Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1001: : The blood kunpeng war is absolutely godless, 5 lakes and 4 seas are all friends, a

In the chaos, Jue Wu Shen and Xue Kun Peng confronted each other, and two completely different Da Luo Yi collided with each other, and the surrounding chaotic air currents translated it, and the atmosphere was extremely terrifying!

"Lan Yu, Chu Hong, go help the king first, and he will leave it to me!"

Absolutely Wushen said lightly.

Lan Yu nodded slightly, and before leaving, she reminded him, "He is a blood dragon in the alien restricted area. He is very fast. You have to be careful."

"Is Kunpeng extremely fast? I see."

Lan Yu, Chu Hong, and Yin Honghua flew towards the Chaos Dome.

"In front of me, I also want to leave and dream!!"

With a cold snort, Xue Kunpeng was about to use Kunpeng's speed to intercept the three of them.

But all of a sudden, I saw an extremely powerful aura of gods and demons erupting all around. This aura intertwined between the heavens and the earth, turning it into a nihility field, covering it completely!

In this force field, the ubiquitous power of nothingness made Xue Kunpeng's eyes condensed, and he did not dare to act rashly, and looked guarded at Absolutely Godless.

"In front of me, do you dare to be distracted?"

Jue Wushen said indifferently, raising his hand to urge the power of the Void Gods and Demons, and a divine light shot out.

Xue Kunpeng also punched.

But the demon energy was instantly penetrated by the power of the void gods and demons, and he was actually repelled by dozens of feet.

"The power of gods and demons, the line of gods and demons!"

The Blood Kunpeng was a little jealous, and the restricted area was one of the most terrifying forces in the universe.

But before going out of the mountain, the ancient existences in the restricted area had told him very solemnly...Be careful of the line of gods and demons!

I have never been afraid of any forces in the restricted area, and I am very afraid of the gods and demons alone!

"Haha, let me see, what is the power of the line of gods and demons!!"

The blood kunpeng gave a long roar, and the demon energy urged to the extreme!

boom! !

Gods and demons, different species, crashed!

And the other side.

In front of the Chaos Dome, the layers of restrictions have been almost disintegrated by the goddess of Dongjun, the goddess of life, the descendants of Zhuanxu, the blue-eyed bull demon and others.

"Mad Chu, I didn't expect that you would plunge yourself into such a desperate situation."

The **** son Dongjun laughed, and then urged the power of Dahi to smash it towards the prohibition.

The rest of the Tianjiao evildoers also shot one after another.

Accompanied by a loud noise that exploded the chaos, the last layer of restriction outside the dome was broken!

Just when they were going to rush up and smash the dome.

In the sky, there was a sudden burst of powerful aura!

"If you want to touch Daoist Chu, you have to ask me if I agree!"

Yuzhi stepped into the air, and the golden jade fairy radiated on her body, like the head of a high female fairy. Between raising her hands, the golden jade fairy yuan was like a tide, and the Dongjun **** son flew out!

"Sage of Yaochi, you are the only one who can't stop us!"

Dongjun Shenzi said coldly.

"Who said she was alone!"

A wave of gods and demons burst out, and the masters in the line of gods and demons were dispatched one after another.

It's not just a line of gods and demons.

There are also Cao Yun and Wang Chentian from the Academy, Luo Yan from Ziweixing, and the ice silkworm is like snow...

"Only you, want to hurt the son and dream!!"

Between the heaven and the earth, Chanran Xianhui soared into the sky.

A golden red sacred tree is born, that is the power of Fusang!

Fuyin stepped into the air. Although he had not yet advanced to Da Luo, he was only half a step away from the realm of Da Luo.

"Haha, I'll wait to come and help Daoist Chu."

"In the past, Fellow Chu Daoist saved my life. Today, I'm here to repay his kindness!"

Another group of monks came.

And Dongjun didn't know any of these people, "Where did these people come from?"

