Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1009: : Flower of Soul 12 ranks, the dead souls from another universe

The appearance of the two-way passage made the entire immortal world panic.

But Bei Ming came and raised his hand to destroy the army of the different universe, which made many people regain their confidence.

Immediately afterwards, the immortal world conducted a survey of the two-world passages, and found that many people from different universes were active in the two-world passages. Not only that, this two-world passage also involved an ancient space in the deep void. Secret realm, and people in different universes seem to be able to open the passage between the two realms with this ancient secret realm.

"Now, in addition to sending people to the Immortal Realm, people from another universe are also constantly developing this secret realm."

"This secret realm is the secret realm of my Pangu universe. People in this different universe are really too presumptuous."

"The people of the different universe must repel, and this secret realm must be taken back. They cannot be allowed to continue to be presumptuous. It is time to send people into it to fight against them."

After discussion, all parties decided to send manpower into it.

Due to the large number of people in the different universe, all parties have come to a large-scale conscription in the entire fairy world!

It is related to the safety of the Pangu universe, and is attracted by various treasures in the secret realm. This conscription campaign was a great success, and many people took the initiative to enter the secret realm to contend with the different universe.

This even includes a lot of Tianjiao evildoers.

And what happened in the different universe, the Madman Chu in the underworld, hasn't learned yet.

At this moment, he is absorbing soul crystals and enhancing soul power.

this day.

Underworld, in the palace of the ghost emperor.

Madman Chu opened his eyes suddenly, and a soul flower bloomed slowly on his head, the twelfth-grade flower blooming!

This is already the limit that the Da Luo realm can reach, but the Madman Chu, who has condensed the flower of the twenty-fourth grade of life, knows that this is far from the limit.

"Twelfth-Rank Soul Flower, not bad."

Madman Chu smiled with satisfaction, and got up and walked out of the Ghost Emperor Palace.

However, he found that there were a lot of dead souls in this underworld, and the whole underworld was like a huge machine, running with a thunderous roar.

Naihe Bridge and Huanyang Road were crowded with many people.

Even from outside the ghost gate, there are still souls pouring in.

Chu Kuangren frowned slightly, "How come so many people died suddenly?"

Seemingly hearing his words, a Yin soldier next to him replied: "Going back to the ghost emperor, there seems to be a war in Yang Jian, so there are so many dead souls suddenly."

"Oh, war? With such a number of dead souls, is it because the power of the hegemony level has failed to fight?"

Madman Chu muttered.

"Let go of me, let me go!"

"Be quiet, since you are dead, then reincarnate me obediently!"

"Asshole, Lao Tzu is not a member of your Pangu universe. If you want me to reincarnate here, you dream!"

At this time, there was a commotion not far away.

I saw a big Luo Jinxian-level red-haired dead soul, making a big fuss, but due to the suppression of the underworld reincarnation mechanism, this big Luo Jinxian's dead soul could not exert much strength, and was soon caught by a group of Yin soldiers and pressed to the ground. But even so, it was still clamoring rebelliously.

"Lao Tzu is from Tianyuan Universe, you guys get out of my way..."

"Regardless of which universe you are, since you have come to my underworld, obediently arrange for me to reincarnate."

The Madman Chu not far away heard the words Tianyuan Universe, his eyes flashed slightly, and he said indifferently: "Bring him here!"

Several Yin soldiers pressed the red-haired dead soul and came to Chu Madman.

"I have seen the ghost emperor."

Several Yin soldiers bowed and saluted.

When the red-haired ghost heard that Madman Chu was the ghost emperor here, his eyes lit up, and he stood there and shouted: "The ghost emperor of the underworld in the Pangu universe, I advise you to let me go, otherwise wait for my Tianyuan Universe. Occupy here, even if you are a ghost emperor, you won’t have any fruit to eat."


The Yin Soldier next to him suddenly couldn't see it, and directly hit the opponent's knee with a stick, causing the opponent to suffer pain and kneel on the ground.

"Ghost Emperor, you are the best..."

The red-haired ghost still wanted to say something.

But the madman Chu's eyes condensed, and the ghost emperor's coercion filled the ground.

"I don't care who you are. When you come here, I will decide everything about you. Otherwise, I don't mind throwing you into the eighteenth **** to enjoy it."

Madman Chu said lightly.

The red-haired ghost opened his mouth, still wanting to say something, but after seeing Madman Chu's cold eyes, he closed his mouth suddenly.

"Now, I ask you to answer, how did you appear here."

"This is the underworld, I will naturally be here when I die." The red-haired dead soul curled his lips and said.

"You know what I'm asking is not this..." Madman Chu pointed his sword sharply, and with a stroke, he tore off one of the other's arms, causing the other to scream again and again.

Then, the red-haired dead soul recounted the invasion of the different universe.

After listening, Madman Chu fell into deep thought.

Invasion of another universe?

So fast?

No, if it is really an invasion of another universe, and the two universes go to war, the souls that have poured into the underworld are definitely more than that.

I'm afraid the whole underworld will be squeezed.

At least, it hasn't reached the point of full-scale war. Then, what is the purpose of the people in the different universe to open the two-world channel in the immortal world?

Madman Chu thought for a while.

No matter what, he has to go to these two passages, "How can I be absent for such an interesting thing?"

He smiled faintly, and then instructed the high priest to find the ghosts of these different universes and imprison them, especially those important generals, to interrogate one by one, whether it was the information of the different universe or the purpose of opening the channel between the two worlds. Ask how much it is.

The high priest takes the order.

Madman Chu also left the underworld and returned to the Yangjian Immortal Realm, which is the Pure Land of Bliss, and found Yunlan Buddha.

The other party also knows about the different universe, but not much.

Madman Chu didn't stay long, took a look at the still recovering quartz, and then left the Pure Land of Bliss, the immortal consciousness revolved and spread out.

All kinds of information flooded from all directions, and the thing that included the most was naturally the thing of the different universe.

Soon, he came to the front of the two-way passage.

Here, he also saw a familiar person, that is Bei Ming.

"Senior Bei Ming."

"Oh, Chu boy, you are here."

"Well, what's the situation here?" Madman Chu asked.

"How do you say it. UU reading"

Speaking of this incident, Bei Ming couldn’t help but frowned, “I always feel a bit weird about this matter. The passages of these two realms can’t allow people above the level of harmony to enter, and such passages are for the different universe. For the people, the effect is not great. With me, Brother Daluo basically comes to die as many as possible."

"However, they have been sending people continuously, which is really weird."

As Bei Ming said, he blasted out a punch, directly blasting a wave of alien cosmic troops rushing out of the passage between the two realms into fly ash.

Madman Chu noticed that there was the power of Dao in this boxing strength.

Bei Ming, he was promoted to Hedao.

He was happy for the other party in his heart, and then fell into a deep thought. He looked at the two-way passage and said lightly: "What are they doing to pay attention? Just go and see if you know it?"

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