Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1009: : 1 sword transforms ten thousand faculties, ten thousand ideas merge into one, the m

Madman Chu had just stepped out of the unknown void, and before he was happy in the future, he suddenly realized that a sword light suddenly struck him!

The power of this sword is not uncommon, and the ordinary Da Luo Sanhua Realm may not be able to emit such a sword aura.

Madman Chu glanced at each other unexpectedly, and then the sword fingers condensed as well, and a sword qi of the immortal punishment was cut out casually!

The two sword lights converged, and I saw that Zhu Xian's sword energy directly smashed the opponent's sword light. The remaining sword energy made the purple-clothed youth's face slightly changed, and the whole person flew out, looking at Madman Chu in shock. "This kind of sword aura, this kind of sword technique, when did you appear in the sword spirit clan?"

The sword spirit family?


I haven't heard of it.

Madman Chu didn't know where he was for the time being, but he didn't reply immediately.

"No, the aura on your body is wrong, you are not from the sword spirit clan!"

The purple-clothed youth frowned slightly, making him even more puzzled.

People who are not from the sword spirit clan, then how did they break into their own retreat? And there is this kind of swordsmanship, this kind of cultivation.

"Hmph, I want to see how many swords you can block me!"

The purple-clothed youth no longer thinks too much, no matter what, it is true that Madman Chu broke into his retreat.

This is an extreme provocation to him, only death can calm his anger!

The blade of the golden long sword in his hand deflected, and the sword aura gushed out, with sword aura like thunder, rumbling, sword aura like fire, corroding all directions, sword aura like water...

Its sword aura has changed a lot!

And each one contains a big meaning.

"Oh, many kinds of big Luo Yi?"

Madman Chu had some interest, and it was the first time he saw and comprehend the existence of many kinds of big Luo Yi like him.

As soon as his sword fingers condensed, Zhu Xian's sword aura was displayed one after another, and a few swords in his hand broke thousands of sword auras.

At the same time, he also saw some doorways in the opponent's swordsmanship.

"It's not a variety of big Luo Yi, but a peculiar sword intent. With one sword intent, all the natural phenomena are evolved, and all kinds of big Luo Yi are evolved!"

This is a sword-making method!

There are very few people who walk in this kendo, and Madman Chu didn't expect to meet one at this time.

"Swordsmanship, Vientiane!"

I saw the purple-clothed youth leaping high, and the sword intent on his body suddenly exploded, surrounded by Dao patterns, like a galaxy shining brightly.

Cut out with a single sword, and evolve into a natural phenomenon.

Local fire and water, yin and yang, five elements, are all contained in it, a sword cut out, like a sky from the sky, the majestic majesty, shocking!

With this sword, the kendo level of this purple-clothed youth ranks first among all the young generations that Madman Chu has ever seen.

Even Ye Zhu, who is carrying Qingye Jiantong, is slightly inadequate.

It's a pity that the other party met himself.

"Zhu Xian!"

Madman Chu didn't even release his sword. The sword's fingers condensed, and a bit of sword light gathered at the fingertips, suddenly pointed towards the void, thousands of celestial splendor intertwined, turning into a majestic sword shadow!

If the sword of this purple-clothed youth is evolving into a world of nature!

That Chu Madman's sword is pure killing and destruction!

One sword opens the sky, one sword punishes the immortal!

When the sword shadow passed, the vision of the fairy gods, gods and demons falling like rain appeared, it was terrifying!

Sword and sword, extremely tricks converge!

However, the sword of Zhuxian was as powerful as a broken bamboo, destroying the sword of Vientiane, and flew the youth in purple clothes fiercely.

"This is impossible, this is impossible..."

The purple-clothed youth looked at Madman Chu with a look of shock and disbelief.

I have been here to comprehend the Vientiane Sword Art for thousands of years, and I almost came to a great perfection. How could I be defeated so easily? !

And it's still above the kendo that he is most proud of!

Who is this person? !

The purple-clothed youth couldn't believe it, but Madman Chu didn't pay attention to the other party at all. His figure flashed out, and he came in front of the other party and punched out!

Da Luo Shen Fist broke out!

Several kinds of big Luo Yi entangled in it, directly blasting the opponent into the ground!

This punch directly slapped the purple-clothed youth in confusion.

He roared into the sky, his sword qi gushing out from his body, desperately urging his energy.

"Sword, fire!"

"Sword, wind!"

"Sword, Thunder!"

"Sword, Yin and Yang!"

All kinds of sword auras swept out, the same sword intent, but sword auras of different auras rushing towards Madman Chu, terrifying and terrifying.

Under this power, the madman Chu smiled faintly, "One sword transforms ten thousand faculties and merges with ten thousand wills. Who is stronger?"

The words fell, and the big Luo Yi spreaded around him as the center, and Xianhui reflected each other in the air.

Reincarnation, yin and yang, flames, wind and thunder...

All kinds of big Luo Yi blended between the five fingers of the madman of Chu, and the purple-clothed youth was dumbfounded.

I evolved all things with one kind of sword intent. It seems that there are many kinds of sword intent, but in fact there is only one kind of sword intent.

But Chu Madman's punch actually blended a variety of big Luo Yi!

Besides, isn't the opponent a swordsman?

Why did you suddenly use boxing?

And it is such a terrifying boxing technique!

The purple-clothed youth was startled, but Madman Chu's punches had already been punched, and several kinds of Luo Yi and Xian Yuan were mixed together, turning into a huge vortex that seemed to be able to swallow everything!

In front of this vortex, various sword auras collapsed one after another, and it was impossible to resist!

The purple-clothed youth was lifted off on the spot, blood spurted wildly, and his whole person fell to the ground like a rag.

"You can't get a home by practice."

Madman Chu smiled faintly.

One sword transforms ten thousand dharma and ten thousand wills into one. The two Taoisms do not distinguish between superior and inferior, but the purple-clothed youth obviously did not understand this Tao thoroughly.

That's why it was so easy to lose.

Not to mention, what the Madman of Chu is actually following is not the way of unity of all wills, but a more unique way of self-improvement and invincibility.

Madman Chu slowly walked towards the purple-clothed youth, his eyes gradually turning cold.

The other party wanted to kill him just now, no matter what the reason, this is beyond doubt, and he would never show mercy to the enemy.

"It's just right. I'm here for the first time, and I still don't know the situation, so let's start with you."

A smile appeared on the corner of Madman Chu's mouth.

After seeing the other party's smile, the purple-clothed youth felt a chill in his back, only feeling a great fear enveloped him.

What is this guy going to do?

Madman Chu slowly raised his hand, there seemed to be a whirlpool in his palm, and a tyrannical soul wave spread out from it.

Exactly, Soul Search Dafa!

"no no…"

The purple-clothed youth looked horrified, but his soul was uncontrollably sucked in by the whirlpool in Chu Madman's palm.

Soon, UU read www. Countless pictures of flooded his mind.

That is about the memory of the purple-clothed youth.

The other party still wanted to resist, but his soul realm was far inferior to Madman Chu, and he was severely injured. Any resistance would be futile.

Vaguely, the purple-clothed youth saw a soul flower blooming with thirteen petals, and suddenly exclaimed.

"You actually broke the twelfth-Rank limit, you are actually a taboo!"

The purple-clothed youth was shocked beyond the reach.

It was a taboo that was rare in ancient and modern times to find him? !

Where did he offend the other party?

It's just that the purple-clothed youth didn't have time to think about the future, because his powerful soul search power had gradually plunged his mind into chaos.

Let alone thinking, it is a great blessing to be able to maintain oneself.

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