Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1007: : Go back, Jianzhan Wude can't, really thought I would not dare to kill you

Ten consecutive draws at the beginning, and then the invincible text volume Chapter 1587: Go back, Sword Slash Wude can not, I really thought I would not dare to kill you outside the glazed soil, the Buddhist enchantment was shattered, and the world of desire is outside the sky. Spread out.

   And after receiving the blessing of this power, Wutian, No, Wude three people felt that the power of the wave in their bodies was increasing crazily, and they soon surpassed their limits!

   "So strong, so strong!"

   "This power is almost overflowing, haha, too powerful!"

   Wutian three laughed, especially Wutian, the demonic energy on his body spewed and whizzed, making the **** waves behind him more solid, almost turning into substance!

   As if the real Bo Xun, descended into the world!

   "Chu Madman, come and see, my brand new power!"

   There was a long roar without a sky, and the devilish energy on his body broke out, which was to quickly repair the injuries in his body, and a huge **** knife shadow was suddenly cut out!

   Boom! !

   This power directly caused the Sifang Heaven and Earth to be directly torn apart, and cracks spread.

   "Wei Tuo Jian Jue, the third style!"

  The Kunwu sword in the hand of the madman of Chu deflected, and a dazzling sword shadow rose into the sky, the huge Vedic figure, his eyebrows angered at Bo Xun, and he refused to give up!

   Buddhism is the strongest and strongest force, the most evil force against the last wave!

   These two forces set off a turbulent flow of energy, causing the surrounding mountains and rivers to be continuously broken, and even the glazed soil is hard to escape.

   After one blow, Madman Chu and Wutian actually retreated.

   At this time, I saw the world of desire split, and countless heavenly demons gush out from it. The terrifying atmosphere of demonic energy spreads out towards the surroundings, millions of miles, thousands of miles...

   Most of the extreme west is almost turned into a paradise of desire!

   Countless monks who were originally affected by the bell of the Extinguished Buddha, were affected by the power of the demon in the world of desire, and their minds gradually disappeared.

  The kingdom of belief in the Buddha has gradually turned into a **** on earth!

   "Haha, the bells of extinguishing the Buddha, the power of the heavens in the world of desire, no one can stop this road to extinguishing the Buddha!!!"

   Wutian laughed, with madness in his eyes.

   Since getting the Eye of Bo Xun and becoming the seed of the extinction of Buddha, it has become their mission to let the world of desire come to heaven and destroy the Buddhism!

   Now, this mission is about to be completed!

   This is called them, how can they be unhappy, unhappy.

   "What should I do now?!"

   Quartz watched the nearby countries gradually degenerate and perish, watched the monks fall into madness, everything in front of her madly impacted her Buddha's heart.

  Buddha, is it really going to die in this world?

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   Quartz asked himself, his face changed from confusion to pain, and gradually revealed a touch of madness.

  The power of the world of desire is also constantly affecting her.

   She has just stepped into the realm of Da Luo, and her mood is not stable yet.

"wake up!"

   At this time, a cold shout sounded.

   The quartz, which was about to be eroded by the power of the world of desire, suddenly recovered, and a fine cold sweat appeared on the forehead, "It's dangerous!"

   She looked at Madman Chu with a touch of gratitude in her eyes.

   Immediately afterwards, countless Desire Realm Heavenly Demons swept toward the two of them and surrounded them in groups.

   "The way to destroy Buddha?"

   The madman Chu looked at the surrounding heavenly demons, with a touch of coldness in his eyes. Then, he raised his left arm and said, "Go back to the world of desire!!"

   gave a cold drink.

   The flower of desire on his arm bloomed with pink brilliance.

   An incomparably powerful force of desire spread out, and it turned the surrounding demons into a frenzy.

   "It is the flower of desire, he has the flower of desire in his hand!"

   "How is it possible, why would the flower of desire help him?!"

   The heavenly demons looked at Madman Chu in disbelief.

