Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1002: : The ancestor of the earth immortal, a good destiny, a true book from the earth

The real body of Drought Yan, this is an extremely powerful physical practice method, this method, even for the Mad Chu, is also helpful.

According to rumors, the first dry mane in the heavens and the earth can be completed by virtue of its flesh.

If real fire is added, the power is even more unfathomable.

"It's true that Drought Man came from the Zombie Forbidden Zone, so how can you help me?" Madman Chu asked lightly.

"Although you practice the real body of the Drought Man, you are not a real Dr. Man after all. It is not difficult to make this real body of Drought Man a great success, as long as you and me double cultivation, yin and yang blend..."

The female ghost licked her beautiful red lips and said, her eyes showed a hint of hunger and thirst.

Madman Chu waved his hand, "I said, I have no interest in zombies."


Lan Yu snorted softly as she passed by the female Yan.

And the female Yun smiled faintly, not paying attention, looking at Madman Chu's back, "It's okay, one day, I will get you!"

She decided.

If you can't get Madman Chu now, then double your practice, and when you have enough strength, are you afraid that you can't push the opponent?

Madman Chu didn't care about the thoughts of the female ghost. He waved his sleeve and released the little fox out. After the other party looked at Madman Chu, he was very pleased, "My son!"

"Little fox, it's been a long time since I saw you, your cultivation base is progressing well."

Madman Chu looked at the little fox and smiled faintly.

The opponent is now the seventh grade of the Golden Immortal, although it is not as good as the Kuangren Chu and others, but it is not too bad in the enchanting.

"The son is so powerful, I naturally have to work harder."

Then, she took out a few ginseng fruits she got, "Master, here is for you."

"This is what you got, and it belongs to you naturally."

Madman Chu looked at the ginseng fruit not far away, there were 20 or 30 ginseng fruits on it, "Moreover, there are also here."

Ginseng fruit, one of the ten innate spiritual roots.

Its effect is powerful, it has the function of prolonging life, and most importantly, it can help people condense the flower of life!

The madman of Chu has condensed the flower of immortality, the flower of soul, and if the flower of longevity is condensed, the three flowers will gather together, and their cultivation will be greatly enhanced.

"Ye Zhu, Yuzhi, and fellow daoists who have helped in the Chaos Shards, I only need one ginseng fruit, and you can divide the rest."

Madman Chu smiled faintly.

Hearing his words, everyone's eyes lit up.

so good? !

"Ha, since Fellow Daoist Chu is so generous, then I'm not welcome."

Yuzhi smiled faintly, knowing that Madman Chu was a one-and-one person, so he took the lead and took a ginseng fruit.

The others also have their own hands.

Among them, there were some people who wanted to fish in troubled waters, but they were all spotted by the madman of Chu, and they were sent directly.

After dealing with the ginseng fruit, the madman of Chu looked at the view of Wuzhuang.

The view of these five villages is very peculiar, surrounded by mysterious Dao patterns, and a force is protecting it. The battle just now did not cause any damage to this place.

He walked into it.

I saw in the hall, no gods and Buddhas were enshrined, only the word heaven and earth.

This Taoist temple only enshrines heaven and earth!


Madman Chu glanced inside the Taoist Temple, and there was only one futon in the deserted state.

He didn't find the core of the book world he wanted.

The only mysterious place is the futon, and the two characters Tiandi!

Both of these things are very extraordinary because they contain the mysterious Taoist rhyme.

Madman Chu entered it, sat on the futon, and then looked at the word heaven and earth, observing the Taoist rhyme contained on it.

In a short while.

The space around him changed, and there was an extra middle-aged Taoist wearing a purple gold robe and a purple gold crown in front of him.

The Taoist looks handsome and has extraordinary temperament. Looking at the Madman Chu, he nods slightly, "I have seen a Taoist friend."

"Senior is the ancestor of the earth immortal."

Madman Chu also had some guesses about the identity of the middle-aged man in front of him.

"It's the poor way." Zhen Yuanzi smiled faintly.

"Since I'm a senior, then I have to say it bluntly. I need this book to help me do some things, and please tell me where the core of the book is."

"Oh, I showed up because of this. Many years ago, I calculated that I will have a good destiny with a fellow daoist in later generations. Now it seems that the dao friend is my good destiny. Now." Zhen Yuanzi said with a smile.

What an important treasure is the book from the ground?

How could Zhen Yuanzi hand it over easily.

However, as a top-notch hedonic power, Zhen Yuanzi once deduced the future, knowing that his book from the ground was about to forge a good bond with an unknown existence.

It can make him unable to deduce any roots, and it can be seen that this unknown existence can do nothing less than himself.

Therefore, he left the book from the ground.

It's just that, he didn't expect that this existence would actually be Chu Madman, a great Luo Sanhua existence?

But when he thought of the other party's fate, he was a little clear again.

"Friends of Daoist reshape reincarnation, making me wait for reincarnation. This book is also predestined with fellow Daoists. It's okay to make friends with Daoists at the core of this book."

As he said, a quaint book appeared between his hands.

The book, with countless mysterious runes engraved on it, vaguely, there are mountains and seas changing in it, unpredictable.

Come to think of it, this is the core of that book.

Kuangren Chu was a little surprised, he didn't expect to get this thing so smoothly.

"Thank you senior."

The madman of Chu made a salute.

"Heh, the good destiny has ended, that fellow Daoist, if there is destiny in the future, goodbye."

With that, the power of immortal consciousness left by Zhen Yuanzi gradually dissipated.

Inside the hall.

Madman Chu opened his eyes, and the rhyme in the word Tiandi had disappeared.

In his body, there is an extra quaint book, which is the core of the book from the earth.

"Next, just refine the core of this book."

Madman Chu thought to himself.

Do what you want, anyway, Lan Yu, Ye Zhu and others are outside, and they don’t have to worry about it if they protect the law.

As time passed, Madman Chu felt that he became more proficient in the control of the core of the book from the earth, and the world of mountains and seas that evolved from the book from the earth began to shake.

"what's the situation?"

"Why is this world of mountains and seas shaking suddenly?"

All the enchanting heavenly ranks who explored in the earth book world are all showing incomprehension.

In the Wuzhuang Temple, a dark yellow beam of light rose into the sky!

boom! !

With the appearance of the beam of light, the entire world of mountains and seas vibrated more and more intensely.

And in the beam of light, an ancient book is filled with celestial glory, and countless mysterious characters surround the ancient book like a galaxy.

"That is the core of the book from the ground!"

"Sure The core of this book is hidden in the Wuzhuang Temple."

"It looks like it was taken away by Madman Chu."

Many people know about the Madman Chu in Wuzhuangguan, and the other party is there, there is the core of the book from the earth there, what happened, how can everyone have no guesses?

The core of the book from the earth was filled with brilliance, and the whole world of mountains and seas began to shrink.

Everyone knows that this world is going to disappear.

The storm is surging, the sky changes drastically, the earth moves and the mountains move...

The entire world of mountains and seas shrinks continuously in the shaking, gradually blending into the core of the earth book.

The mountains, seas, fairy trees, and wild scenes, including the view of the five villages, all disappeared, and everyone returned to the fairy world again, looking at the core of the book intently.

The true book from the earth is about to appear in this world.

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