Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1005: : Is it worth it? Only if I am willing

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Hearing the words of several powerful people, Huaxi and others couldn't help but smile.

"That said, we have a chance to leave here."

"Haha, it's a madman of Chu, who is always so unexpected, and this emptiness and annihilation can't help him."

It's just that, although several great powers were amazed that Madman Chu could judge the weakness of this Void Annihilation Array, they were not as optimistic as others.

"Don't be too happy, haven't you found out? This Void Annihilation Array is getting stronger and stronger."

Said a great man.

Hearing his words, everyone's complexion changed again.

"How could this happen? Didn't it mean that this is the weakest place in this big array?"

"Yeah, how could this be?"

A powerful explanation: "This is indeed the weakest place of this large array, but it is still difficult to pass. Kunlun Mirror's existing space-time power, I am afraid it will not work!"

"How could this be?"

"What about Madman Chu, does he leave any tricks?"

Not only was everyone panicked, but finally saw hope, now telling them they are still going to die?

"Lan Yu, what do you think?"

Huaxi looked at Lan Yu and asked faintly, among all the people present, only Lan Yu was the closest to Madman Chu. Maybe she would know something.

But Lan Yu just said faintly: "The son has his own arrangements, I believe him."

And on the other side.

Madman Chu is fighting against several Da Luo in different universes, and this even includes the existence of Da Luo's five qi realms.

But the madman of Chu is fully equipped with all kinds of secret methods and visions. He is extremely tyrannical, and his body is surging with celestial splendor, just like an immortal king!

Its power is actually above the Da Luo Five Qi Realm present.

"The Wheel of Life and Death of the Heavens!"

I saw the spirit of gods and demons rising from the madman Chu to the sky, life and death celestial glory reflected, and a force of life and death that seemed to destroy the heavens was rolled out!

Several big Luo Jinxians were directly blasted back, and their cultivation was a little bit close, and they were hit **** the spot!

"This breath is... the breath of gods and demons!"

Da Luo Jinxian noticed the spirit of the gods and demons erupting from Madman Chu, and couldn't help but shrink his pupils, "You are in the same line of gods and demons!"

The eyes of the others also showed fear.

"It seems that you are quite jealous of my gods and demons."

Madman Chu smiled faintly, showing amusement.

"God and demons, you really are the enemies of my Tianyuan Universe! It is the biggest stumbling block in front of us!"

That Dzogchen said coldly.

He glanced at the Kunlun Mirror that had escaped into the void storm in the distance, and sneered: "You, you ruined your friend with your own hands. I don't know how you used to find the weakest place in the Void Annihilation Array, but with that side There is absolutely no way to successfully shuttle out the space-time power of the mirror."

Madman Chu nodded slightly, "You are right, the power of Kunlun Mirror alone is not enough."

Hearing this, everyone was puzzled.

Since knowing that Kunlun Mirror's power is not enough, then why should those people be sent to death?

But Chu Madman's next move made them even more puzzled. They saw that the other party put away the Kunwu Sword, put away the Chaos Qinglian, and even the Soul Method and the Soul Purple God Clock also converged.

Seeing this, everyone frowned.

What does it mean?

Do you want to catch it?

"Hmph, no matter what you are playing, pay attention, go to hell!"

A big Luo's five auras put all their strength, shot directly, slashed out with a single sword, the vast sword light will completely cover all directions!

However, the madman of Chu couldn't avoid it.

Between raising his hand, a silver-white device composed of nine circles suddenly appeared in his hand.

The shape of the device is unique, with nine rings nested one after another, and countless runes are engraved between the rings, and one circle is more mysterious than one circle.

When this weird device appeared, everyone suddenly felt an inexplicable heart palpitation.

Because they felt a force no less than the treasure of chaos from that device!

"Two, two chaos treasures!!"

"He has two chaos treasures! How is this possible?! How could there be such a thing in this world!"

Everyone was confused, and there was no way to believe this kind of thing.

"With the power of the Kunlun Mirror, it is indeed not enough, but who told you that I only have one temporal treasure in my hand?"

Madman Chu smiled faintly.

The strange device in his hand is the super god-level reward that he has drawn a long time ago, a treasure of time and space!

He hasn't used this thing for a long time.

Using his current cultivation base to motivate this thing is naturally incomparable with his early years.

I saw his immortal element revolving, all injected into the time and space treasure in his hand, the nine rings on it quickly circulated, an incomparably terrifying space and time force spread out centered on the Madman Chu, and that path was cut at him. In front of this power, his sword shadow was directly frozen in mid-air.

"No, stop him!"

Several Luos had no time to think about how Madman Chu would have another Chaos Treasure in his hands, and he was about to interrupt him quickly.

But it was too late.

The power of time and space continued to spread out, and even the strong man of the Great Perfection in the different universe felt unable to move and his face was pale.

Not only that, the power of time and space gradually enveloped the entire secret realm, and it actually entered the Void Storm directly, affecting the operation of the Void Annihilation Array!

"You want to use this treasure to stop the Great Array of Void Annihilation!"

The Dzogchen said with a trembling tone.

"Not bad."

"Asshole, how can I let you succeed!"

If the Madman Chu took out other time and space treasures, even if it was a time and space treasure that was not weaker than Kunlun Mirror, he would not care about it.

Because that can't affect the Void Annihilation Array.

But now, what Madman Chu took out was a time and space treasure that was no less than the chaos treasure!

This kind of treasure is completely capable of affecting the operation of the entire array!

Different universe has spent countless efforts to lay down this large formation. With them, hundreds of millions of soldiers will be used as bait to lay out this round. How can Madman Chu, a guy who does not know how to come out of it, destroy it!

Dzogchen from a different universe roared and even burned the life element, trying to open the blockade of the power of time and space, but he was a heavy wounded body, and there was very little life element left. Even if it was burned, it would not be of much use, and could not be used at all. Under the blockade of this space-time force, be an enemy of Chu Kuangren!

"Even if you can influence the operation of the big formation? You are only a three-flower realm. Would it be easy to use this treasure to influence the entire big formation?"

"If you want to influence the big formation, you only have one time at most. They are alive, what about you? You still have to die here!"

"Is it worth it?!"

Dzogchen roared.

Not bad.

With the current strength of the madman of Chu, UU read www.uukanshu. If com wants to affect the entire Void Annihilation Array, it can only be used once at most, and it must be within the Array to maximize this power. This is the result of Xiao Ai’s analysis, and he did not follow him. The reason why everyone left together.

But after using this time, he still has to face this vast array of void annihilation, and he will be unable to resist at that time!

"does it worth?"

"Oh, you are wrong, there has never been anything worthy or unworthy, only if I want it or not!"

"You different universe, pull me into the game, and want to calculate me, then I will not let you do what you want, it's that simple!"

Madman Chu laughed long and happily.

He was not a benevolent and righteous person, and he saved people only because of those people who were Lan Yu and Chu Hong who were waiting for him.

In addition, the different universe calculated all the Tianjiao evildoers and dared to include him, then he would break this game!

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