes with confusion for a moment.

They know that this is an opportunity!

"His soul has fallen into the illusion, take action!"

Zi Yueming said loudly, his face a little pale.

God knows how much it will cost to confuse a Supreme Void soul with his golden soul peak state.

"Hurry up!"

The three of Shi Tianxuan seized the opportunity and almost exhausted their abilities to shoot towards Madman Chu.

"Mountains and rivers are the emperor's land!" My home system is called Qingming's latest chapter

"Buddha burial!"

"Dragon Emperor evil heart, evil dragon cut!"

Three completely different fairy methods, three completely different Da Luo Yi erupted at the same time, whizzing out.


Just heard a chuckle.

I saw the madman of Chu all around, a black lotus slowly blooming, the power of the world-destroying black lotus, wrapped in an extremely majestic big Luo Yi, soaring out of the sky, shocking all directions!

boom! !

Several strands of energy shocked the world!

The three great evildoers bear the brunt and fly upside down.

With this force, Zi Yueming vomited blood and flew upside down. His face was pale, and he looked at Madman Chu in disbelief, "This is impossible, I have obviously fascinated your soul!"

"You are fascinated by loneliness." Catalogue of Butcher's Works of Online Games

Madman Chu said lightly, without explaining too much.

Then, his figure flashed, and he came to Fu Xiqin's face, and he stretched out his hand to stroke the white jade-like piano body, a feeling of kindness came to life spontaneously.

Among the four pianos that make up the complete Fuxi Qin, three of them were refined by him.

In this world, apart from Fuxi himself, I am afraid that no one is more suitable to own this violin than the madman of Chu.

"I have a song, do you dare to listen to it?"

Madman Chu said lightly.


With a sound of the piano, the sound of the sound is restrained, and the world is agitated!

Vaguely, everyone seemed to hear the sound of an ocean tide.

"Under what circumstances, how can there be the sound of the sea tide here?"

"Something's wrong, it's the sound of the piano!" I, punch invincible, the latest chapter

"There is a Qin Taoist monk who enters the Tao with the Qin, the mountains and flowing water, the spring and white snow, evolving everything in nature, it is the piano sound of the madman of Chu, and his Qin has reached that state!"

A monk saw the doorway and was very surprised.

After all, they hadn't heard much about how madman Chu had such great piano skills.

"In the past, I was fortunate enough to play a ensemble with fellow Chu Daoist. His Qin Dao has already entered the state of transformation. Now, with this Fuxi Qin, I don't know how powerful it can be!"

There was a look of expectation in Yuzhi's eyes.

In the crowd, Yin Honghua also chuckled, "I haven't heard Wang play the piano for a long time, but, can you afford it?"

She looked at the three of Xuanyuan's inheritors, and there was an icy color in her eyes.

"Huh, I'm trying to be mystery." Catalogue of Deification Epoch Works

Long Xuan waved the golden dragon blade, and a flash of blade flashed out.


There was another sound of the piano, and the sound of the sea tide became more pronounced.

A wave of Pei Ran Qin waves spread, and the sword light was actually stuck in mid-air, unable to make an inch!


Madman Chu, as if he was familiar with Fuxi Qin, he flicked the strings at will, and the sound of the piano clattered, completely shattering the blade!

"All right."

Madman Chu said lightly.

The three Long Xuan's expressions condensed, and they dare not be careless.

But even if they were on guard, it was useless, because Madman Chu's fingers moved.

Those slender jade fingers danced on the Fuxi Qin, like a butterfly, flying up and down, light and graceful. Determine the latest chapter of Jiangshan

But the sound of the clank and the piano sounded like a stormy sea, causing a sensation in the world! !

At this time, Long Xuan and the others only felt that they were facing a boundless ocean, and this vast ocean was sweeping toward them with the momentum of thunder!

The sound of the piano is like tide, wave after wave.

"not good!!"

The expressions of Long Xuan and others changed drastically, frantically urging their own Xian Yuan to resist the sound of the piano. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

It was just under this force that their fairy bodies were still shocked as never before, and they only felt that their blood was surging, and their bones seemed to burst!

"What kind of music is this?!"

"Damn it, this is too terrible!"

"damn it!"

The monks watching around were also shocked.

The sound of the Zhengzheng piano reverberated across the world, and they seemed to see a boundless ocean, the waves surging, and the shocking waves hit the shore!

It's... Bihai Chaosheng Song!

Madman Chu's ten fingers picked faster and faster, getting more and more mad.

The sound of the waves is stronger than one wave!

Not only that, in this sound of the piano, a big Luo Yi was vaguely bred out! !

Qin Dao Luo Yi!

With the blessing of this great Luo Yi, the sound of the piano is getting stronger and stronger.

Zi Yueming was the first to be unable to hold it, screamed, his body smashed directly, and turned into a cloud of blood mist!

Although Long Xuan was protected by the scales of the four seas, his dragon body was also violently turbulent under the vibration of the piano, and the blood in his body rolled and seemed to explode.


Long Xuan left without any hesitation.

But the surrounding area was shrouded by countless silver and white Dao patterns at some point, and this world was banned by the Madman Chu!


Long Xuan, the descendant of Xuanyuan, and Shi Tianxuan's expressions changed drastically.

Just when they were about to despair, two energies suddenly swept in the distance, one of which was a blood-colored punch, and it was vaguely visible that a blood-colored Kunpeng contained it.

The other one is a colorful fairy radiance, which contains the power of good fortune.

boom! !

The **** fist strength, the energy of good fortune fell on the silver-white Dao pattern at the same time, tore a hole.

Madman Chu's piano stopped with a clattering sound.

He looked at the chaos in the distance, "It's a strange breath, but it's extraordinary."

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