"Oh, is it you?"

Fuyin glanced at the monks. They were the monks who had been confused by Zi Yueming's illusion and saved his life by Madman Chu not long ago.

"Yes, we are not people who don't repay us. Fellow Daoist Chu saved our life. He is in trouble today, and we have to help him!"

The headed monk with a big sword said lightly.

"Whoever of you dares to hurt the son is an enemy of Qingqiu Tushan!"

At this moment, a group of fox demon ran not far away.

The one headed was a fox-eared girl. The aura on her body wasn't that strong, she was only the fifth or sixth rank of the Golden Immortal.

But the fox demon behind her are all in the Golden Immortal realm, so they shouldn't be underestimated.

"The fox demon in Qingqiu Tushan? What the hell? Why are they here to join in the fun?!"

Dongjun was a little confused.

"Ha, it's a little fox."

Lan Yu came to the scene and saw the fox-eared girl, his eyes lit up, and the other party was the fox demon alien moonlight fox that Madman Chu had once helped.

"Amitabha Buddha, you benefactors, I still hope that you don't try to force each other."

Jinghui clasped her hands together, the light of Buddha circulated on her body, Chao Dongjun and others said lightly.

Beside her, the Buddhism evil evil sword monk held the sword in his hand, with an indifferent expression, but he was obviously standing on the side of Madman Chu and others.

In the old days in the glazed soil, the madman of Chu calmed down the seed of the Buddha, and helped suppress the spirit of Lingshan Daoran.

To some extent, Buddhism owes each other a favor.

Even if the opponent possesses the strength of the wave, since it is confirmed that the opponent is not the seed of the extinction of the Buddha, it is not impossible to make good friends.

"Buddha people?!"

The faces of Dongjun Shenzi, Zhuan Xuren and others turned black.

Who is it that Madman Chu is all enemies in the world?

The line of gods and demons, the sacred place of Yaochi, the academy, the Sanqingdao Sect, and even the Yaozu and Buddhism also helped each other.

There is also a group of sloppy forces Tianjiao.

How can this be the enemy of the whole world! !

This is clearly friends from all corners of the world! !

"Damn, where did Madman Chu come from so many friends? Didn't he mean that he offended a lot of people?!"

"How do I feel that we have offended a lot of people."

The faces of Dongjun Shenzi and others were a little ugly.

And Lan Yu, who sent out the distress signal, was also a little surprised. He didn't expect so many people to come.

"Hmph, a mob, do you want to stop me too?!"

At this time, an indifferent voice sounded.

I saw Ziyue Changkong snorted coldly, looking at Lan Yu and the others, as if looking at an ant, squeezing the mysterious method, and bursts of weird soul power spread out!

Between heaven and earth, weird flowers spread.

"No, that's another trick! He is in the soul forbidden zone!"

Yuzhi's face changed slightly.

She knew how terrible this trick was, "Everyone, keep your mind!"

But it was useless. Many people were still affected, and their consciousness gradually fell into the illusion.


At this time, UU reading www.uukanshu. com a dragon roar resounded!

I saw the golden red dragon shadow hitting towards the purple moon sky, interrupting the opponent's spellcasting.

"Oh, someone can resist my illusion?!"

Ziyue Changkong looked at Yin Honghua in surprise, and couldn't help being surprised.

"Oh, your illusion is far worse than the heart demon!"

Yin Honghua sneered. In the past, she was affected by the evil nature of the Asura blood dragon and was often corroded by the demons. Later, she practiced the meditation curse, which invisibly strengthened her soul, and even more capable of confusing the mind and the like. Far beyond the resistance of ordinary people.


Lan Yu, Yin Honghua, and Chu Hong joined forces to attack the Purple Imperial Sky, preventing the other party from having time to use the Soul Law.

The various forces divide into two groups of forces, one for protection and the other for offense, fighting together in this chaos.

Its momentum is huge, which is rare in the world.

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