Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1007: : The emperor’s law, Zhuxian Jianqi, reinforcements come

The domineering golden fairy splendidly swept out, forcing the Chaos Dome!

This blow, like a lofty emperor's shot, sentenced life to death, almost overbearing!

This is the Eastern Emperor God Child!

It is the emperor's power of Jiuge Jiuge!

Hum! !

At this time, the void trembled.

The sky and the earth shook, and a cyan sword shadow rose into the sky, seemingly about to cut down the sun, moon, and stars!

The sword shadow and the power of the Eastern Emperor directly collided with each other with a bang. These two forces directly burst the surrounding space, causing countless chaotic air currents to run away!

"Oh, Qingye Jiantong, Ye Zhu!"

The East Emperor Godzi looked at the force of the shot, and there was a touch of coldness in his eyes.

It was not someone else who made the shot, it was Ye Zhu who had friendship with the madman Chu!

He wore a blue shirt, stood proudly, standing in front of the Chaos Giant Egg, a green bamboo-shaped fairy sword in his hand circulated Xianhui, the biting sword pressed, as if he was about to tear the void around him!

"Ye Zhu, I didn't expect that you would attack me for Madman Chu!"

The **** son of the East Emperor stared at Ye Zhu, with a cold tone, the emperor's mighty might, crushing out like a sky!

But Ye Zhu stood in place with a calm expression and smiled: "It's rare to have a confidant in life, fight for a confidant, and die without regret."

"Hmph, then you go to die!!"

The **** son of the Eastern Emperor no longer speaks much, the shot is the most domineering Eastern Emperor Xianyuan, and it contains a vast emperor's great Luo Yi!

"The ability of the Eastern Emperor, I wanted to give it a try."

Ye Zhu smiled faintly, holding the green bamboo sword tightly, there was a blue sword glow in his eyes, and the supreme immortal body green leaf sword pupil was moved to the extreme by him!

boom! !

Countless sword qi spewed from his body and collided with Donghuang Xianyuan.

"Dong Huang sunset!"

I saw that between the gods of the East Emperor raised his hands, the immortal yuan surged, turning into a vast expanse of sun, crushing towards Ye Zhu! !

"Qingye Jianhai!"

Ye Zhu urged the immortal body's supernatural powers, and countless sword qi turned into a dazzling sword sea, killing the day.

"As expected of the Supreme Immortal Body, but compared to me, you are still a lot worse!"

The **** son of the East Emperor, as a world-familiar evildoer, is naturally extraordinary. I saw him let out a cold voice, and behind him there was a celestial splendor rising into the sky, turning into a huge emperor's image!

This form is filled with infinite celestial glory, shining in the chaos!

"What a terrifying picture!"

"It's worthy of being the strongest evildoer in the Immortal Court of the Eastern Emperor. This power is indeed not comparable to ordinary people."

Some Tianjiao evildoers were secretly stunned and couldn't help but regress again and again, for fear of being affected by this battle.

Ye Zhu's eyes also showed a solemn color, "Since this is the case, let you see my trump card!!"

The green bamboo sword in his hand trembled slightly, and then, a terrifying sword pressure spread out from the center of him, actually intertwined with a shocking picture.

In this picture scroll, there are four swords floating between the heaven and the earth, and countless gods and immortals are trapped among the four swords and strangled one by one!

In the blink of an eye, the fairy gods fell like rain!

"This is Zhuxian Jianqi!!"

The pupils of the God Child of the Eastern Emperor shrank slightly, rare, and a little dignified.

In the fairy world, there is a saying of the twenty-four methods of kendo.

And the first four of the twenty-four methods of kendo are all Harmony, the second is Xuanyuan Jianqi, the third is the sword of Zhou, and the fourth is the Dugu Jianjue!

As for the first place, it is this Zhuxian Jianqi! !

According to rumors, in the ancient times, the Master Tongtian was carrying the supreme innate treasure Zhuxian four swords, these four swords can set up a peerless Zhuxian sword formation, known as the world's first killing formation!

