Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1004: : The Queen's Possara, the **** food in captivity, the big riot in the black jai

"Starting ten consecutive draws and then invincible (!

Sword Qi shuttles between heaven and earth, extremely sharp!

Under this sword aura, even Jinxian couldn't bear it. Soon, countless mosquitoes were chopped off, turning into blood mist and exploded in the air!

Tens of thousands of blood-winged black mosquitoes died under a round of sword energy.

Among them, there is even Golden Fairy Realm!

The Madman Chu, who was the initiator, has been standing still, half-stepping.

"What a scary method!"

"Daluo Realm! At least Daluo Realm!"

"What the **** is this guy?"

Some blood-winged black mosquitoes suppressed their desire for Mad Man Chu and looked at each other with fear.

Madman Chu stood in the air and said lightly: "I understand your desire for blood. After all, who would call you some mosquitoes who can't stand on the table? But unfortunately, I am not a **** food with my hands. I want to slap you to death. For me, it’s not difficult."

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" said a blood-winged black mosquito.

"I heard that you have arrested a lot of people from the Asura tribe. Tell me honestly, where are they?"

"Huh, do you think I will tell you?"

Madman Chu's figure flashed, and in the blink of an eye, he came to the front of the blood-winged black mosquito. A small black hole suddenly appeared between his palms. An extremely powerful twisting force erupted, causing the opponent's bones to burst every inch. A lot of blood burst out, splattered all over the floor.

"I have limited patience. Tell me, where are they?"

"I won't give in."


The blood-winged black mosquito exploded on the spot.

"There are so many mosquitoes here, I don't believe that all of them are so unyielding."

Madman Chu's heart moved, and the space-time sealing technique was used to seal the world.

Under his persecution.

Finally, there was a relief.

"The Shura people we captured are all detained in a black jail."

The blood-winged black mosquito said in horror.

"take me."

"The black prison is guarded by my strong blood-winged black mosquito. You can never save them by yourself."

"You don't need to care about it."

The blood-winged black mosquito agreed to take Chu Madman to the black jail.

And after he left, the remaining blood-winged black mosquitoes suddenly showed a surviving expression.

"It's terrible, who is this person? Why haven't you heard of such a person from the Ashura tribe?"

"I'm afraid it's not from the Ashura tribe. A man from the Ashura tribe, where there is such a handsome man, this person must come from the outside world."

"No, you have to go back and tell the king of mosquitoes about it."

Mosquito King, the manager of Blood Mosquito Island, there are four people in total, all of whom are in the complete state of Daluo.

And just when these black mosquitoes were about to leave.

Above their heads, a black vortex the size of a fist formed, and a terrifying suction erupted from it, sucking all the black patterns in and turning them into nothingness.

"What the **** is this?!"

"Black hole, this is a black hole!"

"Why is there a black hole here!"

"That guy must have done it just now, he didn't even intend to let us live!"

Countless black mosquitoes fled in a panic, but the power of the black hole was too terrifying, and the suction enveloped all directions. These black mosquitoes with the strongest cultivation base but the golden immortal could not resist!

In a short while, they were all swallowed up!

This is exactly the magical power of the black hole **** and demon body, the black hole is annihilated!

From the current cultivation base of the Madman Chu in the realm of Da Luo, it was powerful enough to swallow half a galaxy, let alone these black mosquitoes.

In the dark prison.

A group of Asuras are being held.

Just as humans can keep pigs and sheep in captivity, blood-winged black mosquitoes can also keep Asuras in captivity as blood food.

The black prison is a place where the blood-winged black mosquitoes feed on the blood.

"Wang Nu, are you all right."

A man wearing a broken armor looked at a woman with a gorgeous robe and a delicate face in front of him and said.

This woman, even if she is trapped, is in a desperate situation, but there is still a trace of extravagance between her eyebrows.

She waved her hand, "It's okay, I can't die for the time being."

"The Queen, you are actually the Queen."

"What, the prince was actually imprisoned with us."

Some Asuras were surprised when they heard the identity of the woman, and then knelt on the ground.

The woman hurriedly said: "You guys get up quickly. In the current situation, if you don't care about this, let's first think about how to leave."

The woman's name is called Posara, and she is the daughter of the Asura King Po Yazhi.

This time I went out to observe the people’s sentiments. I didn’t meet anyone from the Blood Mosquito Island, and I was arrested as a blood food.

If I knew it earlier, I should bring a few more masters.

Bossara was a little regretful. She thought she was in her own territory and didn't need to worry too much. It seemed that she had underestimated the cunning and madness of these blood-winged black mosquitoes.

"We all listen to the arrangement of the prince."

"I have just noticed the prohibition used by this black prison. I have studied it in ancient books. I know how to crack it. I will open the prohibition later. At that time, you will open the way in front of you, General Tu, and take everyone along. , I have secretly sent a message, and my father will send someone to respond."

Said Posara.

"it is good!"

General Natu nodded.

On the other hand, Bossara observed the time of the cell patrol in the black cell, and after judging the time gap of the cell patrol, she began to break the ban.


The ban was broken and the cell opened.

One by one the Asuras rushed out.

The head of the cell also noticed the movement, his face changed drastically, "How dare you escape from prison and seek death!"

"screw you!"

"Damn mosquito, die for me!"

Asuras, regardless of men, women or children, are brave and good at fighting.

I was detained in a black jail before and suffered a lot, but now that I got out of the trap, the aggrieved anger suddenly erupted.

The repair bases of a few cell bosses were not high, and they were quickly dismissed.


General Tu opened the way in front, leading everyone to rush out of the black jail.

Along the way, everyone is almost like a broken bamboo.

In the process, Posara also opened the restraints of the rest of the cells one by one.

Soon, the entire black prison fell into a riot.

The Asuras were released one by one, endless anger, evil spirits, surging.

"These **** blood-winged black mosquitoes, I want them to look good!"

"Asshole, they are dead!"

"Thank you, Princess."

"This black jail will be demolished today."

An escape operation gradually evolved into a black jail riot.

The blood-winged black mosquitoes guarding the black prison were killed by these angry Asuras.

"Look, there is the exit ahead!"

Suddenly, General Tu looked happy.

The rest of the Asuras were also extremely excited, rushing towards the exit one by one.

But the scene they faced when they reached the exit almost broke them.

The overwhelming blood-winged black mosquitoes surrounded them, and the black streaks headed by UU Reading were even at the level of Da Luo Jinxian.

The joy of being about to regain freedom was ruthlessly shattered.

Instead, there is a deeper despair!

"how so…"

Bosara saw this scene too, and she slumped on the ground feebly with a desperate face.

"A group of blood eaters, they don't even look at where it is, so you want to escape?"

The head of the blood pond Heiwen relentlessly taunted.

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