Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1005: : Busuoluo’s despair, Madman Chu is here, you are safe

"Starting ten consecutive draws and then invincible (!

Outside the black prison, countless blood-winged black mosquitoes surrounded this place.

After seeing this scene, those Ashura people who had finally escaped suddenly fell into unprecedented despair.

Busura sat slumped on the ground with a desperate face.

"Fight with them!!"

An Asura clan screamed, his body exploded with evil spirits, and he wanted to fight to the death!

When the other Asuras saw this, they recalled the inhuman treatment that they and others had received in the cell, and a wave of anger surged in their hearts.

"Yes, fight with them!"

"I will never go back to the cell to be tortured by those cell bosses."

"My wife, when my face was consumed by a cell boss, I want to avenge her!"

"This group of **** mosquitoes, the big deal is a life, hard work!"

One by one, the Asuras roared and urged the Xian Yuan in the body and rushed out.

And a member of the tribe came to Psaluo and knelt down on the ground, "Wang-daughter, we will make a way for you, please escape back."

"No, you can't let you die in vain. My father will come to save us soon. Let's go back first."

"Wang daughter, it's useless."

The tribe shook his head, "There are many masters among these mosquitoes, even Poya Juvenile, I am afraid it will be difficult to get in. Only if you escape, he can take you."

"This..." Posara was a little tangled.

"Daughter, there is no need to hesitate. You are different from us. You will become the pillar of the Asura clan in the future. When the time comes, please take revenge for us."

Busura gritted her teeth and nodded, "Okay!"

She got up to leave.

The battle between the Asuras and the blood-winged black mosquitoes has already begun.

Unfortunately, it was only a unilateral suppression.

These Asuras have been imprisoned in a black jail for an unknown period of time, and they have not had much combat power for a long time, and the blood-winged black mosquitoes have a large number of them, and it couldn't be easier to suppress them.

"Don't kill it all, it's our blood food anyway, I don't want to be hungry."

A blood-winged black mosquito headed by hehe smiled.

But then, from the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the whispering in the crowd, and his eyes suddenly showed a little interest, "Oh, funny, this woman is dressed in a gorgeous gown, it doesn't look simple."

His figure flashed, stopping Busura and General Tu.

"Wang Nu, you leave first."

General Tu's face changed, and he said to Possara, stepping forward to stand in front of the opponent.

"Oh, the queen?"

The black mosquito Da Luo Jinxian became more interested, "I didn't expect that there is a prince hidden here, haha, this is really great, I haven't tried the taste of the Asura royal family yet."

"Exterminate the gun!!"

General Tu screamed, the Xian Yuan on his body turned into a scarlet spear and shot out!

However, the black mosquito big Luo Jinxian slapped him and flew out, "A little golden fairy dare to yell in front of me, not knowing whether he lives or die!"

Da Luo Jinxian's power burst out, covering the surrounding area completely.

However, after the real immortal cultivation base Posara felt the pressure, she only felt that her heart head was crushed by a mountain, almost suffocating.

She softened her feet and fell directly to the ground.

A sense of powerlessness, despair, fear, a rush of brain strikes my heart.

"Hey, prince, don't worry, I won't **** you up all at once, I will catch you, support you, and enjoy it slowly."

The black mosquito Luo Jinxian licked his lips.

Among blood-winged black mosquitoes, many mosquitoes do this, just like keeping a pet.

But raising a royal family, this is not everyone has the opportunity.

Even the mosquito king does not necessarily have it.

If you say this, I don't know how many mosquitoes will envy him.

"follow me!"

This black mosquito big Luo Jinxian reached out and grabbed it, the terrifying Xianyuan turned into a big hand and grabbed it!

This power is too terrifying, and Possara has no power to resist!

It's all over!

"The Queen!"

"Do not!"

When the other Asuras saw this scene, they couldn't bear to watch it again.

And at this time.

In the distance, suddenly there was an incomparably surging immortal element engulfing the majestic Luo Yi, surging!

boom! ! !

The world shook violently!

The black mosquito Da Luoxian's face changed slightly, and he quickly withdrew Xianyuan and looked at another place!

I saw a tyrannical sword energy, with a gesture of sweeping everything and tearing the world, falling from the sky, locking him down!

"Blood wind big palm!"

This black mosquito Da Luo Jinxian did not dare to be careless, and urged Xianyuan to the extreme.

A palm blasted out!

boom! !

The void exploded, and the energy swept out, tearing some blood-winged black mosquitoes nearby!

And the black mosquito Da Luo Jinxian was even blown far away by a single blow.

"Who is this power?!"

The Asuras and others were also extremely surprised, looking into the distance.

I saw a figure in white clothes walking slowly, head high, the immortal yuan on his body was violent, splashing down everywhere, and the mountains and rivers were broken!

The world changes color, the wind and clouds swept, and the void exploded!

The terrifying big Luo Yi, shrouded the battlefield!

The man who came was Chu Madman.

He glanced at the Ashura tribe outside the black jail, his eyes calm, and finally fell on Bussara's body, his figure flashed, and he came to the other side.

"You are Po Yazhi's daughter?"


Busura was still in doubt.

Who is this person?

Why do you dare to call your father by name?

Also, this person is really good-looking.

"Well, good, then, you are safe."

Madman Chu said lightly.

Under the leadership of the blood-winged black mosquito, he arrived in time.

As for the blood-winged black mosquito that led the way, he naturally slapped it to death. He hated mosquitoes most.

"Bastard, this is a black prison, a blood mosquito island, who do you think you are, can you keep these Asuras?!"

The black mosquito Da Luo Jinxian said coldly.

At the same time, he looked at Madman Chu's eyes with an extremely strong desire.

He felt the blood of Madman Chu!

Even for him, the great Luo Jinxian, the temptation of the opponent's blood is unmatched.

In this world, there is such a **** food for mosquitoes.

It's incredible!

"You are a thousand times more attractive to mosquitoes than this prince. If I can **** you, no, even a drop of blood will be a kind of sublimation for me!!"

The black mosquito Da Luo Jinxian swallowed his saliva and said.

Blood-winged black mosquitoes are hungry for blood, and can even use blood to improve their cultivation and life.

Madman Chu, who has several types of supreme immortal bodies, and even the only original body, is definitely the biggest temptation in this world!

"Suck my blood? Are you qualified?"

Madman Chu said lightly, his sword fingers condensed, surging sword energy swept all directions, shaking the world!

Black mosquitoes were cut down one by one!

"Zhou's sword, no way!"

The last sword, lock the black mosquito big Luo Jinxian!


The power of this sword shocked the black mosquito Da Luo Jinxian and urged to resist with all his strength, but he was still blown away.

When the other big Luoxians saw this, they also came to help.

"Huh, a big Luo Sanhua realm, dare to come here to be presumptuous and look for death!"

"Yes, kill him for me!"

Several big Luo Jinxian shot together, the power is extremely frightening.

But Madman Chu didn't panic at all.

"Just let you try this new power."

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