Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1003: : The flower of condensing longevity, aura like rain, vitality

The world of mountains and seas began to disappear and merged into the core of the book from the ground!

I saw that the original book from the ground began to be condensed into substance, which was filled with a large number of mysterious runes, and the scene of changing mountains and rivers continued to emerge in it.

Everyone seems to have seen the evolution of the entire fairy world.

It's too mysterious.

"This book from the ground is worthy of being the ultimate treasure of the best innate origin. It is indeed extraordinary."

"That is, it is said that this book of the earth is formed by the fetal membrane of the fairy world, and contains infinite power. It can not only deduct the mountains and rivers and all things, know the world, but also contain the power of unparalleled defense!"

"Among the many primordial treasures, the defensive power of the book from the earth is absolutely second to none."

Everyone looked at the book on the ground, with fiery eyes in their eyes.

A supreme innate source and treasure, even the existence of Dao Jing will be moved by it.

Not to mention these enchanting arrogances.

At this moment, a stream of light flew in the distance. It was a man in a black robe.

Someone couldn't bear it and wanted to seize the ground book!

"court death!"

Lan Yu snorted coldly, and slapped the magic scepter in his hand. A bright big Luo Yi burst out, turning into a white light beam and lasing out!

But after the black robe man was smashed by the white light beam, it turned into a cloud of black mist and dispersed.

Lan Yu frowned slightly, "Phantom!"

This black robe man is just a phantom!


In the void, the black-robed man flew out, but he was already close to the ground book, raising his hand to grab it.


The black robe man's face was joyful and extremely excited.

But in the next instant, a cyan sword light shot out from the book, tearing it in half in a blink of an eye!

The blood mist disperses!

Everyone was shocked.

I saw a man in white slowly walking out of the book from the ground, it was Madman Chu.

He didn't even glance at the black robe man, and said indifferently: "I dare to touch my things, I really don't know how to live or die!"

His eyes are like electricity, sweeping across the void.

Those enchanting Tianjiao who originally wanted to make a move converged and did not dare to act rashly.

The Madman Chu raised the book in his hand and put it into his sleeve to get another piece of the original treasure.

"Lan Yu, we are going back."

Madman Chu said.

"it is good."

After parting with Yuzhi and Ye Zhu, the Madman Chu had to go back to the Hundred Academy.

However, the female ghost glanced at him and said with a faint smile: "Madman Chu, my previous proposal still counts."

"I still said that, I am not interested in zombies."

"Oh, it's a pity, but if you are free, you can come to the zombie restricted area. In addition to double repairs with me, there is another way to help you elevate the Drought Man to Dacheng."

"I know."

Madman Chu nodded slightly.

It's not impossible to go to the zombie restricted area. The several restricted areas are very mysterious, and he has long thought of going there.

But now, he still has something to do.

After returning to the Hundred Colleges, Madman Chu did not immediately use the land book to search for the soul forbidden area.

He plans to take ginseng fruit first to condense the flower of life!

"Heh, I don't know what the flower of the longevity of the immortal body looks like?"

Madman Chu smiled faintly.

Then, he took the ginseng fruit, the essence of the body circulated, and slowly refined it.

In the dark.

He felt that something in his body was rapidly condensing, and he knew that it was his lifespan!


It has been nearly a month since the Mad Man of Chu retreats.

this day.

In a hundred academies, a ray of light soars to the sky!

I saw that a lotus with four petals was swaying in the bright light, the fairy radiance was brilliant, very dazzling.

Many students were surprised when they saw this.

"That is, the flower of Shouyuan!"

"In our college, someone has condensed the flower of longevity, who is it?!"

Everyone looked in the direction of Haoguang, which was the residence of Madman Chu.

"Is it the chief?"


On the mountain peak, among several huts, one hut opened, Lan Yu slowly walked out of it, and the flower of longevity in the Haoguang also fell on her head and returned to her body.

"It's Lan Yu."

"She is the flower that condenses her life."

Everyone was a little surprised.

But it was reasonable. After all, Madman Chu went to the world to book the world, occupy the ginseng fruit, and distribute it to everyone, many people knew.

It is not impossible for Lan Yu to get a ginseng fruit to condense the flower of longevity.

"The flower of longevity has been condensed, and next is the flower of condensing soul!"

Lan Yu whispered.

When she was in the world of mountains and seas, she had obtained some fairy fruits that could enhance her soul power during her travels with Madman Chu, which would help her condense the flowers of the soul.

She believes that it won't take long for her to gather together!

"I don't know what happened to the son."

Lan Yu looked at another hut.

There, it is the madman of Chu where he retreats.

And just when she missed Madman Chu, she saw a large amount of spiritual energy roaring from heaven and earth, gathering on the mountain peak.

This aura is too majestic.

A huge spiritual energy vortex was even formed on the mountain peak, and the substantive spiritual energy formed a billowing cloud layer, which almost enveloped the entire Baijia Academy.

But it hasn't waited for everyone to be surprised.

In the sky, there is rain falling, it is...golden rain!

"It's raining?"

"No, this rain is weird, and there is a strong spiritual energy in this rain!"

Someone couldn't help but exclaim.

I saw that the falling rain water was not pure rain water, but rich and liquid spiritual energy. These were all spiritual fluids!

The spirit fluid rained, spreading over the sky, swaying down the sky over the hundreds of academies.

Some monks who have been trapped in the bottleneck for many years take advantage of this great opportunity to absorb aura and break through to the next level!

Some people took out the utensils and began to install spiritual liquids to use as spiritual resources.

And the effect of this spiritual rain is more than that.

Wherever the rain reaches, the dead trees come in spring, and a hundred flowers bloom, and some spirit beasts lie to their heart's content in the rain, making pleasant whistling noises.

A vitality enveloped the academy.

Such auspiciousness is rare in thousands of years.

Even Dean Lu Zi was alarmed, flew out to check, and finally locked in the residence of Madman Chu.

He was completely certain that this good fortune was brought about by Madman Chu.

"What is he doing? He actually attracted this amazing destiny?!"

Then he noticed the golden auspicious clouds above the mountain.

The overwhelming spiritual rain fell from it, and this is just a part of the rich spiritual energy!


At this moment, I saw the golden auspicious clouds surging, and UU reading poured into the hut where the Madman Chu was located like a waterfall.

Under this majestic aura, the fragile hut was turned into ashes on the spot.

And the figure of Madman Chu was also revealed. At this moment, he was sitting in the air, with fairy radiance flowing around him, and the endless golden auspicious clouds crazily poured into his body.

On top of his head, three flowers spread out slowly.

The first flower, the flower of Xianyuan, has seven petals.

The second flower, the flower of the soul, has eight petals.

And the last one was also the flower of Shouyuan, with only a vague shape, but under the irrigation of endless spiritual energy, the flower of Shouyuan gradually condensed into substance.

There are as many as twelve petals!

The flower of Shouyuan has twelve petals, which is the limit of Daluojing that everyone knows.

But this is not over yet!

(End of this chapter)

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