Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1003: : Shouldn't drag me into the game, you lost, Kunlun mirrored it

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The overwhelming coercion swept out with the indifferent voice of the madman Chu, covering the entire battlefield!

There was a moment of silence in the entire battlefield.

Huaxi looked at the Madman Chu with a fascinating look, "In this kind of mortal situation, he can still be so calm and maintain such a demeanor, I am not as good as this character!"

"Should I be said to be the most madman in the world? One person suppressed this crazy battlefield."

"He, is there really a way to solve this deadlock?!"

The female Yan looked at Madman Chu and licked her lips. She liked this man even more.

And after Madman Chu suppressed the entire battlefield, countless thoughts flashed in his mind one by one, he was deducing the way to break the game.

This game of the different universe is very well arranged.

Using the secret realm as a trap, and hundreds of millions of soldiers as bait, it is necessary to bury the countless Tianjiao evildoers in the Pangu Universe in one fell swoop, even including how many Da Luo consummated.

The calculation is very deep, generous, dare to sacrifice, it is perfect.

But the only thing they missed was one, and that is, they shouldn't pull the madman into the game!

"Xiao Ai, how is the analysis?"

"Report that the Great Array of Void Annihilation has been completely resolved."

Xiao Ai said.

A few days ago, he had let Xiao Ai begin to analyze the runes contained in the earth veins, and that was precisely this vast array of annihilation of the void.

Now, this formation has been analyzed and completed, and its structure has all appeared in his mind.

This is an extremely delicate formation. There are almost no space-time attribute formations comparable to it in the entire Pangu universe.

There is no doubt about this.

Only this powerful formation has the ability to end the game!

"Haha, everyone in the Pangu universe, it is an honor for you to be able to die under this vast array of void annihilation. This is the strongest space-time formation in my Tianyuan universe!"

A crazy laugh came from a distance.

That was a Great Luo Perfection powerhouse in another universe, and the opponent was fighting against the power of Pangu universe at this moment.

And that could hear the other party's words, his face was gloomy.

When Huaxi and others saw this, they couldn't help feeling a little bit.

"It's not just these hundreds of millions of soldiers, this different universe, even Daluo is willing to use it as bait when he reaches Consummation."

"It's really frantic."

Daluo Dzogchen is the most powerful power when he can't get out of the Harmony Realm.

A Dzogchen Dzogchen, worthy of hundreds of Daluo three flowers, five qi, can be regarded as a top existence in the universe.

But for the layout, this kind of character was sacrificed.

It's not wrong that Pangu Universe lost this round.


"With me, no one can die!!"

Madman Chu opened his eyes suddenly, his eyes burst out with boundless light, and the immortal glory on his body surged like a flood, shining through the past and the present.

"Different universe, in this round, it was you who lost your troops and you lost your generals!"

The words of Madman Chu spread out from afar.

There are still a few different universes in the secret realm, Luo can't help but change his face.

Does the Pangu universe have any other players?

But when they saw clearly who was saying this, they couldn't help but be very surprised, "Daluo Sanhua Realm?!"

"Haha, a little guy in the Three-Flower Realm of Luo, dare to speak out!"

"It's not easy to be able to cultivate to the realm of Da Luo, but it's a joke just relying on your efforts to turn the tide!"

Da Luo of the different universe sneered.

However, the powers of the Pangu universe looked at Madman Chu in amazement, with a hint of expectation in their eyes.

Others did not believe that Kuangren Chu had any way to turn the tide.

But they've seen Madman Chu doing too many incredible things. Maybe the other party really has any way to solve this deadlock?

"Kunlun Mirror, come out!!"

Madman Chu flicked his sleeves, and an ancient mirror flew out from between his sleeves.

It is the Kunlun mirror he got not long ago!

Kunlun Mirror, a treasure of time and space, contains powerful time and space power. It can travel through time and space, which is very magical!

"It's Kunlun Mirror!"

"Does he want to use the time and space power of Kunlun Mirror to shuttle out of this void storm?!"

"It's not realistic. The power to collapse this space is too strong. With Madman Chu's current cultivation realm, even with this Kunlun mirror, he can't shuttle out."

The Kunlun Mirror has the power to shuttle between time and time, which is true.

But this power is not absolute, and it will also be suppressed in the face of more powerful space-time forces.

The power of the space collapse caused by the Void Annihilation Array is extremely powerful, unless Madman Chu is in the realm of the combined Dao, and the combination must be the path of time and space, can he use this Kunlun mirror to shuttle out of this large array, but the current Madman Chu It's just a little big Luo Sanhua Realm, it's still far from Hedao.

How does he use the Kunlun Mirror to lead everyone away?

But Madman Chu didn't seem to have considered this, and threw the Kunlun Realm into the distance.

I saw the Kunlun mirror blooming with billions of celestial splendor, blasting out towards the void storm, the chaotic space seemed to it non-existent.

"Lan Yu, Chu Hong, Brother Ye, and others, follow behind the Kunlun mirror! Don't leave the scope of the mirror light!"

Madman Chu said loudly.

Lan Yu, Chu Hong and the others didn't doubt that he was there, and they followed the Madman Chu's words into the mirror light of the Kunlun Mirror, and flew away all the way to the distance.

The others hesitated.

With this Kunlun Mirror, is it really possible to go out?

"If you want to stay and wait for death, I don't care."

Madman Chu said lightly.

Hearing his words, everyone gritted their teeth and stamped their feet, and followed closely.

Staying in place, there is only a dead end, it is better to be a dead horse doctor, fight it! !

Everyone moved into action.

Even the Eastern Prince, who regarded Madman Chu as his enemy, followed closely behind the Kunlun Mirror. Although he did not want to admit it, at this time, he only believed in Madman Chu.

The other powers looked at each other as if they were still hesitating.

"Everyone, this son cannot be measured by common sense. Since he is going to die anyway, why don't you believe him once?"

"Yes, then take a gamble!"

Even with great power, at this moment, he chose to believe in Madman Chu.

The Kunlun Mirror was getting closer and closer to the void storm, and there were more and more people in the mirror light, and almost all the people in the Pangu universe who were still alive in the secret territory rushed in.

Fortunately, this mirror light covers a wide range, enough to cover everyone.

"what happened?"

"Are the people from the Pangu universe in such a hurry to die?!"

"Just the time and space power contained in that mirror, it is impossible to resist the power of this Void Annihilation Array."

Some big Luos in the different universe are confused.

Someone looked at Madman Chu with a look of surprise and uncertainty in their eyes.

"Who is this person, why are so many people in the Pangu universe willing to listen to him?"

"Also, why does he stay where he is?"

What puzzled everyone was that there were more and more people following Kunlun Mirror, but the Madman Chu, who gave orders, still stood on the spot without any action.

"No, no matter what ideas he is making, he must stop them."

"Not bad."

Even if everyone in the different universe thought that Kunlun Mirror could not successfully shuttle out of the void and annihilation array, they would not just watch it.

And just when they are ready to take action.

An extremely powerful force burst out from Madman Chu, "Do you think they should be stopped?"

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