Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1003: : Chaos Qinglian, Dao Zheng Feng, Dao Ancestor shot

The chaotic air current on the surface of the Chaos Dome began to dissipate, cracks appeared, and cyan light diffused out of those cracks!

In the blue light, there are mysterious Dao patterns intertwined, and in the chaos, even more mysterious Dao sounds reverberate, shaking the sky!

The abnormal change of the Chaos Dome suddenly made the entire battlefield extremely quiet, and all the enchanting Tianjiao who were fighting against each other stopped one after another and looked at the dome intently.

What is in it?

Madman Chu?

Or is it the best innate treasure in their guess?

"The son..."

As the cracks on the dome grew more and more, a throbbing faintly appeared in Lan Yu's heart. That's right, this feeling is definitely the son.

The blue light shining in the chaos, a wave of incomparable mystery spread out, not only the fragments of chaos, but even the entire fairy world was affected by this strange wave.

Each of the great powers cast their gazes at the Chaos Shards, with solemn expressions in their eyes.

The chaotic airflow on the surface of the dome has completely dissipated, and what appeared in front of everyone was a...bud filled with azure celestial splendor!

This flower bud is elliptical, swaying in chaos, flowing through billions of celestial splendor, brilliantly dazzling.

Many monks looked at this bud, and suddenly an unprecedented desire emerged in their hearts!


An unprecedented huge opportunity!

"What exactly is this bud that can make people feel this way?!"

Even the **** son of the East Emperor, the enchanting evildoer like the Golden Crow Shaozu couldn't help but exclaim.

And some great people in the fairy world could not help but shrink their pupils when they saw this bud, and they were extremely shocked!

"This, is this..."

Inside the Kunlun Fairy Court, the emperor Jue Xin's pupils shrank and he was extremely shocked!

the other side.

In the chaos, the old man in the purple Taoist robe couldn't help showing a touch of astonishment, "It's actually this thing!"

The strongest of the gods and demons sitting in the void also noticed the cyan bud in the chaos, and couldn’t help but chuckle, "This kid, every time he can surprise people, he even got this kind of thing out. I know, this thing is incompatible with the world, it has been shattered by the main road in the past years, and it is an odd number.

"There is absolutely nothing wrong, this kind of extraordinary Taoist rhyme, this kind of chaotic energy that can't even cover the avenue, is definitely...Chaotic Qinglian!!"

"My God, why does this kind of thing still exist?!"

"No, it's impossible, the avenue does not allow this kind of thing to exist, why, why can this thing still exist in this world?!"

All the powerful people who recognized the buds were shocked.

Chaos Qinglian!

This was a treasure when the Great Dao was not born, and it can even be said to be the most powerful and mysterious treasure in this world!

Even if it is the best innate treasure, it can't be compared with it!

Because of this thing, even the avenue is afraid of it!

Therefore, this thing was already broken when the chaos opened up, and it is impossible to reproduce it!

But now, this treasure appeared in front of them!

Vaguely, they felt the tremor of the avenue and the roar of the heaven and the earth. The avenue energy of this world seemed to have locked the flower bud, and wanted to destroy it and shatter it!

"Is Dadao going to take action?!"

There is something that the power has noticed.

And at the end of the universe, the strongest **** and demon in the blue shirt showed a cold look in his eyes without regret, "Dadao is going to take action?!"

The next moment.

The endless spirit of gods and demons centered on him, spreading out, and swept over dozens of galaxies around in the blink of an eye!

He slowly stood up from the unnamed ancient star, his thin body looked extremely stalwart at this moment, like an ancient demon **** standing upright on the ground!

"Do you think it will be as easy as before this time, Dadao!!"

No regrets said lightly.

The endless gods and demons swept the universe, and it was actually roaring with the Dao Qi machine in the dark!

this moment.

The ancient powers of the immortal world and the entire universe all felt it, and looked at the starry sky one after another, with a solemn color in their eyes.

"He is fighting against Dadao!!"

"Horrible person!"

"Such power, I really suspect that he is not a chaos **** and demon, but a real chaos **** and demon!"

In the dark, the Qi of Gods and Demons and Dao Qi are colliding with each other.

The ancient powers are all observing this battle with their own means.

There was only a short moment when the power of the gods and demons collided with the Dao Qi machine, but to everyone, this moment seemed to have passed hundreds of millions of years.

For a moment, it seems eternal!

"The spirit of the gods and demons is no match for the Dao Qi!"

At this time, there was a condensed light in the power of his eyes.

Perceived that the power of no regrets has fallen short.

But at this moment, a burst of purple fairy brilliance from nowhere was swept away forcefully! !

With the arrival of this purple fairy hui, the qi of the gods and demons that had gradually fallen into a downward trend suddenly eased, and together with the celestial hui, they overwhelmed the Dao Qi machine!

"Someone has done it!"

"Who is it? Actually, just like him, it is enough to compete with the great power!"

Someone was extremely surprised.

But at the same time, some people have also noticed that there is an incomparably mysterious aura in that purple fairy radiance, which has the same origin as the Dao Qi Ji.

"It seems that my judgment is not wrong. The existence of those immortal ancients has not really dissipated, and the Taoist ancestor of the immortal road is still there!"

"High lying nine layers of clouds, the futon is Daozhen, outside the heaven and the earth, I am the master teacher! Oh, it's incredible, the ancestor of this ancient immortal Tao is still there."

"Not only that, he actually resisted the great opportunity with Wu regret! Interesting!"

Everyone talked about the purple fairy hui.

The end of the universe.

No regrets, who had just blocked the Dao Qi, condensed the spirit of the gods and demons, and then moved towards the Dao Ancestor where he was, "Thank you for your help."

"Chaotic Qinglian, although this thing is intolerable to heaven and earth, at this time, it is a great help. I am just thinking about the future of this world."

Daozu smiled faintly.


Then, the two continued to look at the chaotic fragment in the fairy world.

Outside the bud, countless Tianjiao enchanting eyes are fiery.

They didn't have enough realm, and they didn't know that just now there was an astonishing thing that someone was vying with the Dao.

At this moment, their minds were completely attracted by the green lotus bud in front of them.

"This thing is definitely a great opportunity!"

"Oh my God, my way seems to be noisy, noisy for me to get this thing as soon as possible!"

"Wait, there seems to be someone in the bud of UU reading!"

At this time, something happened to someone.

I saw a white figure in the cyan bud, sitting cross-legged in the bud, his face is handsome, his expression is peaceful, and the immortal brilliance that fills his body blends with the Taoist pattern of the bud.

"Yes, Madman Chu!"

Everyone recognized the person in the bud.

Although they had expected it, they couldn't help being shocked.

But the great power in the fairy world is thoughtful.

"Wait, Madman Chu once had the power of detachment, could it be the power of this green lotus!!"

"It's possible! This green lotus is the supreme chaos supreme treasure on top of the best innate supreme treasure. This kind of supreme treasure, beyond the control of the Dao, is not the power of detachment?!"

"Yes, that's it..."

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