Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1001: : 1 sword kills the undefeated sword body, is that a powerful Tianjiao evildoer?

Mountains and rivers are breaking!

The world is shaking!

Yin and Yang are turning upside down!

The sun and the moon are also eclipsed!

The people in Pangu Universe such as Ye Zhu were extremely excited because of the white clothes that arrived. Ye Zhu smiled and showed a relaxed smile.

"He's coming, he's coming!"

"Damn, I know this guy will not miss the big event of the battle between the two worlds."

"My God, is his breath stronger?"

"Yes, you are not wrong, his aura is indeed stronger than before. Is this guy really just a three-flower realm?!"

The man who came was Chu Madman.

After he sensed the fighting aura here, he rushed over, just in time to see Ye Zhu, and heard Shen Feihu's extremely arrogant speech, he immediately ridiculed.

"who are you?!"

After Shen Feihu felt the surging aura of Madman Chu, his face suddenly became extremely solemn.

This person in front of him is stronger than Ye Zhu!

"Who am I? Do you deserve to know too?" Madman Chu stood with his hand in his hand, his immortal origin flowing around him, almost unbelievable.

And his words instantly angered Shen Feihu, and the opponent's eyes burst out with a bright light, the undefeated sword body spurred to the extreme, the dark epee in his hand trembled frantically, and the black immortals condensed on the blade. Dao patterns are intertwined, like a black hole, swallowing all the light.

"Undefeated Sword Jue, cut!!"

Knowing that Madman Chu's strength cannot be underestimated, so Shen Feihu is the top kendo ultimate move as soon as he makes a move!

Slashed out with a single sword, the dark sword light seemed to swallow everything, tearing a dark crack in the void, engulfing the violent spatial turbulence and crushing it towards Madman Chu!

However, he saw Madman Chu standing in place, motionless, angered, and standing with his hands behind him. He didn't avoid it, but he stood up and took the move!

"Is he crazy?!"

The people in Tianyuan Universe suddenly took a breath of air, and their faces were all inconceivable.

You know, in the young generation of Tianyuan Universe, the strength of Shen Feihu can be said to be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

There are not many people who can withstand the opponent's sword!

Not to mention, if you don't avoid it, you stand up and take it!


Shen Feihu sneered. In his opinion, Madman Chu was powerful, but too arrogant. His sword was so powerful that no one of the younger generation could take it unscathed.

Like Madman Chu, standing still to accept the move is tantamount to seeking a dead end!

boom! !

The terrifying sword aura whistled out, completely enveloped the Madman Chu.

Sword Qi raged in the void, constantly tearing at Chu Kuangren's body, but he stood in place, motionless, immortal yuan circulating on his body, mixed with golden jade fairy radiance.

Xianyuan resisted, and even if some of the missing sword aura attacked him, it was destroyed by that impossibly tyrannical body.

After the sword qi dissipated, Madman Chu stood in place, his white clothes as old, unscathed!

This scene caused the people in the different universe to take a breath of air, and their faces looked incredible.

"This, how is this possible?!"

"How could he take Shen Feihu's sword aura unharmed, how did this guy do it!!"

"This, this is impossible!! How can there be such a monster in the Pangu universe?"

But Ye Zhu and the others suddenly felt an inexplicable pride and pride when they saw the incredible appearance of the other universe and others.

Look, this is the pride of my Pangu universe!

Not stronger than yours?

In addition to this, there is also a sense of sight. After all, they were the same as the people in these different universes, but they were often scared by the Mad Chu.

And now, I'm used to it.

"The peak of kendo? Only I am undefeated?"

Madman Chu looked at Shen Feihu with a sneer, very obvious

Immediately, he gently raised his hand, and the Kunwu sword on his waist clanged out of his sheath!

The incomparable sword intent was pouring out, and the surging sword pressure was more powerful than Shen Feihu!

Under the pressure of this sword, even Shen Feihu couldn't help but tremble slightly.

His undefeated sword body, scared? !

Shen Feihu couldn't believe it.

Immediately afterwards, an indescribable sense of humiliation surged into my heart.

You know, Shen Feihu is the most popular among the young generation in the different universe, except for the top ten monsters of the gods, few people are in his eyes.

There is a faint tendency of the young generation to be the first person in kendo.

But now, is he scared? !

"This is impossible!!"

"I, Shen Feihu, have an undefeated sword body, how can I lose in the swordsmanship!!"

Shen Feihu roared and burned his life, the dark epee in his hand trembled frantically, and he cut out with one more sword, and this sword was even more powerful than the previous one!

This time, Madman Chu moved.

The white jade-like sword bloomed with celestial splendor, and the seal of proof was lit up one after another.

"Let you see, what is the real sword of invincibility!"

Madman Chu drank indifferently, and Kun Wu in his hand suddenly stroked in the air!

Numerous lines and runes condensed into a huge sword shadow stretching millions of feet, falling from the sky and slashing towards Shen Feihu.

It is the sword of Zhou, no way!

The two swords converge!

But seeing the sword of innocence, like a broken bamboo, it directly tore the pitch-black sword aura, and rushed towards Shen Feihu in anger, wherever he went, the world was enveloped in great terror.

Shen Feihu's eyes showed unprecedented horror.

In the next instant, the whole person was enveloped by sword energy, and in a bang, it turned into a mist of blood and exploded!

The enchanting swordsmanship of the different universe, even the madman of Chu can't take a sword!

Unbeaten sword body, defeat! !

This scene shocked the rest of the universe beyond words, and there was a look of horror in his eyes, "How can this be possible!!"

That's Shen Feihu!

Shen Feihu, who is famous for the young generation in Dongyi Universe, and has a faint trend of being the first person in the young generation in kendo!

But he can't take a sword from Madman Chu? !

Oh my God, are all the Tianjiao of Pangu universe so perverted? !

"Run, run away!!"

"This guy, we can't be the enemy, I'm afraid only the top enchanting evildoer of the royal family can compete with him."

After the death of Shen Feihu, the people in the different universe fled in a panic.

It's a pity that Madman Chu didn't want to let them go. The sword finger condensed, and Qingye Jianhai used it, and the billions of sword aura seemed to be transformed into a boundless ocean, swept out!

The monks from different universes fell one after another under this sword aura.

After doing all this, Madman Chu came to Ye Zhu's side, checked the other party's injuries, and healed him.

After a while, Ye Zhu arched his hands and said, "Thank you very much."

"It's okay."

"Since Fellow Daoist Chu has come to this secret realm, it seems that people in this different universe are suffering." Ye Zhu smiled.

Madman Chu smiled faintly, and then asked about things about another universe.

Ye Zhu came to this secret place earlier than knows more than him.

"The number of people in the different universe is very large. Among them, there are many powerful evildoers, such as the Shen Feihu that Fellow Daoist Chu killed just now..."

Madman Chu was taken aback when he heard the words, "Is that a powerful Tianjiao evildoer?"


Ye Zhu and the others twitched at the corners of their mouths.

Well, he was beheaded with a single sword, and Shen Feihu really couldn't be called powerful in front of the madman Chu.

Alas, I and others are struggling to survive in front of Shen Feihu.

But in front of Madman Chu, there is nothing, people are more angry than people.

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