Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1007: : Tianyuan Universe, Xiao Ai re-launched, practicing the Vientiane Sword Art

"It's actually here..."

After Madman Chu searched through the memories of the purple-clothed youth, he immediately understood his situation, and then he couldn't help being a little stunned.

Because now, he is actually in a...different universe!

In other words, Tianyuan Universe!

"It actually went to another universe. Did the power of the Void Annihilation Array directly tear open the barriers between the two universes?"

Madman Chu whispered.

It wasn't impossible. After all, Tianyuan Universe had a way to open the passage between the two realms, so it was not uncommon for this vast array of voids to tear apart the barriers of the two universes.

And he happened to pass the cosmic barrier and came here.

"Now, it seems to be a little troublesome."

Madman Chu whispered.

In another universe, how can it be so easy to go back?

"A sense of the universe is detected, is it connected?"

At this moment, a voice sounded in Madman Chu's mind.

He smiled, this voice was not someone else, it was Xiao Ai!

"You have a reaction, connect."

"Connecting... the link is successful!"

"Master, good morning."

Xiao Ai said lightly, her tone seemed to be lazy, as if she had just woke up.

"What's wrong with you?" Madman Chu asked curiously.

"I lost my connection with the consciousness of the Great Dao of the Universe, so I fell asleep temporarily, and now I have detected the consciousness of the Great Dao of the Universe, so I woke up."

Xiao Ai explained it.

She is the All-Knowing Spirit, but when she uses the All-Knowing Spirit, she needs to connect with the Great Consciousness of a universe to be able to use it.

When Madman Chu fell into the unknown void before, she lost her connection with the consciousness of Pangu Universe Dao, so she fell into deep sleep.

"Master, we are now in the Tianyuan universe, not the Pangu universe."

Xiao Ai continued.

Madman Chu nodded slightly, "Well, I already know this."

Xiao Ai's recovery gave him a lot of peace of mind.

He looked in front of him and lost his eyes, keeping his saliva, and fell into the purple-clothed youth who had completely lost his mind and turned into an idiot. He couldn't help but feel a little emotional about the hegemony of this soul-searching Dafa.

At the same time, a plan faintly emerged in his heart.

"The other universe will go to war with Tianyuan Universe sooner or later. Since I am lucky enough to be here, why don't I take this opportunity to gather information about this universe?"

"Knowing yourself and the enemy is the only way to win every battle."

"The different universe can be inserted into the Pangu universe, so naturally I can also come to this different universe to stir the situation!"

The corner of Madman Chu's mouth was slightly raised.

He looked at the purple-clothed youth and waved his sleeves, an extremely overbearing immortal wave pouring out, blasting the opponent into a cloud of blood.

"Before this different universe stirs up the wind and rain, I need an identity and a background."

"This purple-clothed youth is a secluded evildoer of the sword spirit family, and it happens to be able to use his identity to establish a foothold in the sword spirit family first."

Madman Chu thought to himself.

Since you want to pretend to be a purple-clothed youth, you need to be fully prepared.

This is not the first time he has done this kind of thing. In the past, he pretended to be the Purple Moon Sky in the Soul Forbidden Zone, and now he can do this kind of thing with ease.

First, imitate the practice of the other party.

This is a crucial point.

How can one impersonate a member of the sword spirit clan if he doesn't know how to practice the sword spirit clan?

After absorbing the memory of the purple-clothed youth, the other party's cultivation method naturally entered the mind of Madman Chu.

The opponent practiced a practice called the Vientiane Sword Art. This is the supreme practice of the sword spirit family. It is very powerful, but since ancient times, few people can practice this practice, let alone practice it. It's finished, and the purple-clothed youth is one of them.

This is good news. The harder the practice, the less likely it is to be seen.

Next, Madman Chu began to practice this Vientiane Sword Art.

This is not difficult for him with extraordinary comprehension. It will not take long before he has cultivated this practice to the level of Dzogchen.

You know, this purple-clothed youth has not practiced this Vientiane Sword Art to the level of Dzogchen after thousands of years of retreat here.

But Madman Chu succeeded in just a few days.

If the purple-clothed youth knew, he didn't know if he would come alive with anger.

"One sword transforms ten thousand tactics, this sword tactic is kind of interesting."

Madman Chu smiled faintly.

The Wanxiang Sword Art is one of the highest-level kendo practices in the Tianyuan Universe, and it is not inferior to the sword of Zhuan, and even the sword of Zhuxian Qi.

More importantly, this sword tactic complements Chu Madman.

This sword tactic, pays attention to one sword to transform ten thousand tactics.

But the Madman of Chu is carrying a variety of big Luo Yi.

It was a match made in heaven, which is why he can quickly comprehend this kendo practice.

"In addition, after practicing this Vientiane Sword Art, I feel that my self-improvement and invincible Da Luo Yi is already in a rudimentary form."

This is what makes him happiest.

He believes that it will not be long before he can successfully gather his own self-improvement and invincible Da Luo Yi.

"Well, it's time to leave here now."

Madman Chu looked at this white space.

This place is a barrier set up by the purple-clothed youth, no one can break into it, and he also came here by accident from the unknown void.

Fortunately for this enchantment, he didn't make much noise in the battle with the purple-clothed youth just now for others to notice.

"Sword, wind and thunder!"

The madman of Chu's sword fingers condensed, and the Vientiane Sword Art was used, the sword Qi transformed into the wind and thunder, and the sword Qi that was far more powerful than the purple clothed youth was cut out in the air, tearing the barrier!


The sword spirit family is one of the royal families of Tianyuan Universe, they are located on a huge ancient star in the universe.

However, the senior leaders of the sword spirit clan are a little worried recently.

Because the only two evildoers of their sword spirit clan who were on the list of gods fell in the two realm passages!

"Damn it, why don't other people fall? It's just the evildoer of my sword spirit clan!"

The patriarch of the sword spirit clan said unwillingly.

The powerful sword pressure spread out around him, and the other elders looked at each other.

At this time, every elder stood up and comforted, "The patriarch must not worry, although the two brothers Shen Feihu fell in the two-world passage, but there are still in my sword spirit ancestral land Some ancient evildoers have not been born, and they are no weaker than the Shen Feihu brothers."

"That being said, these evildoers are concentrating on retreating one by one, and I don't know when they will be born, but the Yuan Gu Xing that day will be opened in a few years. Who knows if it will be too late, if it is too late, Tian Yuan Gu Xing After opening, our sword spirit clan will lag behind other royal clan."

The sword spirit patriarch said with some worry.

Hearing his words, the rest of the people also looked worried.

at this time.

Suddenly a burst of sword energy rose into the sky in the distance, showing the appearance of wind and thunder.

Over the ancient star, dark clouds gathered, thunder and wind swept, and the surroundings were like apocalyptic scenes!

This scene attracted the attention of many sword spirit people.

The sword spirit patriarch rushed out, looking into the distance, his face changed slightly, "That is, the direction of the ancestral land!"

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