Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1001: : Comprehend the big Luo Yi of the ice, the fame spreads, who competes with the sky s

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Quiet, deathly silence! !

The entire battlefield was silent, and everyone was immersed in a silent shock.

Madman Chu's sword was too bright and coquettish!

For a moment, from that sword, they seemed to see the world and the ultimate of kendo!

"Is this the Heavenly Sword?!"

"In the legend, the sword spirit family will give birth to a heavenly sword, and this heavenly sword will bring the sword spirit family to the pinnacle of the universe. It seems that this legend is not unfounded."

"Such a monster, if it grows up over time, it is definitely a terrifying existence that is no less than the Sword God King."

"As a three-flower realm, but with the ability to cut five qi, it's terrifying!"

Everyone looked at Madman Chu and couldn't help but marvel.

Especially for some sword repairmen, there was a faint look of worship in their eyes.

The sword just now made them see a whole new world.

"Provoke God, the crime deserves it."

Madman Chu said lightly, and then looked at Leng Jiufeng who had been frightened by Yijian not far away, and shook his head slightly, "If it is all the enchantments of the gods, it would be really disappointing."

Without saying anything, he cut out with a single sword!

Leng Jiufeng, who had been hit hard, was naturally unable to block this sword. When the achievement was torn apart by the sword energy, it turned into blood mist and exploded!

"Little Lord!"

In the distance, another Tianhan Clan Daluo screamed.

Suddenly, her delicate body trembled slightly, and she suddenly felt a numb scalp, but Madman Chu in the distance suddenly looked at her.

Those eyes were calm, deep, and indifferent.

It was a feeling as if looking at the ants. She, the dignified Five-Aura Realm, was actually killed by a guy in the Three-Flower Realm? !

what is this?

She was angry inside, but faintly, a little frightened.

"No, the strength of the Clan Bing Patriarch is not inferior to me, and there is another Heavenly Sword whose strength is unknown. If I continue to stay here, I am afraid that I will die forever! Leave!!!"

She didn't hesitate, her figure flashed and disappeared instantly.

Madman Chu glanced, and didn't bother to chase after him.

Then, he walked to Han Xingyu and said lightly: "Are you the Hanshuang sword body?"

"Yes, see Tianjian!"

After seeing Madman Chu, the always glamorous Han Xingyu showed a zealous look in his eyes.

She saw the power of the heavenly sword.

That is the power she yearns for, a kind of seed of becoming stronger has been planted in her heart.

"From now on, you will follow me and be a swordsman."

"Sword Servant?"

Han Xingyu was stunned for a moment. As a sword servant, this was a development she had never thought of. Didn't she go to the sword spirit clan for further study? Why did you suddenly become a swordsman?

But thinking about Madman Chu's strength and demeanor just now, she didn't have much resistance in her heart, and there was even a kind of happy mood.

"Why, don't you want it?"

Seeing the other party hesitate, Madman Chu continued to say, "If you don't want to, then I can let Ling Fei take you back to the sword spirit clan."

He didn't want to be overwhelmed by others.

"No, I am willing!" Han Xingyu said quickly.

Perhaps, following Tianjian, she would have a greater harvest than going to the sword spirit clan for further study.

"Very good, then help me hold it."

Madman Chu inserted Wudao back into the scabbard, and then threw it to Han Xingyu.

what? !

Han Xingyu was shocked and quickly caught it, but the Wudao sword body trembled, seeming to be very dissatisfied with others contacting him, so he would burst into sword pressure.

But Madman Chu seemed to be the first to notice its temper, his eyes glared, and the opponent suddenly became quiet.

"Is this really good?"

Han Xingyu swallowed, looking at the Wudao sword in his hand, feeling a great pressure.

I took it in my own hand, but it was innocent.

The supreme divine sword of the Sword Spirit clan, for countless years, even a handful of people have touched it, but now, it is held by a little golden fairy like himself.

"This can be."

"okay then."

Since Madman Chu had said so, Han Xingyu did not refuse.

Many swordsmen around looked at Han Xingyu, envious, even Ling Fei couldn't help saying, "You are lucky."

"Heavenly Sword is coming, my Frost Clan, Pengxun is shining."

Chief Hanbing walked over and said with a smile.

"The patriarch is polite."

"Thank you Heavenly Sword for sending evil guests for my Frost Clan."

"The Frost Clan is a subsidiary force of my Sword Spirit Clan, so it is necessary to protect you from other forces."

"Heaven Sword, please inside."

People from the Tianhan clan died or left, and the banquet continued.

Madman Chu also participated in this banquet, and many people boldly came up to toast and friendship with him, but most of them were blocked by Ling Fei.

A few days later, the banquet ended.

Everyone left one after another. Madman Chu stayed in the Hanbing Clan for a few more days. The reason for staying was that after fighting against the people of the Tianhan Clan, he had to feel a brand new big Luo Yi again.

Bing Bing Da Luo Yi!

Frost Sword Star, on a certain peak.

Madman Chu stood standing on the mountain peak, Ling Fei and Han Xingyu standing behind him, feeling the icy cold escaping from him, it was actually trembling with the cold.

The wind and snow are endless, roaring in all directions.

Suddenly, the Madman Chu's sword fingers condensed, and a sword gas poured out from his fingertips!

When the sword gas passed, the wind and snow were all frozen!

Actually, with coldness!

"This Bing Bing Da Luo Yi is not far behind Leng Jiufeng's, right."

Ling Fei grunted and couldn't help swallowing saliva.

You know, Leng Jiufeng is the evildoer of the Tianhan clan, and it took countless years to condense the ice big Luoyi.

But how long did it take for the Chu Kuang talents to reach the height of countless years for the opponent.

"I doubt if the Sky Sword specializes in a kind of big Luo Yi, it won't be long before it will be able to reach the extreme of seven steps."

Han Xingyu said in a daze.

In her opinion, Madman Chu's methods are too unbelievable.

"Heavenly Sword cultivates the supreme sword art of the sword spirit clan, the Wanxiang sword art. The profound meaning of this sword art is to transform all things into one sword, but the heavenly sword transforms all things into one sword."

"Which is better?" Han Xingyu asked curiously.

"I don't know, maybe these two kendos are not the way that the sky sword really wants to go. The power of the sky sword is not something I can guess."

Ling Fei shook his head.


The storm is starting again.

Madman Chu reduced his sword and said lightly: "We should leave."


Next, they bid farewell to the Frost Clan, left Frost Sword Star, took a battleship, and began to wander in the Tianyuan universe.

And since Chu Madman sword cut Leng Jiufeng, many people couldn't help but pay attention to him.

Heavenly Sword, a legendary character in the sword spirit family, but now that the legend has appeared, it is difficult not to be noticeable.

"No wonder there was that kind of anomaly some time ago, it turned out that the Heavenly Sword appeared."

"Heavenly Sword is present, this person will probably cause a lot of disturbances in the Tianyuan Universe in the future."

"Indeed, he can kill Leng Jiufeng, the twenty-first of the gods with a single sword, his strength should not be underestimated. I don't know how he compares to the top ten of the gods?

"The top ten of the gods are all monsters. I am afraid that only these people can compete with the heavenly sword!"

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