Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1004: : The war of evildoers in 2 universes, so powerful aura

"A piece of rotten wood, be careful I burn you to ashes!"

The female ghost said indifferently.

With her words, the demon prince Teng Teng's expression changed, "What a wicked evildoer, quite mad!"

"Huh, there are even more arrogant ones!"

Chu Hong sneered, holding a crimson spear, the flames lingering on his body, extremely powerful!

"The evildoers of the Pangu universe, do you really think we are afraid of you?"

Wu You sneered.

I saw an extremely powerful aura bursting out of him, and the pressure on his body became more domineering. With a halberd in his hand, a domineering halberd light spewed out from it!

In just a moment, the emperor's face behind the Eastern Emperor God's Son was crushed forcibly!

Not only that, but in another direction, the cultivators of Tianjiao from different universes came to form a confrontation with the cultivators of Pangu universe.

There are some of them whose breath is no less than that of the most enchanting evildoer.

"This treasure, we have to make it today!"

Wu You said indifferently.

"Then try if you have this ability!"

The **** son of the Eastern Emperor did not say much, and immediately made a move, and the majestic Xianhui exploded, the majestic Xianyuan poured out of his body, and the emperor's Dharma-Phase condensed again.

The rest of the monks also abandoned their prejudices at this moment, and joined forces to contend with people from another universe!

The heavenly arrogance and evil evildoers of the two universes suddenly met.

Powerful energy fluctuations spread out, and all kinds of gorgeous fairy lights interweave in the void, covering the sky, forming a colorful sky!

Countless cents, runes, flooded them like a galaxy.

Occasionally, some of the escaping energy is like a meteor falling to the ground, hitting the ground with a roar.

The huge movement shook most of the secret realm.

"Haha, this is the first time I have played against the top evildoers of the Pangu universe, let me see your strength!"

The prince Vine Demon laughed, and green light burst out from his body.

There are vines intertwined in those green lights, and they actually form puppet soldiers, and every puppet is filled with an extremely powerful aura.

The worst is also close to Jinxian's cultivation base.

The most important thing is that the number of these puppets is extremely large, there are hundreds of thousands, they are enough to pile up a superb and even world-famous evildoer.

"Troublesome ability."

The female ghost's eyebrows were slightly frowned, and the dry flames on her body continued to burn, burning the puppets they had attacked one by one to ashes.

Chu Hong held a spear in her hand, and she, who had already been promoted to Daluo, shot out towards the vine demon prince, and the extremely powerful phoenix fire smashed out like shooting stars along with the spear light.

"Good job!"

The vine demon prince did not retreat, waving his hands, and vines flew out like tentacles, smashing the fireballs one by one.

"I heard that there is a monster among you who can kill Shen Feihu. I don't know who it is. Call him out to fight with me!"

The Vine Demon Prince said loudly.

Hearing this, some knowledgeable monks laughed and laughed: "If he comes, none of you can kill him alone!"

"Yes, overwhelming the world's madman, how can you be able to compete!"

"Compared to him, you guys are too much!"

The words of these monks were heard in the ears of the Eastern Emperor's son, some of them were not tasteful, but they did not deny anything.

But the prince Teng Yao, Wu You and others were a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, the person who killed Shen Feihu had such a great reputation in the Pangu Universe that so many people would respect him.

What is this person capable of?

They became more curious in their hearts.

"I really want to see it."

Wuyou swept out with a shot, and powerful power erupted from it, turning into a black spear light, in which an ancient **** phantom appeared vaguely, filled with infinite mighty power.

This phantom of the gods made the Eastern Emperor's son feel a great pressure.

It's like facing the ancient Xian Ting Donghuang.

It seems that it is the supreme existence of another universe.

The **** son of the Eastern Emperor urged the emperor's face behind him to the extreme, blasted out with a palm, smashing the spear light.

The emperor's Faxiang and the **** phantom were competing against each other.

"Who killed my big brother!"

At this time, a roar came, shaking the sky!

I saw a terrifying sword aura rising into the sky, coming from afar, turning into a sword aura storm, strangling a large number of Tianjiao evildoers.

And it was a young man holding an epee that drove the storm of sword energy.

Seeing him, the faces of people in the different universe were slightly happy.

"It's the thirty-ninth Shen Feilong of the gods list!"

"This person and Shen Feihu are also the evildoers of the sword spirit family, and they are not much different from Shen Feihu."

"Ha, now, these people in the Pangu universe are suffering."

Shen Feilong's body was full of sword aura, and an epee in his hand contained an unparalleled sense of killing!

This is said to be Da Luo Yi, more like a sword intent.

He fixed his eyes on a Tianjiao, rushed up, and slashed with the heavy sword, "Did you kill my eldest brother?!"

Jiao didn't say anything that day, he was directly smashed to pieces by a sword.

"It's so weak, it doesn't seem to be."

Shen Feilong's face was extremely gloomy, and the sword spirit family was a royal family in a different universe.

However, in recent years, there has been a bit of ignorance. The young generation of the clan has two evils, he and Shen Feihu, especially Shen Feihu, who has an undefeated sword body, is the hope of the future of the clan!

And now, he actually died here, how can he not be angry? !

He swears that the person who killed Shen Feihu must pay a heavy price!

"First of all, let's ask for some interest from you!"

Shen Feilong stared at the other Tianjiao, his eyes cold.

The killing intention on his body was too strong, and some Tianjiao evildoers who looked at him couldn't help but give birth to a chill, and they didn't want to confront him easily.

At this moment, a white light struck suddenly, which contained a vast meaning of light, which made Shen Feilong a little dignified.

I saw Lan Yu wearing a silver armor standing in front of him, showing off his fighting spirit, like an awe-inspiring Valkyrie, which is eye-catching!

"Do you really think I have no one in the Pangu universe?!"

Lan Yu said coldly.

"Oh, woman? I would like to see, how strong you are!"

Shen Feilong carried the epee in his hand and attacked it.

Lan Yu's scepter was not to be outdone. Instead of colliding with it, the moment the epee and the scepter struck each other, a large amount of fairy power burst out, tearing apart the mountains and rivers.

"What a domineering force!"

Lan Yu stepped back dozens of feet, his arm holding the magic staff trembling slightly.

But then, she smiled coldly and shot again.

The battle continues.

Around the Kunlun mirror, UU reading www.uukanshu. The Tianjiao evildoers of the com different universe and the Pangu universe are almost in a battle, and they are inextricably fought.

And above a peak in the distance.

A cold woman in a white dress stood on the top of the mountain with indifferent eyes, "There have been a lot of arrogant evildoers in the Pangu universe. It seems that the net can almost be closed."

Just when she was about to make a move, she suddenly felt as if she had sensed something, her face changed slightly, and she looked towards the sky in the distance, "What a strong breath! I didn't expect that this time I could actually catch such an evildoer, this kind of breath, yes. Does the one who killed Shen Feihu exist?!"

The cold woman was extremely surprised. This breath gave her an extremely unfathomable feeling, as if facing the vast ocean.

You know, even those monsters in the top ten of the gods list did not give her this feeling.

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