Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1002: : The calculation of the different universe, you have influenced my thinking

  Chapter 1662 The calculation of the different universe, you have influenced my thinking

  In the secret realm, seven beams of light rose into the sky, shaking the whole secret realm!

Not only that, I saw the entire secret space tremble, and the spiritual energy that lurked on the surface of the earth rose to the sky, containing countless runes, and each of the earth veins, the shortest one, was hundreds of thousands of miles long, and now, there are hundreds of thousands of miles. The veins of the earth were tumbling and dancing in the air, like giant golden dragons, and the scene was extremely magnificent.

  And these giant dragons are flying, the entire secret space is actually beginning to crack.

  The sky was tumbling, and a series of dark cracks spread out. The entire secret space, like a broken mirror, appeared with countless cracks.

  A burst of void turbulence, spreading from the crack!

  This secret realm is collapsing!

   "This, what is going on?!"

  Huaxi's face changed drastically.

  The spiritual energy of heaven and earth is extremely frantic, and the space is chaotic. In this environment, she finds that her strength is actually limited.

   "This entire secret realm is a trap."

  Chu madman said lightly.


   "Haha, yes, this is a trap!"

A Daluo Five-Qi Realm master from a different universe laughed at the Pangu universe power in front of him and said, "What Shinto towers that can bring the Hedao realm to come are just a guise. These Shinto towers are institutions. This is the mechanism opened by this Void Annihilation Array!"

  "When you destroy this Shinto Tower, we will be deployed in the entire secret realm, and the large formation relying on the earth veins will be opened. At that time, everyone here will die!"

   said this alien universe madly.

   "Are you going to die too?"

  The powers of the Pangu universe looked a little gloomy, but they didn't expect them to be put together.

"Yes, we are going to die too, but our enchanting Tianjiao has been transferred. It is only a few Da Luo's five spirits and hundreds of millions of troops who died, but you are different. You, Da Luo, will die here. Not only that, your enchanting Tianjiao will also die here!"

   "As long as your enchanting Tianjiao all die here, in the future, if Pangu Universe Blue Emperor does not pick up, who can stop my Tianyuan Universe?!"

  Different Universe Da Luohaha laughed, although he was dying, but he was very happy.

   seems to have seen his own universe and conquered the Pangu universe.

   "You lunatics!"

  Pangu Universe Power has a cold tone.


"The other universe uses this secret realm as a trap, and with the treasures of this secret realm, hundreds of millions of soldiers will be the bait, in order to kill us here and invade the Pangu universe. It is not the purpose of this two-world passage. The real purpose is Swallow all the evil spirits of the Tianjiao of the Pangu universe in one go, and prepare for their future aggression."

  "On this road, we didn't see half of the enchanting Tianjiao, it should have already left."

  Chu madman said lightly.

  Hearing this, everyone was shocked.

   Expends countless resources to open the two-world channel, and these hundreds of millions of soldiers will be the bait, in order to kill them all these gods and evildoers.

  Different universe, what a big handwriting!

  "In the long run, this is a cost-effective business. Hundreds of millions of soldiers will be exchanged for the existence of a few future unions and even Hunyuan, without loss."

  The madman Chu said, the abacus of the different universe was played quite loudly.

  In this wave, Pangu Universe has lost.

  Some of the surviving soldiers from the different universes heard this, and they were all stunned. Obviously, they didn't know these things.

  This kind of thing, it is impossible to let these abandoned children know.

   "We were actually treated as abandoned children, it's ridiculous."

   "Haha, the big people above are really good calculations. In their eyes, we are afraid that they are not as good as ants."

   "Are we making a contribution to the Tianyuan Universe?"

   "Being a fart contribution, I don't want to die yet, royal family, it must be calculated by those **** royal families, bastard!"

  The soldiers of the different universe are either decadent, or grief, or mad...

  The goddess gave them a glance and said, “Why don’t people from another universe take them away and start the formation again?”

  And when the madman of Chu heard the words, he looked at her like an idiot.

"Aren't you asking nonsense? If it is a large-scale transfer, it will definitely arouse the vigilance of the mighty. When that happens, we will also leave, and this trap will create a loneliness? And we will come here, isn't it different. Are the people of the universe here, come to resist them? Without them, with some opportunities here, how many people can stay?"

  When everyone heard the words, they were also very impressed.

   "What's the use of saying so much, what should I do now?"

  A Tianjiao said loudly, with a look of horror in his eyes.

  The other Tianjiao evildoers were also extremely panicked.

  "The passage between the two realms has been completely blocked, and the spatial structure of this place has begun to collapse, making it impossible to leave." Hua Xi smiled bitterly.

  Space collapsed, this is the true power of this vast array of void annihilation.

  And this secret realm is very large, comparable to a galaxy. Such a huge space collapses in a very short time, and its power is unimaginable.

  I’m afraid it’s even more difficult even if you want to survive in the He Dao Realm.

  In other words, this is a mortal situation for them!

  Everyone fell into despair.

  In the distant sky, there is a large amount of spatial turbulence and golden dragons of earth veins tumbling, turning into a void storm, which contains the terrifying power to destroy everything!

  Everyone saw that there was a big Luo rushing toward the void storm, trying to cross, but within a few seconds, he was completely wiped out by the power, and he couldn't get out at all.

  And the storm is now approaching everyone.

  In all directions, like a cage that is constantly shrinking and closing, everyone has no way to escape!

   "Die to me!"

   A roar came.

  I saw a Tianjiao evildoer who could not accept the fact that he was about to fall, the whole crazy slaughter of a different universe.

   "Even if I die, I will drag you to bury you!"

   "Yes, that's right, it's all because of your different universe, please die for me!"


  People in different universes naturally cannot wait to be slaughtered, and naturally rise up to resist.

   "I'm going to die anyway, it's better to die vigorously."

   "Yes, guys from Pangu universe, come on!"

   "Don't think you are the evil spirits of Tianjiao, we are afraid of you."

   "Yes, UU reading who is afraid of anyone, kill!"

  A melee broke out, all kinds of immortal magical powers, one after another, played dimly.

  The madness of the creatures at the end of the road is vividly displayed at this moment.

   "Unexpectedly, my dignified descendant, here, died here in this aggrieved way."

  Huaxi gave a wry smile.

Next to   , the female Yun licked her lips and looked at Madman Chu, "Anyway, Madman Chu, if you are worse than you, you can fulfill me and be happy with me."

  She rushed towards Madman Chu, but she was slapped and flew out by the opponent.

Under   , the shouts of killing became more and more intense, and some people even rushed towards Chu Kuangren.

I saw countless sword auras gushing out of his body, completely strangling those who rushed in. Not only that, endless sword auras fell into the battlefield, with a radius of millions of miles of the earth, being ravaged by sword auras, and countless people were here. Under the sword aura, they dodge in embarrassment, but many people were directly beaten by the sword aura and lost their combat effectiveness.

   "Give me quiet, you have influenced my thinking!"

  (End of this chapter)

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