Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1005: : Are you so right? Admiration of the Sword God King

   Chapter 1675 Are you so right? Admiration of the Sword God King

  Before everyone can check it out, there is a magnificent sword intent in the ancient sword spirit star.

  This sword intent swept across the starry sky, and the immortal consciousnesses that came to check were all shattered. Everyone knew that this was the **** king on the ancient sword spirit star.

  Faced with the **** king, they did not dare to have any disrespect, so they had to leave first.

  It’s just that they had to take this sword intent to heart, and only waited for the opportunity to slowly investigate.

  And now the sword spirit ancient star.

  A group of sword spirit clansmen looked at Madman Chu with stunned faces and shocked faces. The shock was not less than that of others, and even stronger.

  Others don’t know what indifference means, don’t they still know?

   "He, drew the Wudao Sword!"

   "No way, recognize the Lord!"

   "Impossible. For so many years, no one has ever been able to make Wudao recognize the Lord. How did he do it?!"

   "Heavenly Sword!"

  "Heaven Sword...Yes, it must be the Heaven Sword. Only the Heaven Sword that can lead the sword spirit family to the top of the starry sky can make the Wudao recognize the Lord!"

As soon as the word   Sky Sword came out, everyone fell into a frenzy.

  The significance of the sky sword in the sword spirit family is too great, and it is more shocking than Wudao.

   Wudao is just a sword no matter what, but the Heavenly Sword is the one who led the sword spirit family to the peak of the Tianyuan Universe and created supreme glory in the prophecy!

  He might do something that even the Sword God King could not.

   "It's a heavenly sword, he is really a heavenly sword!"

  Sword Spirit Patriarch looked at Madman Chu with excitement, and the other elders were also full of excitement.

  And the madman Chu looked at the Wudao who had already recognized the master in his hand, and felt the amazing power contained in the sword, his mouth was slightly raised, "Not bad."

  This innocence is a treasure!

   is an innate treasure that is no less than a killer spear!

"I am in the Tianyuan Universe, and there is no **** or devil behind me. Some secrets on my body should be carefully hidden. For example, Chaos Qinglian, Time and Space Treasures, such as Chaos Supreme Treasure, once leaked, I am afraid this sword spirit The family may not be able to keep me."

   "Under the circumstances that none of these things can be easily used, this Wudao sword is a good weapon."

  Chu madman thought to himself.

  He took off Kunwu and smiled faintly, "Kunwu, I will wrong you for the time being."

   Kunwu trembled slightly. Although he was a little dissatisfied, he still understood.

  Next, the madman Chu put Kunwu into the universe in his sleeve, and then left Wanjian Peak with the Wudao sword in his hand.

  Everyone looked at him from behind, with zealous eyes in their eyes.

  Heavenly Sword.

  Unexpectedly, in their lifetime, they would really wait until the Heavenly Sword was born.


  In a cave house of the sword spirit family.

  The Madman Chu looked at Wudao without a scabbard, and found a cloth strip to wrap it up.

  This sword in his mind is far inferior to Kun Wu, who has been with him to grow up, and he doesn't bother to spend time to build a scabbard for the opponent.

  Suddenly, he sensed a few people coming from outside the cave.

   is the head of the sword spirit and others.

  He went out and took a look, and found that several people were looking at him feverishly, as if they were looking at the future of the sword spirit family.

   "I have seen the patriarch."

   "Haha, Chu Kuang, you are a Heavenly Sword, and you have an extraordinary position. You don't need to be polite."

   Sword Spirit Patriarch smiled faintly.

   Then, he saw the Wudao wrapped in the cloth strip behind Chu Kuangren, and the corners of his mouth twitched, a little speechless, "Chu Kuang, you, are you so innocent?"

  That's innocent!

   is the sword spirit family, no, it can even be said to be the most powerful sword in the Tianyuan universe.

  If he had such a sword, it is estimated that every day the sword would not leave his hand, it would be possible to offer it.

