Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1005: : Who do you want to die? The real sword of killing, slashing the black dragon with o

With the Kunlun Mirror as the center, the great war between the different universe and the Tianyuan universe is in full swing and is still going on.

The enchanting evildoers of the Pangu universe, such as Lan Yu, Nv Yun, Chu Hong, God Child of the East Emperor, Hua Xi, the descendant of the Emperor Wa, were all involved in this battle, fighting their respective opponents.

"Although you are strong, you are still not my opponent!"

"Give me defeat!"

Shen Feilong slashed out with a sword, and the jet black sword aura gushed out, like a boundless tide, a jet black dragon condensed in the void, biting towards the blue feather!

And Lan Yu did not show any weakness, waving the magic scepter in his hand, and the magical powers of Guangming and Immortal Body urged!

An incomparably vast river filled with the meaning of endless light is surging endlessly, shining out in the void, and rushing towards the dark dragon!

The two forces clashed, the sword energy and the light traded away in all directions, the whole land was in turmoil, and cracks appeared, like a canyon, and the landform changed drastically.

In the brilliant energy storm, Lan Yu flew upside down, holding a magic scepter, half kneeling on the ground, his face pale.


Shen Feilong roared, and the epee in his hand slashed out!

But at this moment, a boundless coercion fell from the sky, accompanied by billions of celestial glory shining, an indifferent voice like a **** suddenly resounded throughout the world.

"Who do you want to die?!"


The coercion is like a flood, like a billions of ancient stars, weighing on every monk in another universe.

Some of the people who were almost at a cultivation level knelt directly on the ground, extremely shocked.

Prince Vine Demon, Wu You also stopped their hands, looking solemnly at the sky, and saw the clouds surging, and a white figure slowly descended from the sky!

He wears white clothes like snow, his gestures are all transcendental, and his demeanor is moving, like the fairy king Linchen, the fairy brilliance, and the nine heavens and ten places!

The footsteps are light, but the moment the toes fall, the earth roars, and the immortal yuan is like a storm, sweeping across all directions!

Da Luo Yi condensed an ancient rune like a galaxy, especially on his forehead, the mark of a green lotus, it also contains an amazing Dao rhyme. It is an unrestricted force of detachment that seems to be side by side with the avenue!

"Madman Chu!"

The **** son of the Eastern Emperor condensed his eyes, his eyes a little complicated.

He hates Chu madman.

But I have to admit that under such circumstances, the arrival of Madman Chu is absolutely exciting.

"Madman Chu!"

Someone gritted their teeth and looked at Madman Chu's back. This was a person in the soul forbidden zone, such as Young Master Qingtian, Young Master Luyuan was among them.

What the Mad Chu did in the soul forbidden zone, they still vividly remembered.

But the situation is special at this time, and they are far less powerful than the other party, and they can't act rashly.

As for the rest of the arrogances, such as Lan Yu, Nv Yun and others, their faces were joyful, their morale increased greatly when they looked at that extraordinary figure in white clothes!

"Haha, Madman Chu is here, these people from another universe are dead!"

"These guys, I'm afraid they haven't experienced despair."

People from another universe looked at Madman Chu with solemn eyes. Although the other party's aura was very powerful and powerful, they were even more surprised that the moment this person appeared, these monks in the Pangu universe suddenly changed their aura, and their faces revealed An extremely confident brilliance.

As if there is the other party, any problem can be solved easily.

What kind of charm is this?

In the different universe, there are very few enchantments that lead people's hearts like this.

And now, they saw one, but unfortunately, this person stood on the opposite side of them.

"You just said, who do you want to die?!"

Madman Chu looked at Shen Feilong and said indifferently.

"You are the Madman Chu they said?! The one who killed my elder brother Shen Feihu!"

Shen Feilong said solemnly.

"Answer my question, who do you want to die?" Madman Chu continued to say indifferently, the coercion on his body was like a flood, and he was crushing on the opponent crazily.

The sword finger condensed, and a bit of sword energy was already flowing at the fingertips.

Under the coercion of Madman Chu, Shen Feilong's hand holding the sword was trembling slightly.

Not only that, the other party’s indifferent gaze seemed to regard himself as an ant, which made him both frightened and angry. He was firm in his heart and roared, "I want you to die!"

A large amount of sword energy rose into the sky, and the majestic killing sword intent poured out!

The sword energy condensed, and the ferocious black dragon appeared again, a pair of cold dragon eyes staring at the Madman Chu, revealing endless tyranny and cruelty.

"Dragon kills the Quartet, extremely kills the sword!"

With a wave of the heavy sword in Shen Feilong's hand, the ferocious sword-qi black dragon also let out a roar, biting away at Madman Chu!

Wherever he went, the mountains and rivers burst, and the void exploded to pieces!

While Madman Chu stood still, his fingertips became more and more majestic.

"Kill? Let you see what is the real sword of killing!"

The Madman Chu sword pointed to the sky, and a large amount of sword energy gushed out from that sword finger, turning into a sky-shaking sword shadow, meaning endless killing, permeating out.

Vaguely, everyone saw the shocking sight of countless fairy Buddhas falling like rain.

This sword was born for killing!

This sword was born for punishing immortals and buddhas, and punishing gods and ghosts!

"Zhuxian Jianqi, Slaughter Immortals!"

The madman Chu gave a soft drink, and with a stroke of his sword finger, the sky-shaking sword shadow directly tore the sky, wrapped in endless killing intent, and slashed towards the black dragon.

Everyone only saw that the sword energy fell on the black dragon, tearing the black dragon's head like a bamboo, then locked Shen Feilong and swallowed it!

Before the other party even made a scream, it turned into a cloud of blood and exploded!

Madman Chu, slash the black dragon with one sword, and kill the evildoers!

This sword astounded the world, shocked all living beings, and made the Tianjiao evildoer of the different universe take a breath of air, and looked at Madman Chu as if he were looking at a monster!

"Shen Feilong is dead?! Beheaded by a sword!"

"He, did he kill Shen Feihu with such a sword? There is such a monster in the Pangu universe?!"

"Oh my God!"

The demon prince vine, Wuyou such an enchanting expression, the expression is also extremely solemn.

But Madman Chu's gaze fell on them, his sword fingers condensed, and his sword energy surged, "Next, it's your turn!"

Glaucous light flashed in his eyes, and a sword aura broke out!

As the sword qi passed, the Tianjiao and evil spirits of different universes fell one after another, and they couldn't resist it.

Even the evildoers like Shen Feilong can't stop the madman Chu's sword power, let alone them? !

"Prince Vine Demon!"

Wu You roared, and the other party understood it, UU reading immediately joined forces to resist the sword of the madman Chu!

Spear light, vines swept out together!

Their strength is much stronger than that of Shen Feilong. Under their joint efforts, they also blocked Madman Chu's sword, but their expressions were still extremely solemn.

Because this is just the opponent's sword!

They don't know what the other party has, at least judging from the other party's calm and relaxed appearance, this is not his full strength.

"Good guy, I heard that he killed Shen Feilong with a single sword, but I don't believe it anymore. Now it seems that it is indeed a monster."

"His strength is in the top ten of the gods list, I'm afraid it's not much worse."


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