Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1002: : Absolutely not retreat, the Golden Crow Shaozu shot, the dome cracked

Amidst the chaos, a war that is rare in the world is unfolding.

All forces, all kinds of evildoers, Buddhism, monsters, forbidden areas, are fighting together, gorgeous energy surging wildly in the air, intertwined with a magnificent scene in the chaos.

It's just that in this beautiful scene, what is hidden is a deadly murderous intent!

Boom, boom, boom! !

A series of explosions resounded in the chaos.

It is Absolute No God and Blood Kunpeng.

The power of emptiness is intertwined with different kinds of demonic energy, causing the world to explode one after another, and the gorgeous Dao patterns are intertwined.

"The spirit of the gods and demons is indeed terrifying, but it is a pity that you are still inferior to me!"

Xue Kunpeng sneered, and the blood-colored demon energy in his body surged and shot out one after another, and the power of nothingness of Absolute God was defeated and collapsed one after another!

"It's really good to be a monster of the world. I have just broken through Da Luo not long ago. Although I can barely fight with him, I am afraid it will not last long."

Absolutely no gods frowned slightly.

He believed that if he was given a period of time, he would not be any worse than Blood Kunpeng.

It's just a pity that the other party won't give him this opportunity.

He glanced at the Chaos Dome, and there was a look of identification in his eyes, "No matter what, before the king appears, he must not retreat!!"

He was now 80 to 90% sure that the giant egg was a Madman Chu.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Madman Chu not to show up after such a big movement, let alone watch them in a dangerous situation.

Now, it's time for them to guard the king!

"Covering the sky with one hand!!"

In the sky, a huge palm fell from the sky, and the violent coercion was like the pressure of a sky.

The **** son of the Eastern Emperor manipulated the emperor's face behind him, and his huge palm fell from the sky.

The surrounding monks were shaken back one after another under the aftermath of this palm!

There was only a figure in a blue shirt, facing the giant palm, without retreat, holding a green bamboo sword in his hand, and his eyes bloomed with celestial glory, surrounded by sword energy, like a hurricane!

"Zhuxian Jianqi, Slaughter Immortals!!"

The green bamboo sword trembled for it, and the huge sword energy that stretched for hundreds of thousands of feet came out!

In front of the sword qi, everything perishes and falls!

The space of large tracts collapsed and burst!

Sword energy, giant palms, the two forces collided with a bang, and billions of celestial splendor were intertwined, making the surroundings look like the end of the day.

"What a terrifying power!"

"The collision between the supreme immortal body and the world-famous evildoer is really terrible."

Some monks couldn't help but marvel at it, with deep horror in their eyes.


At this moment, from the billions of celestial glory, a figure flew upside down, blood spurting wildly.

Everyone looked intently, it was Ye Zhu!

"Sure enough, is Ye Zhu still a little worse?"

Some enchanting thought secretly.

The Supreme Immortal Body is indeed powerful, but Jiuge, the son of the East Emperor God, has the fairy garden in his hands and has cultivated for many years, which is even more extraordinary.

"Today, not only Madman Chu, I want to clean up even you!"

The **** son of the Eastern Emperor stood in the air, his body was immortal and dazzling!

There was an icy color in his eyes. In his opinion, Madman Chu and the people around him were really an eyesore. If you keep it, it will inevitably become a hidden danger in the future!

Simply solved today!

"Who is the one who will kill you, it is not yet known!"

Ye Zhu smiled faintly, wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, his eyes showed indomitable color.

The melee from all sides continues.

But everyone did not notice that the chaotic air in this chaotic fragment was becoming thinner at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Even some great abilities from the outside world can use the fairy consciousness to get a glimpse of the situation in the chaos.

"The Qi of Chaos has become thinner, wait, there is something in it."

"Damn, why are we all fighting together!"

After being able to perceive the situation in the chaos, he was immediately taken aback.

What's the situation? !

A lot of evildoers were all beaten together.

"In the end what happened?"

"What is that dome? Could it be a certain Chaos Demon God?!"

The celestial knowledge of the mighty people converged, and there was some doubt about that chaotic dome.

But vaguely, they felt an inexplicable and terrifying force from within the dome, and it seemed that something terrifying was brewing in it.


In chaos.

The battle between Ziyue Changkong and Lan Yu's three daughters is not over yet.

The three Lan Yu women understood in their hearts that the other party's soul methods were unpredictable and must not be used, otherwise, except for Yin Honghua, it would be difficult for the others to resist.

Among the three, Lan Yu has reached the realm of Da Luo, so Lan Yu is the main attacker, and the other two women are assisted. The fast attack is launched, and various attack methods are emerging in an endless stream!

In the purple moon sky, there was no time to use the soul means.


The purple eyes of Ziyue Changkong showed an icy color.

I took out a fairy like a bronze mirror, in which there were runes circulating, which seemed to contain some strange power.

A mirror image reveals Xianhui!

In this fairy glory, Lan Yu and Chu Hong's bodies became stiff, and their souls seemed to be frozen.

Only Yin Honghua practiced the meditation mantra all the year round, temporarily unaffected, his eyes drenched, and the power of the twin dragons in his body moved to the extreme, blocking in front of the two women, fighting for a moment.

After Lan Yu recovered, her expression was a bit solemn, "Be careful of the light of that mirror!"

"it is good!"

Chu Hong, whose realm was inferior to that of Lan Yu, recovered soon afterwards, nodding slightly.

Zi Yu Changkong held the bronze mirror in his hand and sneered: "You can't stop me, Ye Zhu, absolutely no **** can't stop the Eastern Emperor God and Blood Kunpeng."

"Madman Chu!!!"

At this time, the Golden Crow Shaozu made a long roar!

It seems to have broken free from the battle between heaven and man, looking at the Chaos Dome, there is a resolute color in his eyes, "You must die, otherwise, I may become a devil for my life!!"

He decided to take action.

Heaven and man fought for so long, he finally suppressed his fear of Madman Chu.

He knows that if he doesn't make any moves, the opponent will become his own devil. In the light of it, he will end up living in the shadow of the opponent. In the worst case, he will be difficult to advance in his cultivation, and he will stop Da Luo!

"it is good!!"

"Jin Wu Shaozu, I didn't see you wrong as expected!"

The son of the Eastern Emperor, the eyes of the few people of Xue Kunpeng shined.

Among the evildoers in the scene, Shaozu Jinwu is definitely one of the top few people. As long as he can overcome his fear of Madman Chu and take action, it will be a great help for them to deal with Madman Chu!

In the field, Lan Yu, Absolute Wushen, Ye Zhu and others have their own restraints.

Now, no one is the opponent of Golden Crow Shaozu!

"Golden Crow Nine Yaolun!"

I saw the golden light wheel behind the Golden Crow Shaozu blooming with celestial splendor, and the golden crow fire flickered, turning into a giant claw and grabbing it toward the Chaos Dome!

boom! !

This force is very strong!

The realm of Da Luo is not necessarily blocked!

boom! !

This claw blasted above the dome abruptly!

"not good!"


The expressions of Lan Yu and others changed drastically.

I saw the chaotic air currents on the surface of the Chaos Dome scroll frantically, entangled with the Golden Crow Fire.

The next instant dissipated gradually.

This blow could not break the dome, but the chaotic airflow on the surface of the dome also dissipated most of it.

"One more blow!"

Shaozu Jinwu's eyes condensed, and he wanted to shoot again.

Available at this time.

The chaotic airflow on the surface of the dome dissipated on its own, cracks spread out, and on its surface, a flow of blue light turned out!

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