Even Xian Ting's Zhoutian Star Array could not be compared.

The Zhuxian Sword Qi in the twenty-four methods of kendo was created by observing this Zhuxian sword formation.

"Unexpectedly, it is surprising that you actually mastered this Zhuxian Jianqi!"

The Eastern Emperor Godzi said, the Xianyuan inside the body urged, and then the emperor Faxiang behind him raised his hand and pressed a palm!

Ye Zhu raised his hand and cut out a sword!


The peerless sword qi collided with the hand of the emperor's Faxiang, and it exploded directly with a bang around it.

Ye Zhu and the descendants of the Eastern Emperor all retreated.

But Ye Zhu's face was slightly pale. He had just mastered this sword aura soon, and he was not very proficient, and he was still a little reluctant to deal with an enemy like Donghuang Shenzi.

"See how you can block me!"

The Eastern Prince snorted coldly, and then said to the others: "Eastern Lord, you are going to break the restriction and destroy the Madman Chu!"


In the field, there are many Tianjiao evildoers, including the **** son of the Eastern Emperor Xianting and some others who have enemies with the madman Chu.

For example, the blue-eyed bull demon in the alien restricted area, the four Tianjiao of Kunlun Xianting, the Zhuanxu descendant of the Emperor of the People...

"Ha, Lan Yu, Madman Chu is dead today, I can give you another chance to surrender to me! How?!" Xue Kunpeng said to Lan Yu.

"I still said that, you are daydreaming and your brain is very sick!"

Lan Yu said indifferently, waving the magic scepter in his hand, and he wanted to fight again.

But her heart is also very anxious.

The ban imposed by Madman Chu was indeed strong, but under the continuous attacks of Dongjun Shenzi and others, it could not be resisted for too long.

"You are really stubborn!"

Xue Kunpeng looked at Lan Yu, with a look of indifference in his eyes, "Since it is something I can't get, then I would rather destroy it!!"

He snorted and blasted Lan Yu again!

The Scarlet Fist was overbearing abnormally, and wherever he went, the world was rendered bloody.

Lan Yu gave a low cry, the immortal body's supernatural powers urged, the bright aura surging, turning into a vast river, rushing towards the fist!

Under the power strike.

Lan Yu was blasted out hundreds of feet, the immortal body was shaken, and he couldn't help but vomit a mouthful of blood.


Xue Kunpeng snorted coldly, then blasted out a punch again.

Seeing that this fist strength was about to fall on Lan Yu, a ray of fire flew from a distance, it was a golden red phoenix fire!

In addition to the Phoenix Fire, there are two dragon shadows, one gold and one red!

boom! !

Huang Huo, Long Ying blasted above the strength of his fist, and the three forces struck each other, and Lan Yu was impacted by the aftermath and retreated.

Behind him, two arms supported him.

"Ahem, you are finally here!"

Lan Yu coughed twice, with blood on the corners of his mouth, but a smile appeared on his face.

"Ha, it came just right."

Yin Honghua smiled faintly, holding the Scarlet Dragon Spear, glanced at the Blood Kunpeng, sternly, "Is he the guy who wants to hurt the king?"

"Tsk, just because this guy wants to hurt his brother, UU reading is too funny."

Chu Hong hugged his arm and looked at Xue Kunpeng, "Yo Clan, which clan are you from?"

Xue Kunpeng did not answer, and snorted coldly, "Two ants who have not yet reached the realm of Da Luo, dare to stop me with a little trick, and dare to be mad. You are not opponents."

"They are not, then, what about me?!"

Proud words resounded through the void.

I saw a figure stepping with its head high, and between the white clothes, the spirit of the gods and demons shook all directions, shaking the world.

There is no **** in the line of gods and demons!

After the First World War, Madman Chu asked Jue Wushen and others to go back to Yangjian first.

And in the exploration of Chaos Fragment, the current Absolute Wushen, a self-cultivation base, has reached the Da Luo, the emptiness of the Da Luo Yi, mighty and palpitating!

Even Xue Kunpeng is a bit solemn.

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