Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1008: : Unknown Void, Xiao Ai is offline? Purple Youth

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"Finally succeeded."

Madman Chu looked at the only original body in front of him, and his eyes couldn't help showing a touch of excitement.

His soul flashed, and he couldn't wait to enter this body.

The moment the soul and the body merged into one, Madman Chu felt that his remnant soul was recovering quickly, and soon recovered to about half of the peak period.

"so amazing."

Madman Chu was a little surprised.


At this moment, there was a sudden feeling of hunger from this body.

It is not accurate to say that it is hunger, mainly because this physical body has just been molded, and there is no cents in the body, and it is empty.

This made Madman Chu, who had become accustomed to the abundance of immortal yuan, really felt a little uncomfortable.

Madman Chu opened a breath and inhaled countless violent auras in the void. These auras in the void were very violent and could not be used to absorb them directly. Not to mention, this is a deep void that is deeper than the ordinary void. Its aura is even more frantic.

Even if it is absorbed by a golden fairy, it will explode and die.

But Madman Chu had no scruples, a large amount of void aura was sucked into his body, and there was no feeling of uncomfortableness, and they were refined into immortal origins.

True fairyland, golden fairyland, big Luo Jinxian...

Soon, his cultivation level returned to its peak, and he began to adapt to the power of this new physical body.

All in all, one sentence.

Very strong, very strong!

This body not only retains the power of the various supreme immortal bodies before, but can even use it to the fullest!

But this is just a side effect of this sole source body.

The true power of this only source body is detachment!

A power of detachment alongside the power of Chaos Qinglian, the power of the small universe, he named it the only source of power!

"Well, it's time to leave here now."

Madman Chu looked at the boundless void and thought to himself that he slashed out with a single sword, landed on the void, and suddenly tore a hole in the void.

But when he entered that hole and came out again, he found that he was still in the void.

"What's the matter?"

The madman of Chu frowned slightly.

"Little Ai, Little Ai..." Madman Chu called out two omniscient little Ai, but he didn't get any response.

Xiao Ai, is it offline? ?

No way.

Madman Chu suddenly noticed something wrong and uneasy.

Xiao Ai has always been his good helper, but now, Xiao Ai has not responded to him.

This made him a little uncomfortable.

"calm down."

Madman Chu gradually calmed down, and then continued to throw his sword into the void, tearing open the gap.

But after trying more than a dozen times, he found that he couldn't leave the void.

"There is no such situation in the shallow void and the deep void. In other words, I have come to a void that is deeper than the deep void!"

Madman Chu recalled what he had seen and heard when he entered the deep void in the past.

Void has levels.

But what he is now in is obviously a void that he has never reached before.

But think about it, it is not impossible to use the power of the void to annihilate the large array to tear open the void barrier that is deeper than the deep void.

But the problem now is.

In this void, which is deeper than the deep void, how should he leave?

"Now, it's a bit difficult."

Madman Chu released his perception and tried his best to sense the breath of the immortal world, but he did not respond.

In the past, no matter when he entered the shallow void or the deep void, he could vaguely perceive the aura of the immortal world and the Pangu universe.

But now, it doesn't work anymore.

"Since it comes, let it be safe. Let's draw a prize first."

Madman Chu opened the phantom roulette.

"Congratulations to the host for drawing the god-level reward nine-color soul flower!"

The Nine-Colored Soul Flower, Madman Chu took a look at the introduction, it is a kind of elixir that quickly enhances the power of the soul.

His eyes lit up, "My soul power has only been restored by half, and this nine-color divine soul flower came just right."

Take out the Soul Flower and start to absorb it.

I don’t know how long it took. After absorbing the Divine Soul Flower, his soul power slowly recovered to its peak period, even breaking through the limit of the twelfth rank, reaching the thirteenth rank!

Being in this unknown void is a comfort.

Madman Chu was neither decadent nor discouraged.

Since he couldn't get out of this unknown void for the time being, he would try his best to improve himself, anyway, it wasn't that he couldn't practice cultivation.

The mountains don't count the years, let alone this is in the unknown void.

Madman Chu didn't know how long it had passed, and he kept reciprocating in his cultivation and exploration, drawing hundreds of awards one after another.

Among these, some of them were helpful to his practice, so they were all used.

Now he, Da Luo Sanhua has already been promoted to the twelfth rank, if he is willing, he can try the combination of the three flowers at any time to advance to the five-qi realm!

But after knowing that Rank 12 is not the limit, Madman Chu didn't rush to break through the five qi immediately.

In his vision, he would raise all three flowers to the twenty-fourth rank, with the most taboo gesture, to become the strongest five-qi realm!

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining a god-level reward for the soul-searching method!"

The method of searching for the soul is an extremely domineering method of soul, which can search a person's memory through the soul.

It's just that this soul method is too domineering, but anyone who is searched for souls will become an idiot if they don't die.

Madman Chu took a look and learned it.

Who knows if it will be useful in the future.

Some time passed.

Madman Chu stayed in the chaotic green lotus to practice, drifting freely in this unknown void.

And today.

He opened his eyes suddenly, and there was a flash of joy in his eyes.

He felt the breath of the universe again.

"over there."

Madman Chu put away the chaotic green lotus, locked a place in the void, his sword fingers condensed, and the sword qi was cut out!

With a cry of Sla, the void shattered!

Madman Chu's figure flashed, and he got out of the gap in the unknown void.


In a mysterious space.

Here, there is no mountain, no wind, no water, and a vast expanse of whiteness.

Only a giant sword stood in the sky, and a purple-clothed youth sat cross-legged in that giant sword.

This purple-clothed youth is surrounded by countless geomantic omen and fire, evolving into a natural phenomenon, and the Taoist patterns are intertwined, which is incomparably mysterious.


In this white space, a pitch-black space crack suddenly appeared.

The next moment, UU reading www., a young man in white suddenly set foot in it.


In an instant, the purple-clothed youth in the giant sword opened his eyes and trembled in the void. The violent sword aura spread out around him. The giant sword was shattered every inch and turned into countless spots of light, and re-turned into a handful in his hand. Gorgeous golden long sword, "Who is it that dared to break into my retreat!"

The purple-clothed youth gave a cold voice, and looked at the white-clothed youth who was of unknown origin in front of him.

With just a glance, he was taken aback for a moment.

There is such an extraordinary person in this world? !

The white clothes are like snow, the sword eyebrows are star eyes, the body is entwined with a faint celestial splendor, and the temperament is supernatural!

"Hmph, no matter who it is, if you dare to set foot in my retreat, you will die!"

The purple-clothed youth snorted coldly, condensed his mind, and suddenly slashed a sword at the white-clothed youth who was of unknown origin!

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