Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1005: : Kill Shi Tianxuan, Blood Kunpeng, Heir to Emperor Wa

When Madman Chu was about to kill the three evil evildoers, a strange force suddenly broke in and broke the seal of time and space he had set.

These two forces are very extraordinary.

Compared with Shi Tianxuan and the others, there was nothing worse than it, and he had guessed in an instant.

"Are they hidden in secret?"

Madman Chu smiled faintly, and there was a hint of interest in his eyes.

Long Xuan, Shi Tianxuan, and Xuanyuan Chuan's three expressions were joyful, as if they saw the straw, they quickly rushed towards the gap in the seal of time and space.

"Can you go?"

Madman Chu stepped forward and directly caught up with Shi Tianxuan.

And Shi Tianxuan was stunned.

Three people, why are you catching up with me? !

"I have let you go several times, and this time, it should be time to take you away."

Madman Chu said lightly, a world-destroying black lotus slowly unfolded in his hands, and then he was suppressed!

The terrifying power of destruction is permeating from it.

Among them, there is even a big Luo Yi of destruction!

Shi Tianxuan felt that this Destruction Da Luo Yi was very familiar, and it was extremely similar to himself, "How could this be?!"

He didn't know that Madman Chu could comprehend the yin and yang Da Luo Yi when he fought against black and white impermanence in the underworld, but now he could also understand the destruction of Da Luo Yi when he fought him!

"Kill the Great Spear, stop me!!"

Shi Tianxuan shot out, and the two great treasures of the former Mozu Luo Maw had an extremely shocking collision!

boom! !

The aura of destruction spread out, Shi Tianxuan flew out hundreds of miles, his face turned pale, and the sharp-killing spear in his hand buzzed and trembled.

"Chu madman, even if I die, I won't let you get the shotgun!!"

Shi Tianxuan knew that he might not be able to escape this catastrophe today.

With a low growl, he held the Gunkilling Spear with his backhand, and before Madman Chu arrived, he urged the devilish energy to the extreme, and then slammed the spear out!


The spear looked like a shooting star, slid through the void, flew into the distance, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"You are decisive."

Madman Chu didn't even look at the flying spear, came to Shi Tianxuan's face, and suppressed the world-killing black lotus!

Shi Tianxuan, who had lost the Killing Spear, had absolutely no power to fight back in front of this force, and in a sudden, it turned into a blood mist and exploded!

The lord of a demon country fell on the spot!

And on the other side.

Long Xuan, the descendant of Xuanyuan rushed eagerly, and he didn't even have the courage to turn around and take a look.

Just when Madman Chu was about to pursue it, from a distance, the blood-colored punch and the energy of colorful good fortune swept away again!

Madman Chu raised his hand to smash the two energies, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.


"This kind of power is a supernatural evildoer! It makes me look forward to it."

He also stopped paying attention to Long Xuan and Xuanyuan's heir.

These two people are tough in nature, and Dao Xin is hard to be destroyed. He believes that one day they will appear in front of him again.

"Friend Chu, are you okay."

Yuzhi and Cao Yun walked up.

"It's just a few evildoers, not enough to cause any threat to me."

Madman Chu said lightly, but in fact, he was unscathed in this battle, and even his aura was stable and abnormal, as if he hadn't had any consumption.

Hearing what he said, the other Tianjiao looked at each other and didn't know what to say for a while.

Just a few evildoers?

You know, that's a terrific and even majestic evildoer, and it has also broken through to the realm of Da Luo!

But this kind of evildoer, in the eyes of Madman Chu, is just nothing more?

In this world, apart from Mad Chu, no young generation would dare to say such a thing.

"Friend Chu, can this piano be used smoothly?"

Yuzhi asked.

The madman of Chu nodded slightly, "It is worthy of being the treasure of origin, this piano is indeed extraordinary."

Although Fuxi Qin is only the treasure of the acquired origin, it is not comparable to the treasure of the innate origin such as the black lotus of the extinction of the world. It is just that, coupled with the quality of the madman of Chu, and the latest qin song, the Bihai Chaosheng song, the power that can be exerted is still Out of the ordinary.


Yin Honghua also walked up, beside her, there was also the Buddhist evildoer Jinghui.

"I haven't seen him for many years, Fellow Daoist Chu is still so...perverted."

Jinghui said with emotion.

In this battle, she saw the end from the beginning and was extremely amazed.

She believed that even the top enchantment in Buddhism would be inferior to Madman Chu.

"Well, Honghua, Master Jinghui, don't come here unharmed."

Madman Chu greeted him, then looked at Jinghui and said, "I wonder how Shizi is doing now?"

"What else, still facing the wall."

Jinghui said helplessly.

"Face the wall?"

Chu Kuangren frowned slightly, a little puzzled, "What's wrong with her?"

"She's right, it's her own choice. After separating from you last time, she returned to the Pure Land of Bliss and began to face the wall and meditate on the Buddha's mind."

"That's it."

Madman Chu did not ask much.

At this time, Fu Yin, who was not far away, also regained consciousness from the state of enlightenment.

She is protected by the **** of good fortune, but the fierce battle fluctuations just now did not affect her in the slightest.

However, she still did not comprehend Da Luo Yi and broke through the Da Luo Realm.

"It's almost the last point, but I'm afraid that this point will not be surpassed in a short time."

Fuyin said helplessly.

However, this is also normal, if Da Luo Yi is so easy to comprehend, there will not be so few Da Luo Jinxians in the fairy world.

"It's okay, take this hibiscus tree back to the academy, and there will be time for enlightenment later."

With a wave of his sleeve, the madman of Chu uprooted the hibiscus tree and threw it directly into the universe.

"Next, it's time to incubate something like that."

"Such a thing?"

Yuzhi looked at each other, not knowing what Chu Kuang's population said.

"Everyone, I am afraid I will be separated from you for a while."

Madman Chu smiled.

He wanted to find a place to incubate the chaotic green lotus.

This is also the biggest purpose for him to come to this chaotic fragment. It is true that there are many treasures here, but no matter how many treasures, how can it be compared with the chaotic green lotus seed in his body?

This is a treasure that is even more advanced than the Black Lotus of Extinguishing the World.

Once hatched, it will benefit him immensely.


the other side.

Long Xuan, the descendant of Xuanyuan finally escaped from birth, ran out for thousands of miles, and saw that Madman Chu did not catch up, so he stopped.

"It's defeated again, once again in the hands of Madman Chu."

Xuanyuan Chuanren's face sank, unwilling to the extreme.


Long Xuan was furious, and directly hit a mountain next to him with a punch.

With a bang, the mountains burst into pieces!

"Mountains won't fight back."

An indifferent voice sounded.

I saw a young man in a blood-colored robe walking out of the chaos.

"This breath, UU reading, you are the one who stopped the madman Chu just now! Who are you," Long Xuan said in a voice.

The opponent was able to rescue them from Madman Chu, which shows that the strength is extraordinary.

"Blood Kunpeng!"

Xue Kunpeng said lightly, and then looked to another place, a strange color flashed across his **** eyes, "Isn't the Daoist still showing up?"


A soft laugh sounded, and there was a burst of brilliance, and a female fairy in a colorful dress came.

This female fairy has a green silk like a waterfall, her face is beautiful, and her body is more extraordinary.

"Hua Xi."

The Legend of Xuanyuan looked at the incoming person and nodded slightly, not surprised that the other person came.

Huaxi, the descendant of Emperor Wa!

(End of this chapter)

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