Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1008: : Kill as much as you want, blood stains the mountains and rivers and the earth, kill

Ten consecutive draws in the beginning and then invincible. Chapter 1588: Kill as much as you want, blood stains mountains and rivers and earth, and kills Da Luoyi. "This bell can not only manipulate them, but also strengthen their beliefs and make them become Don't you dare to die?!"

   The madman of Chu is thoughtful.

   immediately stepped out, the time and space seal technique was used, and countless silver and white Dao patterns enveloped the world.

   The actions of these monks have been affected, and the speed has slowed down a lot.

   Immediately afterwards, the madman Chu disappeared in place, and he came to a monk, cut out Kun Wu in his hand, and cut off one of the other's arms!

   saw the monk with a touch of pain in his eyes, but the remaining hand was firmly attacking Madman Chu, majestic!

   "Sure enough!"

   The madman of Chu escaped the attack of the monk, cut out with a sword, and the Viduo Sword Art was used, and the compassionate Luo was contained in it, and the opponent's head was cut straight down!

   The Bodhisattva fell, and the rain of blood swayed the earth.

   "Friends of Chu Dao..."

   Quartz saw this scene, his eyes showed unbearable color, but he didn't say anything.


   "The madman of Chu, the descendant of Guanyin, will die!"

   When the few remaining Bodhisattvas saw their companions being killed, not only did they not back down, but on the contrary, they seemed to have been motivated by hidden murderousness, and their actions became more brutal.

   The madman of Chu, upon seeing this, waved Kun Wu in his hand one after another.

   Sword Qi, Xianhui, Supernatural Power, Xianfa, Buddha Light...

   Various energies are intertwined and collided in the void, shaking the world in all directions.

   After a while, the remaining bodhisattvas were cut down one by one by the madman of Chu.

   His eyes are like electricity, looking towards the sky in the distance.

Where is   , he perceives two powerful auras, which should be regarded as the strongest aura he perceives in the Far West.

   "In the extreme west, due to the influence of the bell of the extinction of the Buddha, all places have fallen. If you want to prevent this catastrophe of extinction, you must start from the most fundamental place!"

   "Tianlong Pure Land!"

   The madman of Chu looked at Quartz, and said lightly: "I will go to the Tianlong Pure Land first, there may be the key, you..."

"No need to worry about me." Quartz said firmly: "I have been promoted to Da Luo and have the ability to protect myself. This catastrophe has swept across the entire extreme west. Now only fellow daoists have the ability to reverse everything. You don't need to worry. , What you want to do, let it go!"

   Her words also acquiesced in allowing Madman Chu to kill at will in the extreme west.

   After all, now there are people everywhere who are affected by the bells of the Extinguishing Buddha. In other words, the entire western region is their enemy!

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}   If you care about your hands and feet, it is difficult to do anything.

   Quartz couldn't help killing fellow practitioners, but Madman Chu had no such worries.

   "Well, you are here to do it yourself."

   The madman of Chu said lightly, the clock tower here has been destroyed by him, and the sound of the bell could not be transmitted here for a while.

   Here, quartz is safe.

   His figure flashed, and he swept away in the direction of Tianlong Pure Land.

far away.

   Tianlong Pure Land.

   The abbot of Tianlong is building a powerful illusion with the help of the magic hook of the six dust and the power of the world of desire to affect the Buddha's mind of Yunlan Buddha.

   But even though Yun Lan Buddha was in a phantom, he still had a powerful Buddha light protection, and the abbot of Tianlong couldn't hurt the opponent for a while.

Not only that.

   He can keenly perceive that a force is rushing at a very far distance.

   Its fast speed and strong breath are very obvious.

   "It's... Madman Chu!"

   "He is rushing to the Tianlong Pure Land. I want to control Yunlan Buddha. I can't make a move. Moreover, this person has extraordinary methods. I must not let him come here, otherwise I am afraid that something will happen."

   Tianlong abbot thought to himself.

   So, he gave an order to let all the monks who were affected by the bell of the Extinguishing Buddha along the way stop the Mad Man of Chu.

   One time.

   There was action in the entire extreme west.

   One by one monks, the monks slid in the direction of Madman Chu, trying to block them.

   These people include ordinary immortals, but also true immortals with advanced cultivation skills, golden immortals, and even Da Luo immortals.

   This force is strong enough to cross the fairy world.

   And now, this force is gathered together, but only to stop one person.

   "The madman of Chu, under the influence of the bell to extinguish the Buddha, these people are not afraid of death. Can you break through them and come here?"

   Tianlong abbot thought to himself.


   hum, hum...

   The sound of bells echoed across the world, hitting the soul.

   Under the sound of this bell, countless people are reduced to the seeds of the extinction of the Buddha, and the sound of the extinction of the Buddha reverberates in the world.

   The madman of Chu has analyzed those clock towers and knows that these clock towers are nothing more than a medium for the transmission of bells, and these bells must have a source.

   Destroying the source can restore the extreme west.

   And this source is likely to be in the Tianlong Pure Land, the prerequisite is that he can get there.

   "Destroy the Buddha!"

   "Destroy the Buddha!"

   At this time, the mighty sound of extinguishing Buddha came.

   The madman Chu's eyes condensed, "Here is it."

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}   At the end of the field of vision, I saw a group of monks and monks quickly approaching him. The cold and solemn killing intent almost turned into substance, covering the whole world. One world.

   Obviously, the comer is not good!

   The madman Chu's eyes showed a cold color, "Since you want to kill, then I will accompany you and kill enough!"

   The words fall.

   He stepped forward and swept towards the monks in front of him.

   Kun Wu held up his hand high and cut it off!

  Pure sword light, covering the world, falling into the crowd, a large amount of blood mist exploded in the air and spilled on the earth!

  Buddha has a compassionate heart, and has more vajrayas!

   The madman of Chu is not a Buddha.

   His methods are ten times more cruel and overbearing than Buddha!

   Even if he knew that these people were under control before killing him, he didn't hesitate to kill him when he shot!

  Chu madman, he has never killed as much as he does now.

   Kill to stop killing, UU reading to kill to stop the catastrophe!

   The madman of Chu stepped out in one step, stepped out of the flames of war, and slashed out with one sword. Countless sword qi seemed to turn into a dragon, wherever he went, the void was shattered, and the monks fell one after another.

   Blood stains mountains and rivers and earth!

   "Tianlong Slash!"

   A monk rushed to the madman Chu, cut it down with a knife, and the dragon roared.

   The madman of Chu slashed out with a backhand, and the sharp sword light whizzed out, tearing apart the Tianlong and even the monk!

   Looking at the crowds rushing in front of him, he looked cold and murderous, "Don't worry, when you get to the underworld, I will arrange a good baby for you."

   This is the greatest kindness he can do.


   rushed into the crowd, performing all kinds of magical powers one after another.

   These monks and monks are not afraid of death, tireless, and their beliefs are twisted and firm.

   But the madman of Chu, how can he be afraid?

   Immortal body and tyrannical body, these have given him high-intensity combat capabilities, and in terms of durability, he has never lost.

   kill kill kill!

   Unstoppable killing sound, unstoppable footsteps, unstoppable sword light...

   The madman of Chu had entered an incomparably wonderful realm in the nearly crazy killing, and in a vague way, he seemed to have caught something.


   The void shuddered, and a killing intent that made ghosts cry and howl turned into substance, whizzing out, making the sky tremble!

   That is, a big deal!

   Killing big Luo Yi!

   In the endless killing, the madman of Chu suddenly realized the big Luo Yi of killing!


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