Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1004: : Mad sword meets a madman, there is no way in the world, the heavenly sword is out o

   Chapter 1674 Crazy Sword meets a madman, there is no way in the world, and the heavenly sword is out of the sheath

  The collision of sword intent and sword pressure shocked the entire Wan Jianfeng.

  One of the swords was also trembling. It seemed that the Supreme of the two swords was fighting, and the remaining might made them surrender.

   clang clang...

  A handful of swords suddenly broke because of the confrontation between Madman Chu and Wudao sword pressure!

  One by one, the faces of the sword spirit cultivators changed drastically, and they hurriedly retreated, for fear of being affected by the aftermath of the arrogant collision of the two forces.

   "So powerful, no one has ever been able to fight against Wudao Sword to such an extent!"

   "The evildoers of the ancestral land are indeed extraordinary."

   "It seems that his goal this time is indeed Wudao Sword. After so many years, someone has finally come to challenge Wudao Sword."

The   Wudao Sword has been in the sword spirit family for a long time. At first, many Tianjiao evildoers who just debuted wanted to take this sword, thinking that they were the destined master of this sword!

  But over time, no one will challenge again.

  Everyone looked at Madman Chu, and no one thought he could succeed. The failures of countless people have told them that Wudao is almost impossible to be recognized as the master!

  The competition between Wanxiang sword intent and Wudao sword pressure is getting stronger.

  Even the Sword Spirit Patriarch and others were shocked.

  They swept through the fairy knowledge, and soon noticed the actions of Madman Chu, and their eyes condensed.

   "He has already started trying to take the sword!"

   "Can he succeed?"

  The madman of Chu took the sword this time, which almost affected the hearts of all the senior members of the sword spirit clan, and even the sword body king who was far away at the Shenjian Peak couldn't help but pay attention.

  The distance of three miles was quickly walked towards.

  At this moment, the Madman Chu is only ten feet away from Wudao Sword.

  Nine feet, eight feet, seven feet...

  Sword intent and sword pressure, more terrifying!

  Chu madman’s sword intent is flowing on his body, his footsteps are firm forward, his body is shining, and his body is shining!

  The body of the Wudao sword trembles, the sword aura entangles, and the terrifying sword rushes to the sky, shocking all directions!

  This person’s one-sword contend, its scope of influence is no longer limited to one Wanjian Peak, the entire sword spirit ancient star is shaking.

  The vibration of the ancient sword spirit also attracted some interested people in this vast universe.

  Many people started deducing.

   can be very fast, and can't help expressing surprise and even shock.

   "What the **** is this? How can there be such a strange life style, what does the abnormal movement of the sword spirit ancient star have to do with this strange life style?"

   "In this Tianyuan Universe, there is an existence that I can't deduce?"

   "Interesting, interesting."

   "Could it be that the Sword God King made a ghost?"

  The immortal consciousness surged and came to the sky above the sword spirit ancient star.

  And the Divine Sword King of Divine Sword Peak Mountain snorted, the sword finger condensed, and with a fierce stroke in the sky, a sword light cut out, directly turning into an enchantment, isolating the immortal consciousness.

  On Wanjian Peak.

  Chu Madman is only three feet away from Wudao Sword!

  Everyone watched the scene attentively, not even daring to breathe.

  Three feet, two feet, one feet...

  The Madman Chu came to Wudao Sword and stretched out his hand to hold the hilt.

   Hiss! !

  Everyone took a breath.

   "He is holding on to innocence!"

  The Wudao sword seems to be forbidden to be touched by others, and deep black sword light bursts out of the sword, with majestic sword aura gushing out!

  The madman of Chu did not retreat, and withstood the impact of sword energy abruptly.


   Then, he gave a soft sigh, and the immortal yuan inside his body was like a flood, rushing out, to suppress this unruly crazy sword in his hand in one fell swoop!


The sword aura erupting from Wudao's body is stronger.

  Chu madman’s immortal yuan is also rising!

  Kuangjian meets a madman, let no one!

  The shocking sword qi immortal impact, a crack centered on one person and one sword, spread out, from top to bottom, gradually spread to the entire Wanjian Peak!

  This entire Wanjian Peak is actually...cracked!

   "Good guy, how powerful is this to fight to this level!"

   "The confrontation between Da Luo's five auras is nothing more than that!"

  Many onlookers Jian Xiu took a breath of air, and their eyes were shocked. They only felt that their scalp was tingling.

   "Suppress me!"

  Chu madman drank low, his eyes condensed, not only the immortal essence in the body, but also the fluctuation of the only original body, also broke out!

  The only original body, this physique combines all of his physiques, it is the most unimaginable and strange physique in the world, above all physiques!

  And among the physiques that constitute the only original body, there is even a peerless kendo physique like Aoba Kento.

  After sensing the power of the only source body, the sword of Wudao was shocked, and its sword pressure was actually suppressed slowly!

  There is no way to be strong, and it is still within the avenue!

  And the power of the only source body is beyond the control of the Dao!

   "Get up!"

  The madman of Chu gave a cold cry, pulling the innocence upward!


  I saw the big bluestone where Wudao Sword was located exploded on the spot and turned into powder!

  The madman of Chu raised his sword to the sky, the innocent sword body trembled, and the high-pitched sword chants contained the clouds, echoing nine days and ten places, sharp sword aura, sweeping across the world!

   Clang, clang, clang!

  The sound of broken gold and iron sounded one after another, and I saw that at the moment Wudao was pulled out, there were countless swords on the peak of Wanjian. There were actually nine out of ten, all broken!

  Not only that, the sword pressure of the Wudao Sword rushed into the sky, and the high-pitched sword roar directly tore through the barrier set by the Sword God King.

  Chu madman, no way, madman with mad sword, immortal yuan melts the sword energy, soars into the sky, turning into a huge sword shadow that pierces the starry sky, making the stars turbulent and burst!

  The supreme sword intent, centered on the madman of Chu, centered on the ancient star of sword spirit, spread out crazy!

  Most of the monks in Tianyuan Universe, they all felt that shuddering sword intent!


  Somewhere in Tianyuan Universe, the sword weapon in the hands of a sword repairer broke!

  And this seems to be a signal.

  In the Tianyuan universe, the sword weapons in the hundreds of millions of sword repairs are broken, dimmed, or trembling!

  Because of the immortal world, the heavenly sword came out of its sheath!

  This kind of vision sweeping the entire universe, the sword spirit family can't hide it if they want to hide it, countless monks either set off to rush to the ancient sword spirit star, or release Xian Yuan to check it out.

  After that, they saw the sword shadow rising into the sky!

  The sword shadow is filled with celestial glory, countless runes are like galaxies, UU reading surrounds the sword body, magnificent, shocking ancient and modern!

   "What a terrifying sword intent!"

  A sword repairman held the trembling sword in his hand and his face was shocked.

  His sword is already a top-notch big compass, but even so, he is still trembling crazily in front of this sword intent.

   And he is pretty good.

  At the moment this sword intent appeared in this world, in this universe, I couldn't help but know how many swords broke automatically. It was extremely scary!

   "Sword Spirit Clan, is there any peerless divine sword that has emerged?!"

   "It is very possible, otherwise how could there be such a terrifying vision?!"

  "Tsk, what is going on..."

  When everyone was puzzled, the shadow of the giant sword that lay across the starry sky gradually disappeared.

  Following the disappearing sword shadow, everyone also saw the madman of Chu who stood on the top of Wanjian Peak and held a senseless hand.

  Their pupils shrank sharply. Could it be that the young monk in front of him was the one who caused such a terrifying vision? !

  (End of this chapter)

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