  But this sword was randomly wrapped in a piece of cloth by Madman Chu.

   "The sword is psychic because of its holding. The important person who holds the sword is the heart of the sword. The appearance of the sword is just a layer of decoration."

  Chu madman said lightly.

"well said!"

  Sword Spirit Patriarch could not help applauding.

  Everyone understands this truth, and he also understands it, but perhaps because he believes that Madman Chu is a heavenly sword, he always feels that this is extremely extraordinary when he speaks it from the other party's mouth.

   "I wonder if the patriarch came to call me this time, what's the matter?"

   "Ha, I mainly came to see Wudao. Besides, the Sword God King will also invite you to come."

  Sword Spirit Patriarch said.

  Sword God King?

  The madman Chu's eyes flashed slightly.

   Sword God King, one of the peak powerhouses of Tianyuan Universe, does such a person doubt his identity if he wants to see him?

  No, I should just want to see my own Heavenly Sword.

  Chu madman did not think much, "Let's go."

  Not long after, a few people came to Shenjian Peak, and Madman Chu also saw the famous sword **** king who moved the universe.

  "Heaven Sword, please sit down."

  Sword God King smiled faintly, pointing to a stone bench next to a stone table not far away and smiling.

  And on the stone table, there is also a chessboard.

  The Madman Chu didn’t have stage fright, so he sat down directly. As for the sword spirit patriarch and others, they stood beside him.

  The patriarch had nothing to do, but the Madman Chu could sit.

  It can be seen how respected the position of the word Heaven Sword in the sword spirit family.

   "Can you play chess?"

   Sword God King smiled faintly.


   "Two rounds."


  Chu madman took Heizi first, and when he dropped a word, he felt a surge of sword intent pouring out of the chessboard!

  His eyes condensed, this round is not easy.

   "I don't know what Heavenly Sword thinks, what is a sword?" the Sword God King asked.

  Oh, is this to talk to him?

  Heh, speaking of this, he hasn't been afraid of anyone yet. His deep understanding on the Tao, even in the entire Pangu universe, few people can match.

  Even facing a strong man like the Sword God King, he was not afraid.

   "The sword is just a layman's name. There is no sword in the world."

  Chu madman said lightly, he placed another piece, and the sword intent on the chessboard became more and more turbulent, but he looked calm and asked: "The **** king thinks, what is a sword?"

  "Heavenly Sword believes that there is no sword in the world, but I think that the sword is both heaven and earth."


  The madman of Chu nodded slightly, and after he settled down, he heard the Sword God continue to ask: "Sword, but what is it?"

  "A sword is a human being, a man is a sword, and a sword heart is a human heart. What is a sword?"

   "The sword is everything, UU reading, where the sword is intent, everything is a sword."

  Chu Madman and Sword God King are playing chess and talking about kendo.

  The tongue shines with the lotus flower, and the ground springs with the golden lotus.

  Even the Sword Spirit Patriarch and others heard it and felt that they had gained a lot. Looking at the Madman Chu, they couldn't help but sigh with emotion that the Heavenly Sword is the Heavenly Sword, and they can discuss the Tao with the God King.

Although    is just a big Luo Sanhua Realm, the understanding of kendo has already reached the point where it has been in the past.

With more and more chess pieces on the chessboard, Madman Chu felt that the sword intent was surging and stronger. He felt that the chessboard in front of him seemed to have turned into a turbulent flow, but he was a small leaf. The flat boat may be knocked over in this rapid turbulence at any time.

  Should it be said that it is really worthy of the sword intent of the **** king? It is indeed horrible.

  The madman of Chu thought to himself, glanced at the chess game, and landed another move.

And the Sword God King couldn’t help but admire it secretly, “Should I say that it’s really a Heavenly Sword? With this kind of sword intent, let’s not talk about the Three-Flower Realm of Daluo, even Daoluo’s Dzogchen may not be able to remain normal. Thinking, but not only can he play against me, he can even talk to me on the side, it’s amazing."

  (End of this chapter)

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