Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1007: : We wait for him to come back, only the original body evolves

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Somewhere in the fairy world, the Tianjiao evildoers and the mighty people gathered together, and these people, if they let them out, would be enough to make one party famous.

I'm afraid no one would have thought that it was such a group of people who had just gone through a life and death disaster and almost fell. At this moment, this group of people looked at the void, but fell into silence!

At this moment, they had mixed feelings, and in the end they could only turn into a long sigh.

"From then on, anyone in the fairy world dares to claim to be mad."

"From now on, Xiantu will not see the Madman of Chu, and the eternal grace is hard to write, and I owe a sum of money."

Some people sigh with emotion, some are sad.

But there are also people who secretly cheer, but these people don't dare to show it under this circumstance.

Lan Yu stared at the void for a long time.

Then, her figure flashed, and the Kunlun mirror in the air was put away.

"Chu Hong, let's go."

She said indifferently, her expression was not wavering, she couldn't see the slightest sadness, she couldn't see anger, as if nothing had happened.

Chu Hong glanced at her, a little worried, "Lan Yu..."

"Chu Hong, don't worry, the son will be fine with him." Lan Yu looked at the void, showing a beautiful smile that was amazing for years, "We will wait for him to come back."

So many crises, so many despairs, never knocked that person down.

This time, too.

Lan Yu never believed that her son would leave easily.

"Yes, we wait for him to come back."

Chu Hong nodded firmly. Like Lan Yu, she didn't believe that Madman Chu would die.

Anyone can die.

But that person will never fall.

He will surpass everything in the future! !

Following Lan Yu, Chu Hong left, and the others also left.

However, they all thought that Madman Chu had fallen in this catastrophe, and that the power of the void annihilating the great formation was too terrifying, and no one could survive under that power.

The fairy world still operates as usual.

Tianjiao evildoers are still growing, and even after learning about the existence of the different universe, everyone is gaining strength.

Tianjiao evildoers, contend for the odds.

Today, which Tianjiao got a big chance and made rapid progress, and tomorrow there will be another enchanting evildoer that will alarm the Quartet.

Even Xian Ting, which had been silent for a long time, moved.

The **** child of the fairy court, Shao Yu, appeared one after another, once again showing the background of being the ancient overlord of the fairy world.

It's just that the immortal world without the madman of Chu, in the eyes of everyone, seems to lack some flavor.

It's not as lively as before.


And in a certain void.

The stars are converging, and these stars are filled with faint fluctuations of immortal consciousness, wandering in the void.

I don't know how long it took.

These star points gradually converged into a human form.

This person, sitting cross-legged in the void, suddenly opened his eyes, and a flash of celestial glory passed by.

"Oh, I'm not dead as expected."

A chuckle came from the light spot of this humanoid figure.

It is Chu Madman.

"However, this form is not much better now. The body has been completely destroyed, and even the soul has been severely traumatized. This is the first time I have encountered this situation since my debut."

Madman Chu smiled faintly.

The power of the Void Annihilation Array is naturally not to be underestimated.

Even though he had an indestructible body and an immortal body, he was still destroyed in an instant, turned into countless particles, and even annihilated into nothingness!

Not only that, the three souls of heaven, earth and man have also been destroyed.

Only the most important heavenly soul remained, but only a little spiritual sense remained, like a candle in the wind, as if it would be annihilated at any time.

"Fine, let's recover slowly."

Madman Chu didn't feel so depressed.

The mystery of the immortal body is that as long as the consciousness is not dead, the physical body can be restored again!

"But this void doesn't know what dangers will be, so I'd better protect my remnant soul first."

Madman Chu's thoughts moved, and Chaos Qinglian slowly spread out in the void, completely enveloped him. With the protection of Chaos Qinglian, he was relieved a lot.

Then, he began to recover his body.

Although most of his physical body had turned into nothingness, Madman Chu could still perceive that there were still some particles remaining near him.

He tried to mobilize these particles.

After a while, some particles gradually came to the vicinity of the chaotic green lotus under his lead, condensing together.

But these particles are too few, he has no one-tenth of a billionth of his complete physical body, and even a drop of blood can't be completely constructed.

Helpless, he can only continue to communicate with nearby physical particles.

If not, he can only rely on his will to slowly recover, but it will take a long time.

Fortunately, he communicated with some particles nearby.

In the end, these particles came near the Chaos Qinglian, condensed with the previous power, and turned into a drop of blood!

In other words, it's a trace.

But everything is difficult at the beginning, as long as the blood is gathered together, then the follow-up is simple.

But Madman Chu did not immediately recover his entire body, but looked at the trace of blood in front of him with interest.

Unlike other people's blood is red, the blood of Madman Chu is filled with colorful light, which is very mysterious.

From those lights, he perceives all kinds of peculiar physical fluctuations.

There are reincarnation celestial bodies, chaotic gods and demons, Aoba sword pupils...

But the strongest among them is the only source body that he followed the book of physique and merged thousands of physiques!

And the fluctuation of this one source body slowly swallowed the power of several other physiques at this moment.

This is also the reason why Madman Chu did not rush to recover his body, but was curious to observe.

"This only source body hasn't evolved for a long time. I didn't expect that after the broken body, it actually caused the change of this source body. It's really interesting."

After some observations, Madman Chu decided to help the source body, devouring and refining other physiques one by one.

Other physiques were just analyzed by him.

But this source body is a physique condensed from the fusion of thousands of physiques based on the book of physiques, which is his original creation and uniqueness.


The rest of the physical fluctuations disappeared in that trace of blood, leaving only the purest and only source body fluctuations.

Vast, vast, as if detached from everything!

The physique fluctuations diffused by just a trace of blood are enough to bring suffocating pressure to a golden fairy.

Not only that, Madman Chu also perceives an unlimited growth potential from this This is my physique! "

Madman Chu whispered.

Immediately afterwards, based on a trace of blood, he began to recover his physical body.

The only source body also integrates the immortal body, naturally possessing the power of this physique, giving the Mad Chu the ability to immortality.

I don't know how long it has passed.

A trace of blood gradually grew into a blood ball, an arm, a thigh...

In the end, he formed a body that was as white as jade, with sharp edges and corners.

This body is wandering in the void, skin is like jade, and the crystal veins and meridians under the skin are vaguely visible, filled with celestial radiance, and it seems that there is invisible Taoist rhyme.

The only source body, you're done!

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