Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1007: : Healing Quartz, Channel 2 and Invasion of Heavenly Origin

After Madman Chu left the soul forbidden zone, he released Jinghui.

In addition, there is Ye Luosha, and the two evil spirits of the night ghost king have also been extradited to the underworld by him, otherwise the two people may not be able to get any benefits in the soul forbidden zone.

"Friend Chu, how are things going?"


Madman Chu nodded slightly, "The Soul Ning Flower has been obtained, and then, let's go to the Pure Land of Bliss."

"it is good."

Jinghui smiled with joy.

After judging the location, the two rushed back to the Pure Land of Bliss at a very fast speed.

In the Pure Land, the body of Quartz still stayed in the lotus pond, and because of the previous treatment by Madman Chu, it didn't hurt.

"Success or failure is in one fell swoop."

Yun Lanfo said with a rather solemn expression.

The madman of Chu took out the nine-petal soul-condensing flower, Xianyuan shocked, the whole soul-condensing flower turned into powder, and drifted away towards the quartz.

Under the influence of the soul-gathering flower, the soul of quartz that was on the verge of breaking due to overdraft gradually converged,

"it works!"

Yun Lan Buddha's eyes lit up.

"Xiao Ai, analyze it, how long will it take for quartz to wake up."

"Analyzing... I told you that it will take at least three months for the effect of the Soul Condensation Flower to be fully utilized, and it is estimated that quartz will be awakened within this time period.

"Got it."

Madman Chu nodded slightly, glanced at the virgin quartz lying in the lotus pond, and ignored it.

After all, he and Quartz have a fate, and the other party is still a Buddhist evildoer, and in the future, it is very likely that he will be the leader of the Buddhist monk.

He will save the other side so painstakingly.

Otherwise, if it is another person, even if it is a world-famous evildoer, he will not bother to take a look.

"Junior girl, how will you repay my kindness in the future?"

Madman Chu smiled faintly, thinking about it in his heart.

Then, he looked at Yun Lan Buddha and asked the other party for a quiet wing, intending to retreat for a few days before Quartz woke up.

Yun Lanfo did not hesitate, and prepared a wing room for him.

When Madman Chu came to the wing room, he placed heavy restrictions, then turned and stepped into a whirlpool, entered the underworld, intending to go to the underworld to retreat.


In Buddhism, there is no confidant by his side, and he is not very stable in retreat here.

Although Yun Lan Buddha, Jinghui and others had the friendship that fought side by side with him, the Madman Chu did not really regard it as a confidant.

Not to mention, there are countless people who regard him as a devil in a huge Buddhist school.

After coming to the underworld, the feeling of controlling everything makes Chu Madman feel very happy. When will he have this feeling in the immortal world?


A figure came in front of Madman Chu. It was the high priest. He immediately felt the breath of Madman Chu's return.

"Ghost Emperor."

"Well, how is the situation in the underworld recently?"

"Everything is as usual, except that there are a few great abilities who have come to reincarnate. I have recorded the list of them one by one, and I am waiting for the approval of the ghost emperor."

Madman Chu nodded, and then came to the Ghost Emperor Palace.

Inside the imperial palace, he looked through the list submitted by the high priest, with a look of surprise on his face.

Each of the reincarnation powers recorded on this list was a famous top power in the ancient times, such as Sanqing, Zhenyuanzi, Western Queen, Eastern Prince and so on...

There are even Styx Cultivators.

"This guy was actually reincarnated by him first."

Madman Chu snorted softly.

He hadn't settled the account of the ghost sea in the sea of ​​blood with the other party. Unexpectedly, the other party had reincarnated first.

That's it.

In the future, if you encounter the opponent's reincarnated body, just hang the opponent up and fight.

Madman Chu thought to himself.

Then, he let the high priest go down first, and he was going to retreat.

This retreat is mainly to absorb the soul crystals obtained in the soul forbidden area, the Qianlingbao lantern treasure.

"With these treasures, my soul flower should be able to rise above the tenth rank."

Madman Chu looked at the mountain of soul crystals in Qiankun Ring, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, "I would also like to thank Lan Haifang, Young Master Qingtian and others. If I see you next time, let them die faster."

He made such a big noise in the soul restricted zone.

He didn't think there was any possibility of reconciliation between himself and the soul penalty area.

With the nine-color spirit body in his body, he refined these soul crystals very fast, and it didn't take long for these mountain-like soul crystals to be absorbed by him one by one.

The flower of the soul is also steadily improving.

But when the madman of Chu was in retreat, the outside world was undergoing tremendous changes.

Within the fairy world.

A huge vortex suddenly appeared above the sky. This vortex revealed an incomparably powerful spatial fluctuation, as if people were in the void.

Countless great powers want to spy on what is hidden in this spatial vortex.

There are also some people who take risks and enter it.

Available soon.

A big Luo Jinxian staggered out of the spatial vortex, covered in blood, and roared loudly: "Tian Yuan invasion!!"

This roar spread all over the fairy world.

Tianyuan invasion?

Most people have a puzzled face and don't know what this sentence means.

However, some powerful people who knew the secrets of the universe suddenly became calm!

"Tian Yuan invasion?! This, this is not a space vortex, this is a passage between two realms!"

"What's the situation? Wasn't the invasion channel of Tianyuan Universe suppressed by the line of gods and demons a long time ago? Why did it appear in the fairy world?!"

"Damn it, if people from other universes are allowed to come to the immortal world at this juncture, something will happen."

"They must be stopped!"

The great powers of the fairy world are solemn.

And in the depths of the universe, a man in a cyan gown looked at the immortal world with a deep gaze, "It's kind of interesting to have a play."

This person has no regrets in the line of gods and demons.

It was him who suppressed countless first years of the two-way passage with his own power, and kept this universe from being destroyed by invasion.

Some time ago, there was an abnormal movement in the two-world channel he suppressed. He thought that Tian Yuan Cosmos wanted to do something, and he was ready for a big battle.

Unexpectedly, it was actually the sound that hit the west, the other party actually opened a brand-new two-world channel in the immortal world.

"The two-world channel, UU reading wants to open it very difficult. The two-world channel opened by the other party in the immortal world is not powerful and cannot accommodate the existence of the Hedao realm. Then they opened up such a channel, What do you want to do?" No regrets murmured, thinking in his eyes.

As long as the existence of He Dao realm can't come to this universe, then it will not pose any major threat to them at all.

The other party spent countless manpower and material resources to open up such a two-world channel. What is it for? Is it to send some shrimp soldiers and crabs to die? ?

But no matter what, these two passages cannot sit idly by.

"Let Bei Ming take a trip to Immortal Realm."

In the fairy world, the entire fairy world was in shock because of the passage between the two worlds.

Especially that Da Luo Jinxian's Tianyuan invasion made people's hearts radiant.

And on that day, a burst of celestial splendor broke out in the two-way passage, and golden chariots drove out one after another.

An army from another universe appeared in front of countless people for the first time.

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