  The flower of desire, an ancient existence born in desire, has a position in the world of desire, almost on the same level as Bo Xun.

   Under the influence of the Flower of Desire, countless demon dared not get close to the two Madman Chu, and some even ran back to the world of desire in despair.

   For the Desire World Demon, the Flower of Desire is definitely an extremely scary existence.

If Bo Xun is their demon master, then the flower of desire is the nightmare in their minds. This flower feeds on desire, and the demon of the world of desire happens to be the existence condensed by the power of desire, the flower of desire, It can be said to be their natural enemy. Over the years, I don't know how many demon have been swallowed up by the opponent.

   Even if it is the most powerful demon, the only way to escape when encountering the flower of desire is to get away. Only Bo Xun can suppress the opponent.

   But unfortunately, Bo Xun didn’t know how many years he disappeared.

   "This guy, there is a flower of desire!" Wutian's pupils shrank, not only shocked the desire to spend in the hands of Madman Chu.

   was even more shocked, the flower of desire actually obeyed the other's instructions.

  Chu madman, even this kind of ancient existence can drive him, what is his origin? ! Is it really just as simple as the line of gods and demons?

   "Although I don't like Buddha very much, it is a pity that my primary school girl is in Buddhism, and you are my enemy again, so I can't let you do what you want."

   Chu Madman looked at Wutian and others and said lightly.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   stepped out in one step, and came to Wude, in front of the two people, the Kunwu sword in his hand was cut out, the dazzling light of the sword was in a blink The two swallowed.

   Even if they absorbed the power of Bo Xun, they were still extremely fragile in front of this sword light.

   Sla said.

   The flesh and blood were torn apart, and the two buddha-killing seeds fell on the spot.

   Immediately afterwards, Madman Chu set his target on the strongest Wutian. Just as he was about to make a move, several powerful Da Luoyi bursts in the distance.

   I saw a few monks rushing forward, and the light of the Buddha blasted towards the Madman Chu.

   "They are the bodhisattvas who are virtuous, virtuous, and happy in the pure land." Quartz recognized these people, and his eyes became serious.

   Each of these people is a great Luo Jinxian-level existence.

   At this moment, they are all manipulated by the bell.

   "Good job!"

   Wutian's face was When several Bodhisattvas blocked the Madman Chu, his figure flashed and turned into a stream of light and quickly disappeared in place.

   "The madman of Chu, the descendant of Guanyin, stay in trouble, kill!"

   A Bodhisattva stared at the two Madman Chu, said lightly, and then shot at the two of them.

   All kinds of Buddhist supernatural powers whizzed out.

   "Tianlong Slash!"

   "Burning Heaven Palm!"

   "There is no color, no form, nothing is emptied!"

   The dazzling Buddha's light illuminates the heavens and the earth. It is extremely sacred, but it contains a deadly murderous intent!

   The madman Chu's eyes were cold, "I really thought I was manipulated, so I wouldn't dare to kill you?"

  He is a person who has always been soft-hearted to his own people.

   And these Bodhisattvas, although they were manipulated, but if they attacked him, he would not be polite.

   Samsara big Luo Yi, Yin and Yang big Luo Yi broke out at the same time!

  The reincarnation calamity light, the two supernatural powers of yin and yang, good fortune and divine light, are combined into a dazzling and dazzling celestial splendor, spreading out like a tide!

   Xianhui Buddha light, outrageously converging!

   I only listened to the loud bang, I saw the sky collapsed!

   Several bodhisattvas flew upside down under the impact of the divine light, and the madman of Chu took advantage of the victory and pursued, and with a wave of Kun Wu in his hand, the green leaf sword pupil erupted, and countless sword qi intertwined into a sea of ​​swords and spread out!

   Sword energy flies, tearing the world apart!

   One by one Bodhisattva was swept across the golden body by the sword qi, and blood was immediately dripping with blood, but even so, they still refused to give up, as if there was a certain belief in their mind driving them to act.


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