Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1002: : Exchange sword tactics, Wuyou, Vine Demon Prince, the wrong ground vein

"This alien universe is called the Tianyuan Universe. It is divided into countless ethnic groups. Their ethnic groups have an extremely strict hierarchical system, ranging from one to nine levels. Among them, the ninth-level ethnic group has Da Luo Jinxian sitting in town, but the most difficult It is the royal family above level nine, and the ruler of another universe!"

"The royal family is the most powerful ethnic group in the different universe. As the name suggests, it is a royal family with a **** king. These royal families can often cultivate some evildoers."

"In the different universe, there is a list of gods among the younger generation, and those who can be on the list are all evildoers. For example, Shen Feihu is a member of the list of gods."

Ye Zhu was explaining the pattern of the different universe to the madman of Chu.

These were all he obtained from people in those different universes, and the madman Chu heard them with gusto.

Everyone went all the way, exploring in this secret realm, collecting treasures when they encountered them, and killing people in different universes.

With the madman of Chu, he hardly encountered any opponents.

And those masters like Daluo Dzogchen were all constrained by the other great abilities of the fairy world.

"By the way, Fellow Daoist Chu, did you use the sword technique to defeat Shen Feihu before, the sword of Zhou?" Ye Zhu suddenly asked curiously.

"Yes, Not Bad."

"Zhou Zhijian ranks third among the twenty-four methods of kendo, and it is indeed a well-deserved reputation."

"I want to learn, I will teach you."

Madman Chu smiled faintly, this is in accordance with the Taoist law, preaching just teaches, there is no meaning of hiding personalities at all.

But Ye Zhu was shocked.

It's just that he is also a little moved. After all, learning a docile method is of great help to him.

"Let's do it, Fellow Daoist Chu, I will exchange Zhuxian Jianqi with you." Ye Zhu said.

Zhuxian Jianqi, ranked first in the twenty-four methods of kendo, more powerful than the sword of Zhou, but Ye Zhu didn't feel a loss.

In Kendo exchanges, he can only make progress if he does not hide himself.

Madman Chu glanced at each other and smiled faintly, "Okay!"

He didn't pretend, and handed over the sword of Zhou and his practice experience to Ye Zhu on the spot, and Ye Zhu also gave it to him with the sword of death.

While the two were learning from each other, the story of Madman Chu killing Shen Feihu quickly spread among the monks in the different universe, and many people were surprised.

"Shen Feihu is dead?"

"It's surprising that Shen Feihu, the twenty-fourth in the gods list, died here."

"Could it be that a certain Pangu universe's great power failed to make a move."

"No, the news says it was made by the younger generation, but is there such a person among the younger generation in the Pangu universe?!"

Everyone talked a lot.


On a secret battlefield.

A young man in black armor stood in the air, with a halberd in his hand filled with black light, revealing a strange color.

Under his feet lay the corpses of the monks of the Pangu universe.

If someone is here, you will definitely recognize that this person is the twenty-second young evildoer on the Tianyuan Universe's list of gods, Wuyou!

"Ha, the twenty-fourth of the dignified gods list actually died here, Shen Feihu, it's worthless."

"It's just that you can kill Shen Feihu with a single sword. Is this news true or not?"

Wuyou touched a message jade slip in his hand, with a deep gloom in his eyes.


The jade slip of the communication was broken and turned into powder.

There was a sneer at the corner of Wu You's mouth, "Is it true or not, I will know if I try it myself."


On the other side, on the battlefield of secret realm.

A woman walks on the battlefield like Shura hell, wearing a white dress like snow, not stained with blood.

This woman, with skin like fat, green silk like waterfall, bright eyes and shell teeth, a rugged figure wrapped in a white dress, her chest is full and round, she is ready to come out, and outlines an amazing arc.

Cold face, hot body.

But around, some monks in the Pangu universe looked at this woman, but they seemed to be looking at the evil spirit Shura, terrified.


Some Pangu universe monks wanted to escape.

But suddenly, with a wave of the woman's sleeves, a stream of light flew out from between her sleeves. It was a conical-shaped flying shuttle!

Wherever Feisuo went, the monks of the Pangu universe were all killed.

Soon, the woman was left standing on the scene.

At this time, the jade slip on her waist shook slightly, and a message came.

"Oh, Shen Feihu actually died, it's interesting."

The woman smiled faintly, and then looked at the huge space vortex connecting the Pangu universe immortal world in the distance, her mouth curled slightly, "I don't know how the plan is going, even the evildoer who can easily kill Shen Feihu is here, and it should be almost the same. It's time to close the Internet."


Countless vines waved out, flooding the world.

Under this vine, the monks were smashed to pieces and turned into **** flesh mud.

A heavenly arrogant from a different universe laughed, and those vines were flying out from between his sleeves.

After killing a group of monks, Tianjiao of Different Universe also received the news of Shen Feihu's fall. There were some accidents, and then he couldn't help but laugh, "Shen Feihu, this guy actually died here, he deserves it. Ah deserve it."

The relationship between him and Shen Feihu was not good. The two had fought before, and he was cut with a sword by the opponent, and it took a while to recover.

Of course, the other party is not much better.

"The evildoer who can kill Shen Feihu, haha, let my Prince Vine Demon meet you!"

The vine demon prince laughed and flew towards the distance.


And at this moment.

Madman Chu, who didn't know that he had been targeted by many evil evils from different universes, was practicing Zhuxian Jianqi.

"Zhu Xianjian, sink!"

The Madman Chu's sword fingers condensed, and the sword fingers drew out, and countless sword auras completely covered a mountain from all directions.

In a bang, the mountain was torn apart by countless sword qi and turned into dust!

Ye Zhu watched from the side and couldn't help but be surprised, with a look of shock in his eyes.

"Friend Chu's learning ability, I have seen it, it's really scary."

It took him several years to gradually grasp this Zhuxian Jianqi.

But Madman Chu is good, and after just a few days of working with him, he can fully grasp it, and there are faint signs of surpassing him when he uses it.

This kind of learning ability can not be said to be extraordinary, it can only be said to be a monster!

"Oh, thanks to Brother Ye for teaching well."

Madman Chu smiled faintly and teased Ye Zhu.

In the past few days, he learned Zhuxian Jianqi, Ye Zhu learned the sword of Zhuan, and both of them were holders of the Qingye Jiantong, and there were many topics that could be exchanged in kendo.

After a few days, Ye Zhu benefited a lot from UU reading, and Madman Chu also benefited.

"By the way, Brother Ye, have you paid attention to the earth veins in this secret realm?"

Suddenly, Madman Chu looked at the mountain that had smashed himself into pieces. In the ground, a vein was vaguely revealed, and the spiritual energy rolled over, vaguely revealing quirky runes.

"Although this earth vein is a bit strange, it is a secret realm in the deep void. Even if there are some strange things, it is normal."

Ye Zhu said.

"Really, but this vein, I always feel something is not right."

Madman Chu's intuition has always been accurate.

He walked all the way, and as he saw more and more ground veins, the feeling of something wrong in his heart grew bigger and bigger.

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