Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1006: : Escape from birth, collapse in the void, Chu Madman is also a true hero

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In the void storm, the mirror light of the Kunlun mirror was shining, and countless mysterious runes surrounded the Kunlun mirror like a galaxy, and the fairy radiance was like a waterfall!

But everyone who was enveloped by the mirror light could clearly perceive the weakness of the Kunlun mirror's power.

If this continues, Void Storm will disintegrate the mirror light sooner or later, until it annihilates everyone present, even if it is Dzogchen.

"Damn it, it looks like I'm really going to die here."

"Even Madman Chu is unable to return to heaven in the face of this different universe."

There are many enchanting Tianjiao who are jealous of Chu Madman in the field, and the other side is infinitely beautiful, and they are the most eye-catching people wherever they go, as if they are loved by this world.

No matter what kind of crisis he encounters, he can easily disintegrate.

At that time, they were thinking, if there is something to check and balance each other, or just let the other party die, so that they can get ahead.

The feeling of being pressed all the time is really uncomfortable.

But now, there was finally one time when the other party was unable to turn the tide, but this time, it happened that all their lives were included here.

This time, how much they hope that Kuangren Chu can turn the tide as before!

But now it seems impossible.

"Madman Chu, Madman Chu, if you can save us, I will set up a memorial tablet for you day and night after returning."

A Tianjiao was praying.

The rest of Tianjiao also cherished the last glimmer of hope.

But as the Kunlun Mirror's strength continued to weaken, the Void Storm became stronger, and everyone's hearts became more and more desperate.

Everything seems to be a foregone conclusion.

"Now, it's over."

"Is the end of my life here?"

Even Da Neng couldn't help shaking his head with emotion.

But at this moment, an unimaginable force of time and space suddenly exploded in the distance, spreading like a circle of ripples.

Under these ripples, the void filled with the massive turbulent currents was gradually... solidified!

This void storm that even Daluo could not resist Consummation was solidified at this moment, and everyone suddenly felt stunned and unbelievable.

"What's going on? Where does the space-time power come from?"

"It's behind."

Everyone looked behind them, and saw a spot of light far away, and the surging power of time and space was spread out from that spot of light.

"That's Madman Chu!"

Someone vaguely saw that there was a white coat in that light spot, and there could be no other people besides Madman Chu.

"It's Madman Chu, this is his back hand!"

"He actually has the ability to save us out!"

"Mad Chu, I love you!"

Everyone was extremely excited, and some even couldn't help but confess to the Madman Chu in the distance.

Although the powerful people were shocked, they were able to calm down and said loudly, "Everyone, follow Kunlun Mirror!"


The Kunlun Mirror, whose light gradually dimmed, broke out again at the moment when the void storm was stagnant, leading everyone to lash away!

In a short while, everyone passed through the void storm without hindrance, and came into the void.

In the gray void, everyone who had escaped from death was overjoyed, and they couldn't help feeling lingering when they watched the void storm that regained its violent raging behind them.

But then, You Tianjiao couldn't help asking: "We are out, then what about Madman Chu?"

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but stunned.

Yes, how can the other party come out?

"My son, he must have a way." Lan Yu whispered.

In the secret world.

Madman Chu urged all his power and used the Time and Space Mirror to influence the operation of the Void Annihilation Array. After sensing that everyone had left the secret realm, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

He looked at the cultivator of the different universe in front of him and couldn't help but laugh out loud, "How do you feel when you have worked so hard to arrange this round?"


The monks in the different universe looked at Madman Chu with unprecedented resentment in their eyes.

They sacrificed themselves to set up this game, but now, they were completely broken by the Madman Chu with a single person. How could this make them stand it? !

"Even if you break the game, as long as you die here, then this game is not considered a complete loss!"

The Dzogchen monk said coldly.

A person sitting on two Chaos Treasures, such a person is too exaggerated.

Given time, it is definitely the biggest enemy of the different universe. In this round, it is worth noting that such a threat can be stifled in advance.

"Huh, death?"

"That's not necessarily true."

Madman Chu put away the Time and Space Treasure Mirror, and the endless void storm suddenly swept in, flooding the entire secret realm.

Although he used the Time and Space Treasure Mirror to influence the entire Void Annihilation Array, he also allowed the power of the Array to explode after it resumed operation.

Under such power, no one can escape.

The armies of hundreds of millions of different universes were turned into powder in the void storm.

Those few Da Luo monks were also inevitable.

Including Madman Chu, all were submerged by the void storm and disappeared.

And in the void.

Lan Yu and the others are still waiting for Madman Chu to come out of the Void Annihilation Array. In their opinion, the opponent should be able to escape.

After all, Madman Chu could save them, and he should be able to save himself.

But while they were waiting, the endless void storm seemed to be stimulated, suddenly erupting, and its power rose to the extreme.

That terrifying energy storm collapsed into a black spot in an instant!

"what happened?"

"The Great Array of Void Annihilation has disappeared?!"

Everyone was taken aback.

But then, as if they had guessed something, their pupils shrank sharply, "No, run away!"

In an instant.

I saw that the black spot formed by the collapse of countless void storms exploded again in an instant, like the energy of millions of stars, unspeakable power spread out, wherever it went, the void shattered. Even the deep void is unavoidable, being directly torn apart!

The mighty people took everyone and escaped from the void in horror.

Fairy world, somewhere.

The mighty people flew out with the crowd, with lingering fears.

"The energy just now is terrifying. If it is affected, even if it is a kind, I am afraid it will be hit hard in an instant."

"Yes, that kind of power is enough to wipe out all the roads."

A touch of heart palpitations appeared on the faces of several Da Neng.

But Lan Yu, Chu Hong and others looked at the void and were silent.

Madman Chu, why didn't he come out of the Void Annihilation Array?

How is he now?

This is everyone's question. UU Reading

"Friend Chu, I'm afraid it is for us, willing to stay in the Void Annihilation Array, delaying time, and let us leave."

A great power could not help but said with emotion.

Hearing his words, everyone present was silent.

Madman Chu, sacrificed for them? !

"Daoist Chu, a true hero too!" Ye Zhu took a deep breath, with a trace of sadness in his tone.

The others looked at each other and couldn't help smiling bitterly.

They usually regard each other as a great enemy and an enemy, but the other side is making sacrifices for them at this juncture of life and death, which makes them feel ashamed!

Even the **** son of the Eastern Emperor, at this moment, dare not say that Madman Chu is not.

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