Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1006: : The humiliation and shame of the soul forbidden zone, and then break the curse, in


Madman Chu disappeared immediately.

When the Red Star Meridian Master, Lan Hai Meridian Master and others saw this, they were extremely angry, and their faces were blue with anger.

"Madman Chu!"

"My soul is forbidden, and I will never die with you!!"

The Red Star Meridian gave a long whistle, angrily rushing to the crown.

But when he roared, the evil eyes in the sky glanced at him, just a glance, and immediately caused the angry Chi Xingmai master's body to tremble, calming down like a basin of cold water.

"If you have time to be here, you might as well try to solve the eighteenth level of hell."

In the sky, an indifferent voice came.

What's amazing is that the soul supreme who sits in the restricted area is actually a woman.

But Chi Xingmai Master didn't have half disrespect because the other party was a woman. On the contrary, he was like a rabbit with the other party, very respectful, and didn't dare to make mistakes.


The Red Star Vessel Master and the Blue Sea Vein Master immediately led people to quell the evil spirits of the eighteenth hell.

In the sky, the evil eye gradually closed and disappeared.

Deep in the soul forbidden zone, in a cloud of mist.

A pair of beautiful eyes suddenly opened, and there was a look of interest in the eyes, "The nine-color soul body is actually the same physique as me, Madman Chu, you are getting more and more interesting, but you can get rid of the Yasha like last time. Like a family curse, can you crack what I left on you?"

Soul restricted area.

The seven main veins came out together, leading people to quell the calamity of the eighteen layers of **** in the blue ocean.

In this battle with the evil spirits, they fought for ten days and ten nights before they gradually captured or eliminated the group of evil spirits.

But after this battle, even if Soul Supreme takes the shot, there are still countless casualties.

Not only that, but most of the restrictions around the soul forbidden area have been damaged by this ghost ghost chaos. If you want to repair it, you don't know how much more resources will be spent.

After a lot of calculations, the soul forbidden zone has lost more than 30% of the foundation this time!

"It's all that **** Madman of Chu, how did the other party get into the soul forbidden zone? Ziyue line, you must give an explanation!"

"Yes, how could Ziyue Changkong suddenly become a Madman Chu!"

Everyone pointed the finger at Ziyue line.

And Ziyue's line also investigated this matter, and investigated how Madman Chu sneaked into the soul forbidden area and faked Ziyue's sky.

"This Madman Chu’s technique is too clever, and he should have swallowed the memory of Ziyue Sky, otherwise he would not imitate it like this, and we were attracted most of the attention by the Nine-Colored Soul Body. I thought that this Ziyue sky was actually pretended by Madman Chu." Ziyue Vessel Master said slowly.

Among the Seven Meridian Meridians, except for the Lanhai Meridian, he is the madman who hates Chu most.

It was because of the other party that the Ziyue channel was criticized by the other channels. I still don't know how to make things difficult for it in the future.

"Are there any other losses?"

"Lan Haifang, Young Master Qingtian and others collected a lot of soul crystals for the other party within the Lingshen Cave, and the other party also took a nine-petal soul condensing flower."

Lan Haimai said with a gloomy expression.

Lan Haifang can be said to be ashamed now, Ziyue Zhangkong is dead, and he has been played by Madman Chu for so many days.

Even the destruction of the Eighteenth Floor of the Blue Sea Hell is indirectly related to the other party. If she had not taken the Mad Man Chu over, the other party would not have the opportunity to do anything to the Eighteenth Floor of the Blue Sea Hell.

In addition to her, Young Master Qingtian has also been extremely depressed these days.

The soul crystals and treasures that he had collected for so long in Lingshen Dongtian were all taken by the Madman Chu now, and he couldn't even distribute half of the soul crystals.

There is also the dead Young Master Huangsha, and the severely injured Young Master Scarlet Star...

The entire young generation in the soul forbidden zone was almost directly or indirectly abused by the madman of Chu, which had a great impact on their Taoism.

"By the way, the other party also understood the lost soul purple **** clock from within the Lingshen Cave!"

An elder took a deep breath and said.

Hearing this, everyone was silent.

They knew that this was not over yet, the other party also killed several Da Luo Jinxian, and even an elder in the realm of five spirits.

Material damage, casualties, mental shock...

This time, the soul forbidden area was turned upside down by Madman Chu, but the other party... retreated!

Do not!

It should be said that it was a rewarding experience!

Came lightly, waved his sleeves, and took away a large piece of treasure, leaving the ground devastated!

"A shameful shame!"

Chi Xingmai master gritted his teeth and said.

This event is unique in the history of the entire soul forbidden zone!

It is not too much to say that it is a shame and shame.

"The other party is clearly prepared, whether it is the destruction of the eighteenth hell, the rune used in the final departure, and the nine-color soul body, it all shows this."

"With mental arithmetic and unintentional, you won't be wronged."

Some elders tried to find an excuse for the failure of the soul forbidden zone to save a bit of face.

But when everyone heard this, they were still extremely silent.

Hundreds of excuses could not conceal the fact that the soul forbidden zone was completely defeated by Madman Chu!

"Madman Chu, this account, my soul forbidden zone will not be easy to forget!"



Somewhere in the fairy world, there was a wave of ripples in the space.

A figure walked out of the void, it was Madman Chu who had left the soul forbidden zone.

"This time, you completely offended the soul forbidden zone to death."

The flower of desire on Madman Chu's arm said.

Madman Chu didn't care about it at all when he heard the words, "It's been a long time ago. If it's not that the strength is not enough, I really wanted to kill them all just now."

The corners of Desire's mouth twitched.

Destroy a restricted area?

This kind of remark, let alone the younger generation, even those ancient powers dare not say it easily.

"By the way, how do you plan to fix that thing on you?"

Said the flower of desire.

Madman Chu looked down at the black air on his chest and fell into a deep thought.

Although he left in time just now, the soul supreme in the forbidden zone didn't know what method he used, leaving a strange black air on himself.

He let Xiao Ai analyze it, which is a curse.

Moreover, it has the same origin as the curse on the Yasha tribe.

"It is said that the curse of the Yasha tribe is left by a forbidden existence from a long time ago. That existence comes from the soul forbidden zone. It seems that this soul is supreme."

Madman Chu didn't care much about this curse.

I saw him take out the curse-breaking sword, and fiercely hit his chest with a sword.


With this black air, UU reading suddenly rolled, and there seemed to be countless tentacles spreading out, entangled Chu Madman tightly.

But in the next instant, he was torn to pieces by this sword and dissipated completely.

This curse-breaking sword is very mysterious and can break all curses in the world. In the past, he broke the curse of the Yasha tribe by relying on this sword. In addition, his fate is treacherous, even if it is the curse of the supreme soul, it has an effect on him. I'm afraid it's not too big. Under double insurance, this curse is completely useless to him.

"It's just that, as the soul supreme, the means should be more than cursing this inferior trick. Next time you encounter it, I am afraid that you have to be more careful."

"Heh, the forbidden zone supreme, that is one of the top existences in this immortal world and even the universe. You can retreat from her hands. This alone is enough for other big Luo Jinxians to brag for a lifetime." Desire Flower said silently.

Of course, she also knew that Madman Chu was different from ordinary Da Luo.

Although the forbidden zone supreme is powerful, the person in front of him will probably surpass all existence in the future!

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