Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1005: : Ye Zhu fights Shen Feihu, undefeated sword body, I listen to you farting

"Oh, you want to enter?"

Bei Ming looked at Madman Chu and smiled faintly. He was not surprised at the other party's choice.


Madman Chu nodded, and then his figure flashed, turning into a stream of light and disappearing.

After seeing Madman Chu entering the passage, some mighty people secretly breathed a sigh of relief for some reason, feeling that all problems were about to be solved.

Although Madman Chu brought a lot of damage to some of them.

But it is undeniable that Madman Chu can always create miracles time and time again. Perhaps, this time the crisis of the channel between the two realms will also be lifted because of the other side.

Inside the two-way passage.

It is not the space channel in the imagination of Mad Chu, but a huge secret realm.

And in this secret realm, people in different universes and immortals are fighting or exploring everywhere.

Boom, boom!

After Madman Chu entered this secret realm, a powerful wave of energy suddenly spread in the distance, and someone was fighting.

His figure flashed and flew out towards the distance.


In the secret realm, two groups of people are fighting each other.

They are people from the immortal world and the other universe. The two sides fought very fiercely. All kinds of fairy magic and magical powers broke out one after another. Numerous lines reflected the void, poetic and picturesque, and the mountains and rivers shattered one after another!

There is a battlefield that is particularly eye-catching.

This is a confrontation between two sword repairs.

One of them was wearing a cyan robe and holding a bamboo sword in his hand. There were blades of grass floating in his eyes. The sharp cyan sword aura encircled his body, tearing the void around him.

And this person is the well-known kendo evildoer in the fairy world, Ye Zhu!

Ye Zhu, the current cultivation base has reached the realm of Da Luo, and it is not much worse than the world-familiar evildoer like the Donghuang Shenzi.

However, his face now is extremely solemn.

Opposite him, standing beside him was a man in black and gold armor, holding a pitch-black epee in his hand, and a firm face.

This man put great pressure on Ye Zhu.

"Haha, even in my universe, there are not many young swordsmen who can fight me with so many tricks. The swordsman of the Pangu universe, you are qualified to let me remember your name, please sign up!" The sword man laughed and looked at Ye Zhu and said, as if he was sure of the other party.

"Ye Zhu!"

"Very well, I will remember this name, and you will also remember, the one who defeated you is called Shen Feihu!"

The heavy sword man Shen Feihu held the heavy sword in his hand and held it high. The black immortal yuan kept dignified on the sword's front, and the domineering sword power gradually spread.

Facing this coercion, Ye Zhu looked straight, "It's still unknown who wins and loses!"

His eyes condensed, and his sword spirit exploded!

Under the blessing of Qingye Jiantong, a terrifying and boundless killing aura spewed out immediately, and the surrounding mountain walls were cut into sword marks under this sword aura.

Some are as many as dozens or hundreds of miles, countless and densely packed.

And this was just a little bit of sword energy that Ye Zhuyi dissipated.

"Well, I didn't expect you to have this kind of hole cards, but, do you think I have no hole cards?!"

There was a strange color in Shen Feihu's eyes, and he was a little frightened by this Zhuxian Jianqi.

This kind of kendo practice is very rare in the Tianyuan Universe.

But then, he snorted, and a black sword light flashed in his eyes, the aura on his body was rising steadily, and the dark epee in his hand condensed a stronger sword light.

The pitch black sword light, like a black hole, will swallow everything in this world.

Ye Zhu also let out a long scream, "Cut!"

Cut out with one sword, kill the immortal sword, kill the immortal!

The incomparably rich Killing Da Luo Yi focused on the sword aura, as if he wanted to completely destroy and tear this sky vault!

And Shen Feihu also cut out his own sword!

His sword is no worse than Ye Zhusi, and the dark sword light seems to swallow everything in the world.

One green, one black.

Two completely different sword auras bombarded each other fiercely and exploded. Numerous dense sword auras were intertwined and turned into a earth-shattering storm.

Wherever the sword qi storm went, the heaven and the earth shattered, and the void was torn apart.

Many monks who fought in the distance were shocked by this astonishing power, and stopped their hands one after another, looking at the spreading sword aura, there was a look of horror in their eyes.

"What a strong sword spirit!"

"Quickly disperse, we absolutely can't resist this sword aura!"

"The combat power of these two people is definitely the top existence in the Da Luo Sanhua Realm."

Many monks backed back again and again, for fear of being fluctuated by sword energy.

However, some people were too late to leave. They were trapped by the sword aura, unable to break free, and were strangled alive into blood mist by the sword aura.

In the blue-black sword qi storm, Ye Zhu and Shen Feihu's eyes collided, and the sword intent on their bodies did not decrease. Instead, they increased crazily, becoming stronger and stronger!


The sword energy behind the two exploded, shooting out like a meteor.

The sword and the sword collided once again.

In the collision of the blades, hundreds of millions of Xianhui shot out from it, tearing the sky and the earth!

This is a top kendo battle!

Their respective swords are shining and colliding, intertwining the most magnificent swords in the world!

Many people in the arena are swordsmen, and they can't help but show a solemn look in their eyes watching this scene.


Following another collision, Ye Zhu was knocked out.

And Shen Feihu stood in the air, with black sword qi intertwined on his body, shuttled back and forth in his limbs and acupuncture points around his body, very strange.

Ye Zhu, who was knocked into the air, looked solemn, "Your body..."

"Ha, this is the undefeated sword body of my Tianyuan Universe!"

Shen Feihu laughed, with a look of pride on his face, "You are not the only one who has a special physique, I do too!"

In the Tianyuan universe, there are also various physiques.

Three thousand physiques, each has its own uniqueness!

And this undefeated sword body is the top 30 physique of these three thousand physiques. Not only can one have a strong sword aura, but also an indestructible sword body!

"This battle is a bit difficult."

Ye Zhu murmured, he knew that he was very likely to lose in this battle.

It's not that Qingye Jiantong is inferior to the undefeated sword body, but that Shen Feihu's cultivation base is higher than him.

Stronger cultivation base, good physique, plus the armor and epee on the opponent's body are also good treasures, and the chance of winning is less than 10%.

"Ha, I have an undefeated sword body, whether it is in the Tianyuan universe or the Pangu universe, it will stand on top of the sword, overlooking the eternal age!"

"There are thirty million sword immortals in the world, but I call it undefeated!"

The sword intent on Shen Feihu's body was extremely arrogant, making a sensation in all directions.

When the monks of different universes saw this, their eyes couldn't help showing the color of worship.

But at this moment, an overwhelming coercion came from not far away, and this coercion actually overwhelmed Shen Feihu's sword intent in an instant!

"I heard you fart!"

An indifferent voice resounded throughout the world.

I saw not far away, standing in the air in a white dress, graceful and dazzling, just like the fairy king Linchen!

Wherever he went, the mountains and rivers were broken every inch!

Even the world where everyone is trembling crazily, it seems that they can't bear the terrifying coercion of the people.

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